blob: fdd46d7be7d1d6850d3cad97bc760dc03a1bbeb6 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2012 Google Inc.
* Licensed to The Android Open Source Project.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import android.content.CursorLoader;
import android.content.Loader;
import android.database.Cursor;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.view.LayoutInflater;
import android.view.View;
import android.view.ViewGroup;
import android.widget.ArrayAdapter;
import android.widget.BaseAdapter;
import android.widget.ImageView;
import android.widget.ListAdapter;
import android.widget.ListView;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
* The folder list UI component.
public final class FolderListFragment extends ListFragment implements
LoaderManager.LoaderCallbacks<Cursor> {
private static final String LOG_TAG = LogTag.getLogTag();
/** The parent activity */
private ControllableActivity mActivity;
/** The underlying list view */
private ListView mListView;
/** URI that points to the list of folders for the current account. */
private Uri mFolderListUri;
/** True if you want a sectioned FolderList, false otherwise. */
private boolean mIsSectioned;
/** Is the current device using tablet UI (true if 2-pane, false if 1-pane) */
private boolean mIsTabletUI;
/** An {@link ArrayList} of {@link FolderType}s to exclude from displaying. */
private ArrayList<Integer> mExcludedFolderTypes;
/** Object that changes folders on our behalf. */
private FolderListSelectionListener mFolderChanger;
/** Object that changes accounts on our behalf */
private AccountController mAccountChanger;
/** The currently selected folder (the folder being viewed). This is never null. */
private Uri mSelectedFolderUri = Uri.EMPTY;
* The current folder from the controller. This is meant only to check when the unread count
* goes out of sync and fixing it. This should NOT be serialized and stored.
private Folder mCurrentFolderForUnreadCheck;
/** Parent of the current folder, or null if the current folder is not a child. */
private Folder mParentFolder;
private static final int FOLDER_LOADER_ID = 0;
/** Key to store {@link #mParentFolder}. */
private static final String ARG_PARENT_FOLDER = "arg-parent-folder";
/** Key to store {@link #mFolderListUri}. */
private static final String ARG_FOLDER_URI = "arg-folder-list-uri";
/** Key to store {@link #mIsSectioned} */
private static final String ARG_IS_SECTIONED = "arg-is-sectioned";
/** Key to store {@link #mIsTabletUI} */
private static final String ARG_IS_TABLET_UI = "arg-is-tablet-ui";
/** Key to store {@link #mExcludedFolderTypes} */
private static final String ARG_EXCLUDED_FOLDER_TYPES = "arg-excluded-folder-types";
/** Should the {@link FolderListFragment} show less labels to begin with? */
private static final boolean ARE_ITEMS_COLLAPSED = true;
private static final String BUNDLE_LIST_STATE = "flf-list-state";
private static final String BUNDLE_SELECTED_FOLDER = "flf-selected-folder";
private static final String BUNDLE_SELECTED_TYPE = "flf-selected-type";
private FolderListFragmentCursorAdapter mCursorAdapter;
/** View that we show while we are waiting for the folder list to load */
private View mEmptyView;
/** Observer to wait for changes to the current folder so we can change the selected folder */
private FolderObserver mFolderObserver = null;
/** Listen for account changes. */
private AccountObserver mAccountObserver = null;
/** Listen to changes to list of all accounts */
private AllAccountObserver mAllAccountObserver = null;
* Type of currently selected folder: {@link DrawerItem#FOLDER_SYSTEM},
* {@link DrawerItem#FOLDER_RECENT} or {@link DrawerItem#FOLDER_USER}.
// Setting to INERT_HEADER = leaving uninitialized.
private int mSelectedFolderType = DrawerItem.INERT_HEADER;
private Cursor mFutureData;
private ConversationListCallbacks mConversationListCallback;
/** The current account according to the controller */
private Account mCurrentAccount;
/** List of all accounts currently known */
private Account[] mAllAccounts;
* Constructor needs to be public to handle orientation changes and activity lifecycle events.
public FolderListFragment() {
* Creates a new instance of {@link ConversationListFragment}, initialized
* to display conversation list context.
* @param isSectioned True if sections should be shown for folder list
* @param isTabletUI True if two-pane layout, false if not
public static FolderListFragment newInstance(Folder parentFolder, Uri folderUri,
boolean isSectioned, boolean isTabletUI) {
return newInstance(parentFolder, folderUri, isSectioned, null, isTabletUI);
* Creates a new instance of {@link ConversationListFragment}, initialized
* to display conversation list context.
* @param isSectioned True if sections should be shown for folder list
* @param excludedFolderTypes A list of {@link FolderType}s to exclude from displaying
* @param isTabletUI True if two-pane layout, false if not
public static FolderListFragment newInstance(Folder parentFolder, Uri folderUri,
boolean isSectioned, final ArrayList<Integer> excludedFolderTypes,
boolean isTabletUI) {
final FolderListFragment fragment = new FolderListFragment();
final Bundle args = new Bundle();
if (parentFolder != null) {
args.putParcelable(ARG_PARENT_FOLDER, parentFolder);
args.putString(ARG_FOLDER_URI, folderUri.toString());
args.putBoolean(ARG_IS_SECTIONED, isSectioned);
args.putBoolean(ARG_IS_TABLET_UI, isTabletUI);
if (excludedFolderTypes != null) {
args.putIntegerArrayList(ARG_EXCLUDED_FOLDER_TYPES, excludedFolderTypes);
return fragment;
public void onActivityCreated(Bundle savedState) {
// Strictly speaking, we get back an from getActivity. However, the
// only activity creating a ConversationListContext is a MailActivity which is of type
// ControllableActivity, so this cast should be safe. If this cast fails, some other
// activity is creating ConversationListFragments. This activity must be of type
// ControllableActivity.
final Activity activity = getActivity();
if (! (activity instanceof ControllableActivity)){, "FolderListFragment expects only a ControllableActivity to" +
"create it. Cannot proceed.");
mActivity = (ControllableActivity) activity;
mConversationListCallback = mActivity.getListHandler();
final FolderController controller = mActivity.getFolderController();
// Listen to folder changes in the future
mFolderObserver = new FolderObserver() {
public void onChanged(Folder newFolder) {
if (controller != null) {
// Only register for selected folder updates if we have a controller.
mCurrentFolderForUnreadCheck = mFolderObserver.initialize(controller);
final AccountController accountController = mActivity.getAccountController();
mAccountObserver = new AccountObserver() {
public void onChanged(Account newAccount) {
if (accountController != null) {
// Current account and its observer.
mCurrentAccount = mAccountObserver.initialize(accountController);
// List of all accounts and its observer.
mAllAccountObserver = new AllAccountObserver(){
public void onChanged(Account[] allAccounts) {
mAllAccounts = allAccounts;
mAllAccounts = mAllAccountObserver.initialize(accountController);
mAccountChanger = accountController;
mFolderChanger = mActivity.getFolderListSelectionListener();
if (mActivity.isFinishing()) {
// Activity is finishing, just bail.
final Folder selectedFolder;
if (mParentFolder != null) {
mCursorAdapter = new HierarchicalFolderListAdapter(null, mParentFolder);
selectedFolder = mActivity.getHierarchyFolder();
} else {
// Initiate FLA with accounts and folders collapsed in the list
// The second param is for whether folders should be collapsed
// The third param is for whether accounts should be collapsed
mCursorAdapter = new FolderListAdapter(mIsSectioned,
selectedFolder = controller == null ? null : controller.getFolder();
// Is the selected folder fresher than the one we have restored from a bundle?
if (selectedFolder != null && !selectedFolder.uri.equals(mSelectedFolderUri)) {
// Set the region which gets highlighted since it might not have been set till now.
getLoaderManager().initLoader(FOLDER_LOADER_ID, Bundle.EMPTY, this);
public View onCreateView(LayoutInflater inflater, ViewGroup container,
Bundle savedState) {
final Bundle args = getArguments();
mFolderListUri = Uri.parse(args.getString(ARG_FOLDER_URI));
mParentFolder = (Folder) args.getParcelable(ARG_PARENT_FOLDER);
mIsSectioned = args.getBoolean(ARG_IS_SECTIONED);
mIsTabletUI = args.getBoolean(ARG_IS_TABLET_UI);
mExcludedFolderTypes = args.getIntegerArrayList(ARG_EXCLUDED_FOLDER_TYPES);
final View rootView = inflater.inflate(R.layout.folder_list, null);
mListView = (ListView) rootView.findViewById(;
if (savedState != null && savedState.containsKey(BUNDLE_LIST_STATE)) {
mEmptyView = rootView.findViewById(;
if (savedState != null && savedState.containsKey(BUNDLE_SELECTED_FOLDER)) {
mSelectedFolderUri = Uri.parse(savedState.getString(BUNDLE_SELECTED_FOLDER));
mSelectedFolderType = savedState.getInt(BUNDLE_SELECTED_TYPE);
} else if (mParentFolder != null) {
mSelectedFolderUri = mParentFolder.uri;
// No selected folder type required for hierarchical lists.
return rootView;
public void onStart() {
public void onStop() {
public void onPause() {
public void onSaveInstanceState(Bundle outState) {
if (mListView != null) {
outState.putParcelable(BUNDLE_LIST_STATE, mListView.onSaveInstanceState());
if (mSelectedFolderUri != null) {
outState.putString(BUNDLE_SELECTED_FOLDER, mSelectedFolderUri.toString());
outState.putInt(BUNDLE_SELECTED_TYPE, mSelectedFolderType);
public void onDestroyView() {
if (mCursorAdapter != null) {
// Clear the adapter.
if (mFolderObserver != null) {
mFolderObserver = null;
if (mAccountObserver != null) {
mAccountObserver = null;
if (mAllAccountObserver != null) {
mAllAccountObserver = null;
public void onListItemClick(ListView l, View v, int position, long id) {
* Display the conversation list from the folder at the position given.
* @param position a zero indexed position into the list.
private void viewFolderOrChangeAccount(int position) {
final Object item = getListAdapter().getItem(position);
final Folder folder;
if (item instanceof DrawerItem) {
final DrawerItem folderItem = (DrawerItem) item;
// Could be a folder, account, or expand block.
final int itemType = mCursorAdapter.getItemType(folderItem);
if (itemType == DrawerItem.VIEW_ACCOUNT) {
// Account, so switch.
folder = null;
final Account account = mCursorAdapter.getFullAccount(folderItem);
} else if (itemType == DrawerItem.VIEW_FOLDER) {
// Folder type, so change folders only.
folder = mCursorAdapter.getFullFolder(folderItem);
mSelectedFolderType = folderItem.mFolderType;
} else {
// Block for expanding/contracting labels/accounts
folder = null;
if(!folderItem.mIsExpandForAccount) {
} else {
} else if (item instanceof Folder) {
folder = (Folder) item;
} else {
folder = new Folder((Cursor) item);
if (folder != null) {
// Since we may be looking at hierarchical views, if we can
// determine the parent of the folder we have tapped, set it here.
// If we are looking at the folder we are already viewing, don't
// update its parent!
folder.parent = folder.equals(mParentFolder) ? null : mParentFolder;
// Go to the conversation list for this folder.
public Loader<Cursor> onCreateLoader(int id, Bundle args) {
return new CursorLoader(mActivity.getActivityContext(), mFolderListUri,
UIProvider.FOLDERS_PROJECTION, null, null, null);
public void onAnimationEnd() {
if (mFutureData != null) {
mFutureData = null;
private void updateCursorAdapter(Cursor data) {
if (data == null || data.getCount() == 0) {
public void onLoadFinished(Loader<Cursor> loader, Cursor data) {
if (mConversationListCallback == null || !mConversationListCallback.isAnimating()) {
} else {
mFutureData = data;
public void onLoaderReset(Loader<Cursor> loader) {
* Interface for all cursor adapters that allow setting a cursor and being destroyed.
private interface FolderListFragmentCursorAdapter extends ListAdapter {
/** Update the folder list cursor with the cursor given here. */
void setCursor(Cursor cursor);
/** Toggles showing more accounts or less accounts. */
boolean toggleShowLessAccounts();
/** Toggles showing more folders or less. */
boolean toggleShowLessFolders();
* Given an item, find the type of the item, which is {@link
* DrawerItem#VIEW_FOLDER}, {@link DrawerItem#VIEW_ACCOUNT} or
* {@link DrawerItem#VIEW_MORE}
* @return the type of the item.
int getItemType(DrawerItem item);
/** Get the folder associated with this item. **/
Folder getFullFolder(DrawerItem item);
/** Get the account associated with this item. **/
Account getFullAccount(DrawerItem item);
/** Remove all observers and destroy the object. */
void destroy();
/** Notifies the adapter that the data has changed. */
void notifyDataSetChanged();
* An adapter for flat folder lists.
private class FolderListAdapter extends BaseAdapter implements FolderListFragmentCursorAdapter {
private final RecentFolderObserver mRecentFolderObserver = new RecentFolderObserver() {
public void onChanged() {
/** After given number of accounts, show "more" until expanded. */
private static final int MAX_ACCOUNTS = 2;
/** After the given number of labels, show "more" until expanded. */
private static final int MAX_FOLDERS = 7;
private final RecentFolderList mRecentFolders;
/** True if the list is sectioned, false otherwise */
private final boolean mIsSectioned;
/** All the items */
private final List<DrawerItem> mItemList = new ArrayList<DrawerItem>();
/** Cursor into the folder list. This might be null. */
private Cursor mCursor = null;
/** Watcher for tracking and receiving unread counts for mail */
private FolderWatcher mFolderWatcher = null;
private boolean mShowLessFolders;
private boolean mShowLessAccounts;
/** Track whether the accounts have folder watchers added to them yet */
private boolean mAccountsWatched;
* Creates a {@link FolderListAdapter}.This is a flat folder list of all the folders for the
* given account.
* @param isSectioned TODO(viki):
public FolderListAdapter(boolean isSectioned, boolean showLess, boolean showLessAccounts) {
mIsSectioned = isSectioned;
final RecentFolderController controller = mActivity.getRecentFolderController();
if (controller != null && mIsSectioned) {
mRecentFolders = mRecentFolderObserver.initialize(controller);
} else {
mRecentFolders = null;
mFolderWatcher = new FolderWatcher(mActivity, this);
mShowLessFolders = showLess;
mShowLessAccounts = showLessAccounts;
mAccountsWatched = false;
* If accounts have not yet been added to folder watcher due to various
* null pointer issues, add them.
public void initFolderWatcher() {
if (!mAccountsWatched && mAllAccounts != null) {
for (int i = 0; i < mAllAccounts.length; i++) {
final Uri uri = mAllAccounts[i].settings.defaultInbox;
mAccountsWatched = true;
public View getView(int position, View convertView, ViewGroup parent) {
final DrawerItem item = (DrawerItem) getItem(position);
final View view = item.getView(position, convertView, parent);
final int type = item.mType;
if (mListView!= null) {
final boolean isSelected =
item.isHighlighted(mCurrentFolderForUnreadCheck, mSelectedFolderType);
if (type == DrawerItem.VIEW_FOLDER) {
mListView.setItemChecked(position, isSelected);
// If this is the current folder, also check to verify that the unread count
// matches what the action bar shows.
if (type == DrawerItem.VIEW_FOLDER
&& isSelected
&& (mCurrentFolderForUnreadCheck != null)
&& item.mFolder.unreadCount != mCurrentFolderForUnreadCheck.unreadCount) {
((FolderItemView) view).overrideUnreadCount(
return view;
public int getViewTypeCount() {
// Accounts, headers and folders
return DrawerItem.getViewTypes();
public int getItemViewType(int position) {
return ((DrawerItem) getItem(position)).mType;
public int getCount() {
return mItemList.size();
public boolean isEnabled(int position) {
final DrawerItem item = (DrawerItem) getItem(position);
return item.isItemEnabled(getCurrentAccountUri());
private Uri getCurrentAccountUri() {
return mCurrentAccount == null ? Uri.EMPTY : mCurrentAccount.uri;
public boolean areAllItemsEnabled() {
// The headers and current accounts are not enabled.
return false;
* Returns all the recent folders from the list given here. Safe to call with a null list.
* @param recentList a list of all recently accessed folders.
* @return a valid list of folders, which are all recent folders.
private List<Folder> getRecentFolders(RecentFolderList recentList) {
final List<Folder> folderList = new ArrayList<Folder>();
if (recentList == null) {
return folderList;
// Get all recent folders, after removing system folders.
for (final Folder f : recentList.getRecentFolderList(null)) {
if (!f.isProviderFolder()) {
return folderList;
* Toggle boolean for what folders are shown and which ones are
* hidden. Redraws list after toggling to show changes.
* @return true if folders are hidden, false if all are shown
public boolean toggleShowLessFolders() {
mShowLessFolders = !mShowLessFolders;
return mShowLessFolders;
* Toggle boolean for what accounts are shown and which ones are
* hidden. Redraws list after toggling to show changes.
* @return true if accounts are hidden, false if all are shown
public boolean toggleShowLessAccounts() {
mShowLessAccounts = !mShowLessAccounts;
return mShowLessAccounts;
* Responsible for verifying mCursor, adding collapsed view items
* when necessary, and notifying the data set has changed.
private void recalculateList() {
if (mCursor == null || mCursor.isClosed() || mCursor.getCount() <= 0
|| !mCursor.moveToFirst()) {
if(mShowLessFolders) {
mItemList.add(new DrawerItem(mActivity, R.string.folder_list_more, false));
// Ask the list to invalidate its views.
* Recalculates the system, recent and user label lists.
* This method modifies all the three lists on every single invocation.
private void recalculateListFolders() {
if (mAllAccounts != null) {
// Add the accounts at the top. Tell mFolderWatcher which
// folders to track in case accounts were null earlier on.
// TODO(shahrk): The logic here is messy and will be changed
// to properly add/reflect on LRU/MRU account
// changes similar to RecentFoldersList
int unreadCount;
if (mShowLessAccounts && mAllAccounts.length > MAX_ACCOUNTS) {
// Add show all accounts block along with current accounts
mItemList.add(new DrawerItem(
mActivity, R.string.folder_list_show_all_accounts, true));
unreadCount = getInboxUnreadCount(mCurrentAccount);
mItemList.add(new DrawerItem(mActivity, mCurrentAccount, unreadCount));
} else {
// Add all accounts and then the current account
Uri currentAccountUri = getCurrentAccountUri();
for (final Account account : mAllAccounts) {
if (!currentAccountUri.equals(account.uri)) {
unreadCount = getInboxUnreadCount(account);
mItemList.add(new DrawerItem(mActivity, account, unreadCount));
unreadCount = getInboxUnreadCount(mCurrentAccount);
mItemList.add(new DrawerItem(mActivity, mCurrentAccount, unreadCount));
if (!mIsSectioned) {
// Adapter for a flat list. Everything is a FOLDER_USER, and there are no headers.
do {
final Folder f = Folder.getDeficientDisplayOnlyFolder(mCursor);
if (!isFolderTypeExcluded(f)) {
mItemList.add(new DrawerItem(mActivity, f, DrawerItem.FOLDER_USER,
} while (mCursor.moveToNext());
// Ask the list to invalidate its views.
// Tracks how many folders have been added through the rest of the function
int folderCount = 0;
// Otherwise, this is an adapter for a sectioned list.
// First add all the system folders.
final List<DrawerItem> userFolderList = new ArrayList<DrawerItem>();
do {
final Folder f = Folder.getDeficientDisplayOnlyFolder(mCursor);
if (!isFolderTypeExcluded(f)) {
if (f.isProviderFolder()) {
mItemList.add(new DrawerItem(mActivity, f, DrawerItem.FOLDER_SYSTEM,
// Check if show less is enabled and we've passed max folders
if(mShowLessFolders && folderCount >= MAX_FOLDERS) {
} else {
userFolderList.add(new DrawerItem(
mActivity, f, DrawerItem.FOLDER_USER, mCursor.getPosition()));
} while (mCursor.moveToNext());
// If there are recent folders, add them and a header.
final List<Folder> recentFolderList = getRecentFolders(mRecentFolders);
// Remove any excluded folder types
if (mExcludedFolderTypes != null) {
final Iterator<Folder> iterator = recentFolderList.iterator();
while (iterator.hasNext()) {
if (isFolderTypeExcluded( {
if (recentFolderList.size() > 0) {
mItemList.add(new DrawerItem(mActivity, R.string.recent_folders_heading));
for (Folder f : recentFolderList) {
mItemList.add(new DrawerItem(mActivity, f, DrawerItem.FOLDER_RECENT, -1));
// Check if show less is enabled and we've passed max folders
if(mShowLessFolders && folderCount >= MAX_FOLDERS) {
// If there are user folders, add them and a header.
if (userFolderList.size() > 0) {
mItemList.add(new DrawerItem(mActivity, R.string.all_folders_heading));
for (final DrawerItem i : userFolderList) {
// Check if show less is enabled and we've passed max folders
if(mShowLessFolders && folderCount >= MAX_FOLDERS) {
* Given an account, get the unreadCount from the FolderWatcher.
* @param account Account to get inbox unread count from
* @return Default inbox unread count
public int getInboxUnreadCount(Account account) {
int unreadCount = 0;
Folder inbox = mFolderWatcher.get(account.settings.defaultInbox);
if (inbox != null) {
// If inbox is found, get updated count otherwise NPE can be
// thrown
unreadCount = inbox.unreadCount;
} else {
unreadCount = 0;
return unreadCount;
public void setCursor(Cursor cursor) {
mCursor = cursor;
public Object getItem(int position) {
return mItemList.get(position);
public long getItemId(int position) {
return getItem(position).hashCode();
public final void destroy() {
public int getItemType(DrawerItem item) {
return item.mType;
public Folder getFullFolder(DrawerItem folderItem) {
if (folderItem.mFolderType == DrawerItem.FOLDER_RECENT) {
return folderItem.mFolder;
} else {
int pos = folderItem.mPosition;
if (mFutureData != null) {
mCursor = mFutureData;
mFutureData = null;
if (pos > -1 && mCursor != null && !mCursor.isClosed()
&& mCursor.moveToPosition(folderItem.mPosition)) {
return new Folder(mCursor);
} else {
return null;
public Account getFullAccount(DrawerItem item) {
return item.mAccount;
private class HierarchicalFolderListAdapter extends ArrayAdapter<Folder>
implements FolderListFragmentCursorAdapter{
private static final int PARENT = 0;
private static final int CHILD = 1;
private final Uri mParentUri;
private final Folder mParent;
private final FolderItemView.DropHandler mDropHandler;
private Cursor mCursor;
public HierarchicalFolderListAdapter(Cursor c, Folder parentFolder) {
super(mActivity.getActivityContext(), R.layout.folder_item);
mDropHandler = mActivity;
mParent = parentFolder;
mParentUri = parentFolder.uri;
public int getViewTypeCount() {
// Child and Parent
return 2;
public int getItemViewType(int position) {
final Folder f = getItem(position);
return f.uri.equals(mParentUri) ? PARENT : CHILD;
public View getView(int position, View convertView, ViewGroup parent) {
final FolderItemView folderItemView;
final Folder folder = getItem(position);
boolean isParent = folder.uri.equals(mParentUri);
if (convertView != null) {
folderItemView = (FolderItemView) convertView;
} else {
int resId = isParent ? R.layout.folder_item : R.layout.child_folder_item;
folderItemView = (FolderItemView) LayoutInflater.from(
mActivity.getActivityContext()).inflate(resId, null);
folderItemView.bind(folder, mDropHandler);
if (folder.uri.equals(mSelectedFolderUri)) {
getListView().setItemChecked(position, true);
// If this is the current folder, also check to verify that the unread count
// matches what the action bar shows.
final boolean unreadCountDiffers = (mCurrentFolderForUnreadCheck != null)
&& folder.unreadCount != mCurrentFolderForUnreadCheck.unreadCount;
if (unreadCountDiffers) {
Folder.setFolderBlockColor(folder, folderItemView.findViewById(;
Folder.setIcon(folder, (ImageView) folderItemView.findViewById(;
return folderItemView;
public void setCursor(Cursor cursor) {
mCursor = cursor;
if (mParent != null) {
if (cursor != null && cursor.getCount() > 0) {
do {
Folder f = new Folder(cursor);
f.parent = mParent;
} while (cursor.moveToNext());
public void destroy() {
// Do nothing.
public int getItemType(DrawerItem item) {
// Always returns folders for now.
return DrawerItem.VIEW_FOLDER;
public Folder getFullFolder(DrawerItem folderItem) {
int pos = folderItem.mPosition;
if (mCursor == null || mCursor.isClosed()) {
// See if we have a cursor hanging out we can use
mCursor = mFutureData;
mFutureData = null;
if (pos > -1 && mCursor != null && !mCursor.isClosed()
&& mCursor.moveToPosition(folderItem.mPosition)) {
return new Folder(mCursor);
} else {
return null;
public Account getFullAccount(DrawerItem item) {
return null;
public boolean toggleShowLessFolders() {
return false;
public boolean toggleShowLessAccounts() {
return false;
* Sets the currently selected folder safely.
* @param folder
private void setSelectedFolder(Folder folder) {
if (folder == null) {
mSelectedFolderUri = Uri.EMPTY;
LogUtils.e(LOG_TAG, "FolderListFragment.setSelectedFolder(null) called!");
// If the current folder changed, we don't have a selected folder type anymore.
if (!folder.uri.equals(mSelectedFolderUri)) {
mSelectedFolderType = DrawerItem.INERT_HEADER;
mCurrentFolderForUnreadCheck = folder;
mSelectedFolderUri = folder.uri;
if (mCursorAdapter != null) {
* Sets the selected folder type safely.
* @param folder folder to set to.
private void setSelectedFolderType(Folder folder) {
// If it is set already, assume it is correct.
if (mSelectedFolderType != DrawerItem.INERT_HEADER) {
mSelectedFolderType = folder.isProviderFolder() ? DrawerItem.FOLDER_SYSTEM
: DrawerItem.FOLDER_USER;
* Sets the current account to the one provided here.
* @param account the current account to set to.
private void setSelectedAccount(Account account){
mCurrentAccount = account;
public interface FolderListSelectionListener {
public void onFolderSelected(Folder folder);
* Get whether the FolderListFragment is currently showing the hierarchy
* under a single parent.
public boolean showingHierarchy() {
return mParentFolder != null;
* Checks if the specified {@link Folder} is a type that we want to exclude from displaying.
private boolean isFolderTypeExcluded(final Folder folder) {
if (mExcludedFolderTypes == null) {
return false;
for (final int excludedType : mExcludedFolderTypes) {
if (folder.isType(excludedType)) {
return true;
return false;