blob: 78971cbce5704f2e50ef5d2087b61eab312acdcf [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2012 Google Inc.
* Licensed to The Android Open Source Project.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import android.content.Context;
import android.database.Cursor;
import android.text.SpannableString;
import android.text.SpannableStringBuilder;
import android.text.StaticLayout;
import android.text.TextUtils;
import android.util.LruCache;
import android.util.Pair;
import java.util.ArrayList;
* This is the view model for the conversation header. It includes all the
* information needed to layout a conversation header view. Each view model is
* associated with a conversation and is cached to improve the relayout time.
public class ConversationItemViewModel {
private static final int MAX_CACHE_SIZE = 100;
boolean faded = false;
int fontColor;
static LruCache<Pair<String, Long>, ConversationItemViewModel> sConversationHeaderMap
= new LruCache<Pair<String, Long>, ConversationItemViewModel>(MAX_CACHE_SIZE);
// The hashcode used to detect if the conversation has changed.
private int mDataHashCode;
private int mLayoutHashCode;
// Unread
boolean unread;
// Date
String dateText;
Bitmap dateBackground;
// Personal level
Bitmap personalLevelBitmap;
// Paperclip
Bitmap paperclip;
// Senders
String sendersText;
// A list of all the fragments that cover sendersText
final ArrayList<SenderFragment> senderFragments;
SpannableStringBuilder sendersDisplayText;
StaticLayout sendersDisplayLayout;
boolean hasDraftMessage;
// Subject
SpannableStringBuilder subjectText;
StaticLayout subjectLayout;
// View Width
public int viewWidth;
// Standard scaled dimen used to detect if the scale of text has changed.
public int standardScaledDimen;
public String fromSnippetInstructions;
public long maxMessageId;
public boolean checkboxVisible;
public Conversation conversation;
public ConversationItemView.ConversationItemFolderDisplayer folderDisplayer;
public ArrayList<Folder> rawFolders;
public int personalLevel;
public int priority;
public boolean hasBeenForwarded;
public boolean hasBeenRepliedTo;
public boolean isInvite;
public StaticLayout subjectLayoutActivated;
public SpannableStringBuilder subjectTextActivated;
public SpannableString[] styledSenders;
public SpannableStringBuilder styledSendersString;
public SpannableStringBuilder messageInfoString;
* Returns the view model for a conversation. If the model doesn't exist for this conversation
* null is returned. Note: this should only be called from the UI thread.
* @param account the account contains this conversation
* @param conversationId the Id of this conversation
* @return the view model for this conversation, or null
static ConversationItemViewModel forConversationIdOrNull(
String account, long conversationId) {
final Pair<String, Long> key = new Pair<String, Long>(account, conversationId);
synchronized(sConversationHeaderMap) {
return sConversationHeaderMap.get(key);
static ConversationItemViewModel forCursor(String account, Cursor cursor) {
return forConversation(account, new Conversation(cursor));
static ConversationItemViewModel forConversation(String account, Conversation conv) {
ConversationItemViewModel header = ConversationItemViewModel.forConversationId(account,;
if (conv != null) {
header.faded = false;
header.checkboxVisible = true;
header.conversation = conv;
header.unread = !;
header.rawFolders = conv.getRawFolders();
header.personalLevel = conv.personalLevel;
header.priority = conv.priority;
header.hasBeenForwarded =
(conv.convFlags & UIProvider.ConversationFlags.FORWARDED)
== UIProvider.ConversationFlags.FORWARDED;
header.hasBeenRepliedTo =
(conv.convFlags & UIProvider.ConversationFlags.REPLIED)
== UIProvider.ConversationFlags.REPLIED;
header.isInvite =
(conv.convFlags & UIProvider.ConversationFlags.CALENDAR_INVITE)
== UIProvider.ConversationFlags.CALENDAR_INVITE;
return header;
* Returns the view model for a conversation. If this is the first time
* call, a new view model will be returned. Note: this should only be called
* from the UI thread.
* @param account the account contains this conversation
* @param conversationId the Id of this conversation
* @param cursor the cursor to use in populating/ updating the model.
* @return the view model for this conversation
static ConversationItemViewModel forConversationId(String account, long conversationId) {
synchronized(sConversationHeaderMap) {
ConversationItemViewModel header =
forConversationIdOrNull(account, conversationId);
if (header == null) {
final Pair<String, Long> key = new Pair<String, Long>(account, conversationId);
header = new ConversationItemViewModel();
sConversationHeaderMap.put(key, header);
return header;
public ConversationItemViewModel() {
senderFragments = Lists.newArrayList();
* Adds a sender fragment.
* @param start the start position of this fragment
* @param end the start position of this fragment
* @param style the style of this fragment
* @param isFixed whether this fragment is fixed or not
void addSenderFragment(int start, int end, CharacterStyle style, boolean isFixed) {
SenderFragment senderFragment = new SenderFragment(start, end, sendersText, style, isFixed);
* Clears all the current sender fragments.
void clearSenderFragments() {
* Returns the hashcode to compare if the data in the header is valid.
private static int getHashCode(Context context, String dateText, Object convInfo,
String rawFolders, boolean starred, boolean read) {
if (dateText == null) {
return -1;
if (TextUtils.isEmpty(rawFolders)) {
rawFolders = "";
return convInfo.hashCode() ^ dateText.hashCode() ^ rawFolders.hashCode()
^ (starred ? 1 : 0) ^ (read ? 1 : 0);
* Returns the layout hashcode to compare to see if the layout state has changed.
private int getLayoutHashCode() {
return mDataHashCode ^ viewWidth ^ standardScaledDimen
^ Boolean.valueOf(checkboxVisible).hashCode();
private Object getConvInfo() {
return conversation.conversationInfo != null ?
conversation.conversationInfo :
TextUtils.isEmpty(fromSnippetInstructions) ? "" : fromSnippetInstructions;
* Marks this header as having valid data and layout.
void validate(Context context) {
mDataHashCode = getHashCode(context, dateText, getConvInfo(),
conversation.getRawFoldersString(), conversation.starred,;
mLayoutHashCode = getLayoutHashCode();
* Returns if the data in this model is valid.
boolean isDataValid(Context context) {
return mDataHashCode == getHashCode(context, dateText, getConvInfo(),
conversation.getRawFoldersString(), conversation.starred,;
* Returns if the layout in this model is valid.
boolean isLayoutValid(Context context) {
return isDataValid(context) && mLayoutHashCode == getLayoutHashCode();
* Describes the style of a Senders fragment.
static class SenderFragment {
// Indices that determine which substring of mSendersText we are
// displaying.
int start;
int end;
// The style to apply to the TextPaint object.
CharacterStyle style;
// Width of the fragment.
int width;
// Ellipsized text.
String ellipsizedText;
// Whether the fragment is fixed or not.
boolean isFixed;
// Should the fragment be displayed or not.
boolean shouldDisplay;
SenderFragment(int start, int end, CharSequence sendersText, CharacterStyle style,
boolean isFixed) {
this.start = start;
this.end = end; = style;
this.isFixed = isFixed;
* Get conversation information to use for accessibility.
public CharSequence getContentDescription(Context context) {
return context.getString(R.string.content_description, conversation.subject,