blob: 922c4c1f20c73d541916070dcaedebdf229a47dd [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2017 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import android.content.res.Resources;
import android.os.AsyncTask;
import android.widget.ImageView;
import com.bumptech.glide.load.resource.bitmap.BitmapTransformation;
import androidx.annotation.Nullable;
* Interface representing an image asset.
public abstract class Asset {
* Creates and returns a placeholder Drawable instance sized exactly to the target ImageView and
* filled completely with pixels of the provided placeholder color.
protected static Drawable getPlaceholderDrawable(
Activity activity, ImageView imageView, int placeholderColor) {
Point imageViewDimensions = getImageViewDimensions(imageView);
Bitmap placeholderBitmap =
Bitmap.createBitmap(imageViewDimensions.x, imageViewDimensions.y, Config.ARGB_8888);
return new BitmapDrawable(activity.getResources(), placeholderBitmap);
* Returns the visible height and width in pixels of the provided ImageView, or if it hasn't been
* laid out yet, then gets the absolute value of the layout params.
private static Point getImageViewDimensions(ImageView imageView) {
int width = imageView.getWidth() > 0
? imageView.getWidth()
: Math.abs(imageView.getLayoutParams().width);
int height = imageView.getHeight() > 0
? imageView.getHeight()
: Math.abs(imageView.getLayoutParams().height);
return new Point(width, height);
* Decodes a bitmap sized for the destination view's dimensions off the main UI thread.
* @param targetWidth Width of target view in physical pixels.
* @param targetHeight Height of target view in physical pixels.
* @param receiver Called with the decoded bitmap or null if there was an error decoding the
* bitmap.
public abstract void decodeBitmap(int targetWidth, int targetHeight, BitmapReceiver receiver);
* Decodes and downscales a bitmap region off the main UI thread.
* @param rect Rect representing the crop region in terms of the original image's resolution.
* @param targetWidth Width of target view in physical pixels.
* @param targetHeight Height of target view in physical pixels.
* @param receiver Called with the decoded bitmap region or null if there was an error decoding
* the bitmap region.
public abstract void decodeBitmapRegion(Rect rect, int targetWidth, int targetHeight,
BitmapReceiver receiver);
* Calculates the raw dimensions of the asset at its original resolution off the main UI thread.
* Avoids decoding the entire bitmap if possible to conserve memory.
* @param activity Activity in which this decoding request is made. Allows for early termination
* of fetching image data and/or decoding to a bitmap. May be null, in which case the request
* is made in the application context instead.
* @param receiver Called with the decoded raw dimensions of the whole image or null if there was
* an error decoding the dimensions.
public abstract void decodeRawDimensions(@Nullable Activity activity,
DimensionsReceiver receiver);
* Returns whether this asset has access to a separate, lower fidelity source of image data (that
* may be able to be loaded more quickly to simulate progressive loading).
public boolean hasLowResDataSource() {
return false;
* Loads the asset from the separate low resolution data source (if there is one) into the
* provided ImageView with the placeholder color and bitmap transformation.
* @param transformation Bitmap transformation that can transform the thumbnail image
* post-decoding.
public void loadLowResDrawable(Activity activity, ImageView imageView, int placeholderColor,
BitmapTransformation transformation) {
// No op
* Returns whether the asset supports rendering tile regions at varying pixel densities.
public abstract boolean supportsTiling();
* Loads a Drawable for this asset into the provided ImageView. While waiting for the image to
* load, first loads a ColorDrawable based on the provided placeholder color.
* @param activity Activity hosting the ImageView.
* @param imageView ImageView which is the target view of this asset.
* @param placeholderColor Color of placeholder set to ImageView while waiting for image to load.
public void loadDrawable(final Activity activity, final ImageView imageView,
int placeholderColor) {
// Transition from a placeholder ColorDrawable to the decoded bitmap when the ImageView in
// question is empty.
final boolean needsTransition = imageView.getDrawable() == null;
final Drawable placeholderDrawable = new ColorDrawable(placeholderColor);
if (needsTransition) {
// Set requested height and width to the either the actual height and width of the view in
// pixels, or if it hasn't been laid out yet, then to the absolute value of the layout params.
int width = imageView.getWidth() > 0
? imageView.getWidth()
: Math.abs(imageView.getLayoutParams().width);
int height = imageView.getHeight() > 0
? imageView.getHeight()
: Math.abs(imageView.getLayoutParams().height);
decodeBitmap(width, height, new BitmapReceiver() {
public void onBitmapDecoded(Bitmap bitmap) {
if (!needsTransition) {
Resources resources = activity.getResources();
Drawable[] layers = new Drawable[2];
layers[0] = placeholderDrawable;
layers[1] = new BitmapDrawable(resources, bitmap);
TransitionDrawable transitionDrawable = new TransitionDrawable(layers);
* Loads a Drawable for this asset into the provided ImageView, providing a crossfade transition
* with the given duration from the Drawable previously set on the ImageView.
* @param activity Activity hosting the ImageView.
* @param imageView ImageView which is the target view of this asset.
* @param transitionDurationMillis Duration of the crossfade, in milliseconds.
* @param drawableLoadedListener Listener called once the transition has begun.
* @param placeholderColor Color of the placeholder if the provided ImageView is empty before the
* drawable loads.
public void loadDrawableWithTransition(
final Activity activity,
final ImageView imageView,
final int transitionDurationMillis,
final DrawableLoadedListener drawableLoadedListener,
int placeholderColor) {
Point imageViewDimensions = getImageViewDimensions(imageView);
// Transition from a placeholder ColorDrawable to the decoded bitmap when the ImageView in
// question is empty.
boolean needsPlaceholder = imageView.getDrawable() == null;
if (needsPlaceholder) {
imageView.setImageDrawable(getPlaceholderDrawable(activity, imageView, placeholderColor));
decodeBitmap(imageViewDimensions.x, imageViewDimensions.y, new BitmapReceiver() {
public void onBitmapDecoded(Bitmap bitmap) {
final Resources resources = activity.getResources();
new CenterCropBitmapTask(bitmap, imageView, new BitmapReceiver() {
public void onBitmapDecoded(@Nullable Bitmap newBitmap) {
Drawable[] layers = new Drawable[2];
Drawable existingDrawable = imageView.getDrawable();
if (existingDrawable instanceof TransitionDrawable) {
// Take only the second layer in the existing TransitionDrawable so we don't keep
// around a reference to older layers which are no longer shown (this way we avoid a
// memory leak).
TransitionDrawable existingTransitionDrawable =
(TransitionDrawable) existingDrawable;
int id = existingTransitionDrawable.getId(1);
layers[0] = existingTransitionDrawable.findDrawableByLayerId(id);
} else {
layers[0] = existingDrawable;
layers[1] = new BitmapDrawable(resources, newBitmap);
TransitionDrawable transitionDrawable = new TransitionDrawable(layers);
* Interface for receiving decoded Bitmaps.
public interface BitmapReceiver {
* Called with a decoded Bitmap object or null if there was an error decoding the bitmap.
void onBitmapDecoded(@Nullable Bitmap bitmap);
* Interface for receiving raw asset dimensions.
public interface DimensionsReceiver {
* Called with raw dimensions of asset or null if the asset is unable to decode the raw
* dimensions.
* @param dimensions Dimensions as a Point where width is represented by "x" and height by "y".
void onDimensionsDecoded(@Nullable Point dimensions);
* Interface for being notified when a drawable has been loaded.
public interface DrawableLoadedListener {
void onDrawableLoaded();
* Custom AsyncTask which returns a copy of the given bitmap which is center cropped and scaled to
* fit in the given ImageView.
protected static class CenterCropBitmapTask extends AsyncTask<Void, Void, Bitmap> {
private Bitmap mBitmap;
private BitmapReceiver mBitmapReceiver;
private int mImageViewWidth;
private int mImageViewHeight;
public CenterCropBitmapTask(Bitmap bitmap, ImageView imageView,
BitmapReceiver bitmapReceiver) {
mBitmap = bitmap;
mBitmapReceiver = bitmapReceiver;
Point imageViewDimensions = getImageViewDimensions(imageView);
mImageViewWidth = imageViewDimensions.x;
mImageViewHeight = imageViewDimensions.y;
protected Bitmap doInBackground(Void... unused) {
int measuredWidth = mImageViewWidth;
int measuredHeight = mImageViewHeight;
int bitmapWidth = mBitmap.getWidth();
int bitmapHeight = mBitmap.getHeight();
float scale = Math.min(
(float) bitmapWidth / measuredWidth,
(float) bitmapHeight / measuredHeight);
Bitmap scaledBitmap = Bitmap.createScaledBitmap(
mBitmap, Math.round(bitmapWidth / scale), Math.round(bitmapHeight / scale), true);
int horizontalGutterPx = Math.max(0, (scaledBitmap.getWidth() - measuredWidth) / 2);
int verticalGutterPx = Math.max(0, (scaledBitmap.getHeight() - measuredHeight) / 2);
return Bitmap.createBitmap(
scaledBitmap.getWidth() - (2 * horizontalGutterPx),
scaledBitmap.getHeight() - (2 * verticalGutterPx));
protected void onPostExecute(Bitmap newBitmap) {