blob: 779f8b8c3167608d3f6bb15d8499118fb9b1a363 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2013, The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include "dictionary/header/header_read_write_utils.h"
#include <cctype>
#include <cstdio>
#include <memory>
#include <vector>
#include "defines.h"
#include "dictionary/utils/buffer_with_extendable_buffer.h"
#include "dictionary/utils/byte_array_utils.h"
namespace latinime {
// Number of base-10 digits in the largest integer + 1 to leave room for a zero terminator.
// As such, this is the maximum number of characters will be needed to represent an int as a
// string, including the terminator; this is used as the size of a string buffer large enough to
// hold any value that is intended to fit in an integer, e.g. in the code that reads the header
// of the binary dictionary where a {key,value} string pair scheme is used.
const int HeaderReadWriteUtils::LARGEST_INT_DIGIT_COUNT = 11;
const int HeaderReadWriteUtils::MAX_ATTRIBUTE_KEY_LENGTH = 256;
const int HeaderReadWriteUtils::MAX_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_LENGTH = 2048;
const int HeaderReadWriteUtils::HEADER_MAGIC_NUMBER_SIZE = 4;
const int HeaderReadWriteUtils::HEADER_DICTIONARY_VERSION_SIZE = 2;
const int HeaderReadWriteUtils::HEADER_FLAG_SIZE = 2;
const int HeaderReadWriteUtils::HEADER_SIZE_FIELD_SIZE = 4;
const char *const HeaderReadWriteUtils::CODE_POINT_TABLE_KEY = "codePointTable";
const HeaderReadWriteUtils::DictionaryFlags HeaderReadWriteUtils::NO_FLAGS = 0;
typedef DictionaryHeaderStructurePolicy::AttributeMap AttributeMap;
/* static */ int HeaderReadWriteUtils::getHeaderSize(const uint8_t *const dictBuf) {
// See the format of the header in the comment in
// BinaryDictionaryFormatUtils::detectFormatVersion()
return ByteArrayUtils::readUint32(dictBuf, HEADER_MAGIC_NUMBER_SIZE
/* static */ HeaderReadWriteUtils::DictionaryFlags
HeaderReadWriteUtils::getFlags(const uint8_t *const dictBuf) {
return ByteArrayUtils::readUint16(dictBuf,
/* static */ HeaderReadWriteUtils::DictionaryFlags
const AttributeMap *const attributeMap) {
return NO_FLAGS;
/* static */ void HeaderReadWriteUtils::fetchAllHeaderAttributes(const uint8_t *const dictBuf,
AttributeMap *const headerAttributes) {
const int headerSize = getHeaderSize(dictBuf);
int pos = getHeaderOptionsPosition();
if (pos == NOT_A_DICT_POS) {
// The header doesn't have header options.
std::unique_ptr<int[]> valueBuffer(new int[MAX_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_LENGTH]);
while (pos < headerSize) {
// The values in the header don't use the code point table for their encoding.
const int keyLength = ByteArrayUtils::readStringAndAdvancePosition(dictBuf,
MAX_ATTRIBUTE_KEY_LENGTH, nullptr /* codePointTable */, keyBuffer, &pos);
std::vector<int> key;
key.insert(key.end(), keyBuffer, keyBuffer + keyLength);
const int valueLength = ByteArrayUtils::readStringAndAdvancePosition(dictBuf,
MAX_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_LENGTH, nullptr /* codePointTable */, valueBuffer.get(), &pos);
std::vector<int> value;
value.insert(value.end(), valueBuffer.get(), valueBuffer.get() + valueLength);
headerAttributes->insert(AttributeMap::value_type(key, value));
/* static */ const int *HeaderReadWriteUtils::readCodePointTable(
AttributeMap *const headerAttributes) {
AttributeMap::key_type keyVector;
insertCharactersIntoVector(CODE_POINT_TABLE_KEY, &keyVector);
AttributeMap::const_iterator it = headerAttributes->find(keyVector);
if (it == headerAttributes->end()) {
return nullptr;
return it->;
/* static */ bool HeaderReadWriteUtils::writeDictionaryVersion(
BufferWithExtendableBuffer *const buffer, const FormatUtils::FORMAT_VERSION version,
int *const writingPos) {
if (!buffer->writeUintAndAdvancePosition(FormatUtils::MAGIC_NUMBER, HEADER_MAGIC_NUMBER_SIZE,
writingPos)) {
return false;
switch (version) {
case FormatUtils::VERSION_2:
case FormatUtils::VERSION_201:
case FormatUtils::VERSION_202:
// None of the static dictionaries (v2x) support writing
return false;
case FormatUtils::VERSION_402:
case FormatUtils::VERSION_403:
return buffer->writeUintAndAdvancePosition(version /* data */,
return false;
/* static */ bool HeaderReadWriteUtils::writeDictionaryFlags(
BufferWithExtendableBuffer *const buffer, const DictionaryFlags flags,
int *const writingPos) {
return buffer->writeUintAndAdvancePosition(flags, HEADER_FLAG_SIZE, writingPos);
/* static */ bool HeaderReadWriteUtils::writeDictionaryHeaderSize(
BufferWithExtendableBuffer *const buffer, const int size, int *const writingPos) {
return buffer->writeUintAndAdvancePosition(size, HEADER_SIZE_FIELD_SIZE, writingPos);
/* static */ bool HeaderReadWriteUtils::writeHeaderAttributes(
BufferWithExtendableBuffer *const buffer, const AttributeMap *const headerAttributes,
int *const writingPos) {
for (AttributeMap::const_iterator it = headerAttributes->begin();
it != headerAttributes->end(); ++it) {
if (it->first.empty() || it->second.empty()) {
// Write a key.
if (!buffer->writeCodePointsAndAdvancePosition(&(it->, it->first.size(),
true /* writesTerminator */, writingPos)) {
return false;
// Write a value.
if (!buffer->writeCodePointsAndAdvancePosition(&(it->, it->second.size(),
true /* writesTerminator */, writingPos)) {
return false;
return true;
/* static */ void HeaderReadWriteUtils::setCodePointVectorAttribute(
AttributeMap *const headerAttributes, const char *const key,
const std::vector<int> &value) {
AttributeMap::key_type keyVector;
insertCharactersIntoVector(key, &keyVector);
(*headerAttributes)[keyVector] = value;
/* static */ void HeaderReadWriteUtils::setBoolAttribute(AttributeMap *const headerAttributes,
const char *const key, const bool value) {
setIntAttribute(headerAttributes, key, value ? 1 : 0);
/* static */ void HeaderReadWriteUtils::setIntAttribute(AttributeMap *const headerAttributes,
const char *const key, const int value) {
AttributeMap::key_type keyVector;
insertCharactersIntoVector(key, &keyVector);
setIntAttributeInner(headerAttributes, &keyVector, value);
/* static */ void HeaderReadWriteUtils::setIntAttributeInner(AttributeMap *const headerAttributes,
const AttributeMap::key_type *const key, const int value) {
AttributeMap::mapped_type valueVector;
snprintf(charBuf, sizeof(charBuf), "%d", value);
insertCharactersIntoVector(charBuf, &valueVector);
(*headerAttributes)[*key] = valueVector;
/* static */ const std::vector<int> HeaderReadWriteUtils::readCodePointVectorAttributeValue(
const AttributeMap *const headerAttributes, const char *const key) {
AttributeMap::key_type keyVector;
insertCharactersIntoVector(key, &keyVector);
AttributeMap::const_iterator it = headerAttributes->find(keyVector);
if (it == headerAttributes->end()) {
return std::vector<int>();
} else {
return it->second;
/* static */ bool HeaderReadWriteUtils::readBoolAttributeValue(
const AttributeMap *const headerAttributes, const char *const key,
const bool defaultValue) {
const int intDefaultValue = defaultValue ? 1 : 0;
const int intValue = readIntAttributeValue(headerAttributes, key, intDefaultValue);
return intValue != 0;
/* static */ int HeaderReadWriteUtils::readIntAttributeValue(
const AttributeMap *const headerAttributes, const char *const key,
const int defaultValue) {
AttributeMap::key_type keyVector;
insertCharactersIntoVector(key, &keyVector);
return readIntAttributeValueInner(headerAttributes, &keyVector, defaultValue);
/* static */ int HeaderReadWriteUtils::readIntAttributeValueInner(
const AttributeMap *const headerAttributes, const AttributeMap::key_type *const key,
const int defaultValue) {
AttributeMap::const_iterator it = headerAttributes->find(*key);
if (it != headerAttributes->end()) {
int value = 0;
bool isNegative = false;
for (size_t i = 0; i < it->second.size(); ++i) {
if (i == 0 && it-> == '-') {
isNegative = true;
} else {
if (!isdigit(it-> {
// If not a number.
return defaultValue;
value *= 10;
value += it-> - '0';
return isNegative ? -value : value;
return defaultValue;
/* static */ void HeaderReadWriteUtils::insertCharactersIntoVector(const char *const characters,
std::vector<int> *const vector) {
for (int i = 0; characters[i]; ++i) {
} // namespace latinime