blob: 1cdd31b19ce4c392a7c2f0efa716940bebad3985 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2010 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
import android.os.Debug;
import android.os.SystemClock;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
* Performance timing utilities for Gmail.
* There are two main ways to log performance. For simple, one off events, the static methods
* {@link #startTiming} and {@link #stopTiming} are sufficient:
* <pre>
* Timer.startTiming("myEvent");
* ... code for myEvent ...
* Timer.stopTiming("myEvent");
* </pre>
* The other way is to instantiate a timer that can be passed around, and started and paused. The
* timer will accumulate the results for each tag, and dump the results when asked.
* <pre>
* Timer timer = new Timer();
* for (int i = 0; i < lots; i++) {
* timer.start("tagA");
* ... code for tagA ...
* timer.pause("tagA");
* ... code that isn't relevant to timing ...
* }
* timer.dumpResults();
* </pre>
public class Timer {
private static final String LOG_TAG = new LogUtils().getLogTag();
// set this to false to compile out all timer calls
public static final boolean ENABLE_TIMER = false;
// Set to true to enable logging of performance stats.
private static final boolean LOG_PERFORMANCE_STATS = true;
/** An internal structure used for performance markers. */
private static class PerformancePoint {
public final long mCpuTimeNanos;
public final long mWallTimeMillis;
public PerformancePoint() {
mCpuTimeNanos = Debug.threadCpuTimeNanos();
mWallTimeMillis = SystemClock.uptimeMillis();
private final Map<String, ArrayList<PerformancePoint>> mPoints = Maps.newHashMap();
private final Map<String, Integer> mCounts = Maps.newHashMap();
private final boolean mEnabled;
public Timer() {
public Timer(boolean enable) {
mEnabled = enable;
public boolean isEnabled() {
return ENABLE_TIMER && mEnabled;
* Starts timing an event indicated by the {@code tag}.
public void start(String tag) {
if (ENABLE_TIMER && mEnabled) {
ArrayList<PerformancePoint> values = mPoints.get(tag);
if (values == null) {
values = new ArrayList<PerformancePoint>();
mPoints.put(tag, values);
if (values.size() % 2 == 0) {
values.add(new PerformancePoint());
* Stops timing an event indicated by the {@code tag}
public void pause(String tag) {
if (ENABLE_TIMER && mEnabled) {
ArrayList<PerformancePoint> values = mPoints.get(tag);
if (values != null && values.size() % 2 == 1) {
values.add(new PerformancePoint());
public void count(String tag) {
if (ENABLE_TIMER && mEnabled) {
Integer counts = mCounts.get(tag);
if (counts == null) {
counts = 0;
mCounts.put(tag, counts + 1);
public void clear() {
if (ENABLE_TIMER && mEnabled) {
* Dumps cumulative timing results for all tags recognized by this timer.
public void dumpResults() {
if (ENABLE_TIMER && mEnabled) {
for (Map.Entry<String, ArrayList<PerformancePoint>> entry : mPoints.entrySet()) {
String tag = entry.getKey();
ArrayList<PerformancePoint> values = entry.getValue();
long cpuDurationNanos = 0;
long wallDurationMillis = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < values.size() - 1; i += 2) {
PerformancePoint startPoint = values.get(i);
PerformancePoint endPoint = values.get(i + 1);
cpuDurationNanos += endPoint.mCpuTimeNanos - startPoint.mCpuTimeNanos;
wallDurationMillis += endPoint.mWallTimeMillis - startPoint.mWallTimeMillis;
if (cpuDurationNanos == 0) {
cpuDurationNanos = 1;
dumpTimings(tag, 1, cpuDurationNanos, wallDurationMillis);
for (Map.Entry<String, Integer> entry : mCounts.entrySet()) {
LogUtils.d(LOG_TAG, "Perf %s count: %d", entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());
* Used for timing one off events.
private static Map<String, PerformancePoint> sPerformanceCollector =
new ConcurrentHashMap<String, PerformancePoint>();
* Starts a one-off timer for an event. The event is denoted by {@code tag} and only one event
* of that tag may be timed at a given time.
public static void startTiming(String tag) {
sPerformanceCollector.put(tag, new PerformancePoint());
* Stops a one-off timer for an event indicated by {@code tag}.
public static void stopTiming(String tag) {
stopTiming(tag, 1 /* one subiteration */);
* Stops a one-off timer for an event indicated by {@code tag}, and indicates that the event
* consisted of {@code numSubIterations} sub-events, so that performance output will be denoted
* as such.
public static void stopTiming(String tag, int numSubIterations) {
PerformancePoint endPoint = new PerformancePoint();
PerformancePoint startPoint = sPerformanceCollector.get(tag);
if (startPoint == null) {
long cpuDurationNanos = endPoint.mCpuTimeNanos - startPoint.mCpuTimeNanos;
long wallDurationMillis = endPoint.mWallTimeMillis - startPoint.mWallTimeMillis;
// Make sure cpu Duration is non 0
if (cpuDurationNanos == 0) {
cpuDurationNanos = 1;
dumpTimings(tag, numSubIterations, cpuDurationNanos, wallDurationMillis);
private static void dumpTimings(String tag, int numSubIterations,
long cpuDurationNanos, long wallDurationMillis) {
// TODO(phamm): EventLogTags doens't work when building with SDK.
// EventLog.writeEvent(EventLogTags.GMAIL_PERF_END, tag,
// cpuDurationNanos / 1000000, wallDurationMillis, numSubIterations);
LogUtils.d(LOG_TAG, "Perf %s wall: %d cpu: %d",
tag, wallDurationMillis, (cpuDurationNanos / 1000000));
// print out the average time for each sub iteration
if (numSubIterations > 1) {
LogUtils.d(LOG_TAG, "Perf/operation %s wall: %d cpu: %d", tag,
(wallDurationMillis / numSubIterations),
((cpuDurationNanos / 1000000) / numSubIterations));