blob: c982a77920acfa41d3cd45d106f3189af32c5a22 [file] [log] [blame]
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
Copyright (C) 2011 Google Inc.
Licensed to The Android Open Source Project.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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<!-- Boolean value indicating whether the tablet UI should be used. -->
<bool name="use_tablet_ui">false</bool>
<integer name="conversation_header_mode">1</integer>
<integer name="conversation_list_search_header_mode">1</integer>
<!-- left/right conversations will auto-load if they have no more than this number of messages -->
<integer name="max_auto_load_messages">20</integer>
<!-- Frequency (in milliseconds) for the refresh of timestamps in conversation list fragments. -->
<integer name="timestamp_update_interval">60000</integer>
<!-- Relative weights of the different views. These three
determine how much of the screen width is taken by the
different views. For the default layout (phone), these values
are equal. These are only used in TwoPaneLayout, so they need
to be specified for sw600dp and sw720dp layouts. -->
<integer name="folder_list_weight">1</integer>
<integer name="conversation_list_weight">1</integer>
<integer name="conversation_view_weight">1</integer>
<!-- Max unread count to show for a folder -->
<integer name="maxUnreadCount">999</integer>
<integer name="swipeScrollSlop">2</integer>
<integer name="leaveBehindSwipeScrollSlop">25</integer>
<integer name="widget_refresh_delay_ms">4000</integer>
<integer name="widget_folder_refresh_delay_ms">500</integer>
<!-- Flip interval for account name and unread count -->
<integer name="widget_account_unread_flip_ms">5000</integer>
<!-- We don't want the unread count to flicker too much in the action bar, when a lot of
activity. Throttle loader updates. -->
<integer name="folder_item_refresh_delay_ms">500</integer>
<!-- Delay showing undo bar after a destructive action long enough for the user to process the animations for what just happened -->
<integer name="show_undo_bar_delay_ms">200</integer>
<!-- Delay dismissing undo bar after a touch so we know whether to hide the action bar or to reposition it during view mode change -->
<integer name="dismiss_undo_bar_delay_ms">300</integer>
<integer name="conversation_desired_font_size_px">14</integer>
<!-- matches 'font-size' style in template_conversation_upper.html -->
<integer name="conversation_unstyled_font_size_px">13</integer>
<integer name="conversation_webview_viewport_px">980</integer>
<!-- Whether the list is collapsible in conversation view mode -->
<bool name="list_collapsible">true</bool>
<!-- Whether to show single or 2 pane search results -->
<bool name="show_two_pane_search_results">false</bool>
<!-- this is off for shortish devices. values-h480dp enables this for anything tallish -->
<bool name="show_drawer_floaty_footer">false</bool>
<!-- Whether to show the archive item as disabled rather than hiding it entirely -->
<bool name="show_disabled_archive_menu_item">false</bool>
<!-- Amount of memory in bytes allocated for image cache -->
<integer name="config_image_cache_max_bytes">1500000</integer>
<!-- Number of decoded contact photo bitmaps retained in an LRU cache -->
<integer name="config_image_cache_max_bitmaps">24</integer>
<!-- Whether to display folder colors in the widget -->
<bool name="display_folder_colors_in_widget">true</bool>
<integer name="max_num_notification_digest_items">10</integer>
<!-- Wait at least this long for the webview to render conversation content before showing the loading dialog -->
<integer name="conversationview_show_loading_delay">500</integer>
<!-- Wait at least this long to dismiss the spinner when loading a conversation -->
<integer name="conversationview_min_show_loading">500</integer>
<integer name="webview_initial_delay">1000</integer>
<!-- The width or height of the preview will not exceed this -->
<integer name="attachment_preview_max_size">256</integer>
<!-- Whether or not to use a nice transition when showing the folder list fragment; used in 2-pane layouts -->
<integer name="use_folder_list_fragment_transition">1</integer>
<!-- The timeout, in milliseconds, before the "Undo" notification is removed. -->
<integer name="undo_notification_timeout">6000</integer>
<!-- The max number of contact images to show in a conversation list item -->
<integer name="max_list_item_images">4</integer>
<!-- True if addresses can be veiled, to show a friendly text message instead. -->
<bool name="veiled_address_enabled">false</bool>
<integer name="swipe_senders_length">25</integer>
<!-- Number of menu items to display in the ActionBar -->
<integer name="actionbar_max_items">3</integer>
<!-- Number of menu items to hide from the ActionBar by subtracting from actionbar_max_items in non-cab mode -->
<integer name="actionbar_hidden_non_cab_items_no_physical_button">1</integer>
<!-- Duration of progress bar animation for attachment previews -->
<integer name="ap_progress_animation_duration">4000</integer>
<!-- Duration of fade in/out animation for attachment previews -->
<integer name="ap_fade_animation_duration">500</integer>
<!-- Duration of placeholder pulse animation for attachment previews -->
<integer name="ap_placeholder_animation_duration">1000</integer>
<!-- Delay before showing progress bar animations for attachment previews that are loading -->
<integer name="ap_progress_animation_delay">2000</integer>
<!-- Max overflow count to show for attachment previews -->
<integer name="ap_overflow_max_count">99</integer>
<!-- Duration of the animations for entering/exiting CAB mode -->
<integer name="conv_item_view_cab_anim_duration">250</integer>
<!-- Number of nested folders to display in the conversation list, before hiding the remainder under "Show more" -->
<integer name="nested_folders_collapse_threshold">1</integer>
<!-- True if messages should show inline images by default. -->
<bool name="always_show_images_default">false</bool>
<!-- Number of characters allowed for a vacation responder subject. -->
<integer name="vacation_responder_subject_length">500</integer>
<!-- Number of characters allowed for a vacation responder body. -->
<integer name="vacation_responder_body_length">1024000</integer>
<!-- Indicates whether the help and feedback items should be displayed in the drawer. -->
<bool name="show_help_and_feedback_in_drawer">false</bool>
<!-- Indicates whether help URLs should be opened by a system browser outside the application or with a webview inside the application -->
<bool name="openHelpWithBrowser">true</bool>