blob: d8ec3cf046a1cb0b88e2725a434dc1aecab06f64 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2012 Google Inc.
* Licensed to The Android Open Source Project.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import android.content.Context;
import android.content.SharedPreferences;
import java.util.Set;
* A high-level API to store and retrieve unified mail preferences.
* <p>
* This will serve as an eventual replacement for Gmail's Persistence class.
public final class MailPrefs extends VersionedPrefs {
public static final boolean SHOW_EXPERIMENTAL_PREFS = false;
private static final String PREFS_NAME = "UnifiedEmail";
private static MailPrefs sInstance;
public static final class PreferenceKeys {
private static final String MIGRATED_VERSION = "migrated-version";
public static final String WIDGET_ACCOUNT_PREFIX = "widget-account-";
/** Hidden preference to indicate what version a "What's New" dialog was last shown for. */
public static final String WHATS_NEW_LAST_SHOWN_VERSION = "whats-new-last-shown-version";
* A boolean that, if <code>true</code>, means we should default all replies to "reply all"
public static final String DEFAULT_REPLY_ALL = "default-reply-all";
* A boolean that, if <code>true</code>, means we should allow conversation list swiping
public static final String CONVERSATION_LIST_SWIPE = "conversation-list-swipe";
/** A string indicating the user's removal action preference. */
public static final String REMOVAL_ACTION = "removal-action";
/** A boolean indicating that the user has seen the removal action dialog. */
public static final String REMOVAL_ACTION_DIALOG_SHOWN = "removal-action-dialog-shown";
/** Hidden preference used to cache the active notification set */
private static final String CACHED_ACTIVE_NOTIFICATION_SET =
private static final String
CONVERSATION_PHOTO_TEASER_SHOWN = "conversation-photo-teaser-shown-two";
public static final ImmutableSet<String> BACKUP_KEYS =
new ImmutableSet.Builder<String>()
public static final class ConversationListSwipeActions {
public static final String ARCHIVE = "archive";
public static final String DELETE = "delete";
public static final String DISABLED = "disabled";
public static final class RemovalActions {
public static final String ARCHIVE = "archive";
public static final String DELETE = "delete";
public static final String ARCHIVE_AND_DELETE = "archive-and-delete";
public static MailPrefs get(Context c) {
if (sInstance == null) {
sInstance = new MailPrefs(c);
return sInstance;
private MailPrefs(Context c) {
super(c, PREFS_NAME);
protected void performUpgrade(final int oldVersion, final int newVersion) {
if (oldVersion > newVersion) {
throw new IllegalStateException(
"You appear to have downgraded your app. Please clear app data.");
} else if (oldVersion == newVersion) {
protected boolean canBackup(final String key) {
return PreferenceKeys.BACKUP_KEYS.contains(key);
protected boolean hasMigrationCompleted() {
return getSharedPreferences().getInt(PreferenceKeys.MIGRATED_VERSION, 0)
protected void setMigrationComplete() {
getEditor().putInt(PreferenceKeys.MIGRATED_VERSION, CURRENT_VERSION_NUMBER).commit();
public boolean isWidgetConfigured(int appWidgetId) {
return getSharedPreferences().contains(PreferenceKeys.WIDGET_ACCOUNT_PREFIX + appWidgetId);
public void configureWidget(int appWidgetId, Account account, final String folderUri) {
getEditor().putString(PreferenceKeys.WIDGET_ACCOUNT_PREFIX + appWidgetId,
createWidgetPreferenceValue(account, folderUri)).apply();
public String getWidgetConfiguration(int appWidgetId) {
return getSharedPreferences().getString(PreferenceKeys.WIDGET_ACCOUNT_PREFIX + appWidgetId,
private static String createWidgetPreferenceValue(Account account, String folderUri) {
return account.uri.toString() + BaseWidgetProvider.ACCOUNT_FOLDER_PREFERENCE_SEPARATOR
+ folderUri;
public void clearWidgets(int[] appWidgetIds) {
for (int id : appWidgetIds) {
getEditor().remove(PreferenceKeys.WIDGET_ACCOUNT_PREFIX + id);
/** If <code>true</code>, we should default all replies to "reply all" rather than "reply" */
public boolean getDefaultReplyAll() {
return getSharedPreferences().getBoolean(PreferenceKeys.DEFAULT_REPLY_ALL, false);
public void setDefaultReplyAll(final boolean replyAll) {
getEditor().putBoolean(PreferenceKeys.DEFAULT_REPLY_ALL, replyAll).apply();
* Returns a string indicating the preferred removal action.
* Should be one of the {@link RemovalActions}.
public String getRemovalAction(final boolean supportsArchive) {
final String defaultAction = supportsArchive
? RemovalActions.ARCHIVE : RemovalActions.DELETE;
final SharedPreferences sharedPreferences = getSharedPreferences();
return sharedPreferences.getString(PreferenceKeys.REMOVAL_ACTION, defaultAction);
* Sets the removal action preference.
* @param removalAction The preferred {@link RemovalActions}.
public void setRemovalAction(final String removalAction) {
getEditor().putString(PreferenceKeys.REMOVAL_ACTION, removalAction).apply();
* Gets a boolean indicating whether conversation list swiping is enabled.
public boolean getIsConversationListSwipeEnabled() {
final SharedPreferences sharedPreferences = getSharedPreferences();
return sharedPreferences.getBoolean(PreferenceKeys.CONVERSATION_LIST_SWIPE, true);
public void setConversationListSwipeEnabled(final boolean enabled) {
getEditor().putBoolean(PreferenceKeys.CONVERSATION_LIST_SWIPE, enabled).apply();
* Gets the action to take (one of the values from {@link UIProvider.Swipe}) when an item in the
* conversation list is swiped.
* @param allowArchive <code>true</code> if Archive is an acceptable action (this will affect
* the default return value)
public int getConversationListSwipeActionInteger(final boolean allowArchive) {
final boolean swipeEnabled = getIsConversationListSwipeEnabled();
final boolean archive = !RemovalActions.DELETE.equals(getRemovalAction(allowArchive));
if (swipeEnabled) {
return archive ? UIProvider.Swipe.ARCHIVE : UIProvider.Swipe.DELETE;
return UIProvider.Swipe.DISABLED;
* Returns the previously cached notification set
public Set<String> getActiveNotificationSet() {
return getSharedPreferences()
.getStringSet(PreferenceKeys.CACHED_ACTIVE_NOTIFICATION_SET, null);
* Caches the current notification set.
public void cacheActiveNotificationSet(final Set<String> notificationSet) {
getEditor().putStringSet(PreferenceKeys.CACHED_ACTIVE_NOTIFICATION_SET, notificationSet)
* Returns whether the teaser has bee shown before
public boolean isConversationPhotoTeaserAlreadyShown() {
return getSharedPreferences()
.getBoolean(PreferenceKeys.CONVERSATION_PHOTO_TEASER_SHOWN, false);
* Notify that we have shown the teaser
public void setConversationPhotoTeaserAlreadyShown() {
getEditor().putBoolean(PreferenceKeys.CONVERSATION_PHOTO_TEASER_SHOWN, true).apply();
* Reset the flag so that next time, the teaser will be shown again
public void resetConversationPhotoTeaserAlreadyShown() {
getEditor().putBoolean(PreferenceKeys.CONVERSATION_PHOTO_TEASER_SHOWN, false).apply();
* @return <code>true</code> if the removal action dialog has been shown to the user,
* <code>false</code> otherwise
public boolean hasRemovalActionDialogShown() {
return getSharedPreferences().getBoolean(PreferenceKeys.REMOVAL_ACTION_DIALOG_SHOWN, false);
public void setRemovalActionDialogShown() {
getEditor().putBoolean(PreferenceKeys.REMOVAL_ACTION_DIALOG_SHOWN, true).apply();