blob: e09abe540fe06b6b28de86ced09660192816c1c3 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2020, The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import android.os.Bundle;
parcelable SearchResults;
/** {@hide} */
interface IAppSearchManager {
* Sets the schema.
* @param databaseName The databaseName this document resides in.
* @param schemaBundles List of AppSearchSchema bundles.
* @param forceOverride Whether to apply the new schema even if it is incompatible. All
* incompatible documents will be deleted.
* @param callback {@link IAppSearchResultCallback#onResult} will be called with an
* {@link AppSearchResult}<{@link Void}>.
void setSchema(
in String databaseName,
in List<Bundle> schemaBundles,
boolean forceOverride,
in IAppSearchResultCallback callback);
* Inserts documents into the index.
* @param databaseName The name of the database where this document lives.
* @param documentBundes List of GenericDocument bundles.
* @param callback
* If the call fails to start, {@link IAppSearchBatchResultCallback#onSystemError}
* will be called with the cause throwable. Otherwise,
* {@link IAppSearchBatchResultCallback#onResult} will be called with an
* {@link AppSearchBatchResult}&lt;{@link String}, {@link Void}&gt;
* where the keys are document URIs, and the values are {@code null}.
void putDocuments(
in String databaseName,
in List<Bundle> documentBundles,
in IAppSearchBatchResultCallback callback);
* Retrieves documents from the index.
* @param databaseName The databaseName this document resides in.
* @param namespace The namespace this document resides in.
* @param uris The URIs of the documents to retrieve
* @param callback
* If the call fails to start, {@link IAppSearchBatchResultCallback#onSystemError}
* will be called with the cause throwable. Otherwise,
* {@link IAppSearchBatchResultCallback#onResult} will be called with an
* {@link AppSearchBatchResult}&lt;{@link String}, {@link Bundle}&gt;
* where the keys are document URIs, and the values are Document bundles.
void getDocuments(
in String databaseName,
in String namespace,
in List<String> uris,
in IAppSearchBatchResultCallback callback);
* Searches a document based on a given specifications.
* @param databaseName The databaseName this query for.
* @param queryExpression String to search for
* @param searchSpecBundle SearchSpec bundle
* @param callback {@link AppSearchResult}&lt;{@link Bundle}&gt; of performing this
* operation.
void query(
in String databaseName,
in String queryExpression,
in Bundle searchSpecBundle,
in IAppSearchResultCallback callback);
* Fetches the next page of results of a previously executed query. Results can be empty if
* next-page token is invalid or all pages have been returned.
* @param nextPageToken The token of pre-loaded results of previously executed query.
* @param callback {@link AppSearchResult}&lt;{@link Bundle}&gt; of performing this
* operation.
void getNextPage(in long nextPageToken, in IAppSearchResultCallback callback);
* Invalidates the next-page token so that no more results of the related query can be returned.
* @param nextPageToken The token of pre-loaded results of previously executed query to be
* Invalidated.
void invalidateNextPageToken(in long nextPageToken);
* Removes documents by URI.
* @param databaseName The databaseName the document is in.
* @param namespace Namespace of the document to remove.
* @param uris The URIs of the documents to delete
* @param callback
* If the call fails to start, {@link IAppSearchBatchResultCallback#onSystemError}
* will be called with the cause throwable. Otherwise,
* {@link IAppSearchBatchResultCallback#onResult} will be called with an
* {@link AppSearchBatchResult}&lt;{@link String}, {@link Void}&gt;
* where the keys are document URIs. If a document doesn't exist, it will be reported as a
* failure where the {@code throwable} is {@code null}.
void removeByUri(
in String databaseName,
in String namespace,
in List<String> uris,
in IAppSearchBatchResultCallback callback);
* Removes documents by given query.
* @param databaseName The databaseName this query for.
* @param queryExpression String to search for
* @param searchSpecBundle SearchSpec bundle
* @param callback {@link IAppSearchResultCallback#onResult} will be called with an
* {@link AppSearchResult}&lt;{@link Void}&gt;.
void removeByQuery(
in String databaseName,
in String queryExpression,
in Bundle searchSpecBundle,
in IAppSearchResultCallback callback);
* Creates and initializes AppSearchImpl for the calling app.
* @param callback {@link IAppSearchResultCallback#onResult} will be called with an
* {@link AppSearchResult}&lt;{@link Void}&gt;.
void initialize(in IAppSearchResultCallback callback);