blob: 3933726d67296d8eb76c0645e095dc93bdec7d4f [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2020 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import android.annotation.SuppressLint;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.annotation.IntDef;
import android.annotation.NonNull;
import android.annotation.Nullable;
import android.util.ArraySet;
import java.lang.annotation.Retention;
import java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;
* The AppSearch Schema for a particular type of document.
* <p>For example, an e-mail message or a music recording could be a schema type.
* <p>The schema consists of type information, properties, and config (like tokenization type).
* @hide
public final class AppSearchSchema {
private static final String SCHEMA_TYPE_FIELD = "schemaType";
private static final String PROPERTIES_FIELD = "properties";
private final Bundle mBundle;
/** @hide */
public AppSearchSchema(@NonNull Bundle bundle) {
mBundle = bundle;
* Returns the {@link Bundle} populated by this builder.
* @hide
public Bundle getBundle() {
return mBundle;
public String toString() {
return mBundle.toString();
/** Returns the name of this schema type, e.g. Email. */
public String getSchemaTypeName() {
return mBundle.getString(SCHEMA_TYPE_FIELD, "");
* Returns the list of {@link PropertyConfig}s that are part of this schema.
* <p>This method creates a new list when called.
public List<PropertyConfig> getProperties() {
ArrayList<Bundle> propertyBundles =
if (propertyBundles.isEmpty()) {
return Collections.emptyList();
List<PropertyConfig> ret = new ArrayList<>(propertyBundles.size());
for (int i = 0; i < propertyBundles.size(); i++) {
ret.add(new PropertyConfig(propertyBundles.get(i)));
return ret;
/** Builder for {@link AppSearchSchema objects}. */
public static final class Builder {
private final String mTypeName;
private final ArrayList<Bundle> mPropertyBundles = new ArrayList<>();
private final Set<String> mPropertyNames = new ArraySet<>();
private boolean mBuilt = false;
/** Creates a new {@link AppSearchSchema.Builder}. */
public Builder(@NonNull String typeName) {
mTypeName = typeName;
/** Adds a property to the given type. */
// TODO(b/171360120): MissingGetterMatchingBuilder expects a method called getPropertys, but
// we provide the (correct) method getProperties. Once the bug referenced in this TODO is
// fixed, remove this SuppressLint.
public AppSearchSchema.Builder addProperty(@NonNull PropertyConfig propertyConfig) {
Preconditions.checkState(!mBuilt, "Builder has already been used");
String name = propertyConfig.getName();
if (!mPropertyNames.add(name)) {
throw new IllegalSchemaException("Property defined more than once: " + name);
return this;
* Constructs a new {@link AppSearchSchema} from the contents of this builder.
* <p>After calling this method, the builder must no longer be used.
public AppSearchSchema build() {
Preconditions.checkState(!mBuilt, "Builder has already been used");
Bundle bundle = new Bundle();
bundle.putString(AppSearchSchema.SCHEMA_TYPE_FIELD, mTypeName);
bundle.putParcelableArrayList(AppSearchSchema.PROPERTIES_FIELD, mPropertyBundles);
mBuilt = true;
return new AppSearchSchema(bundle);
* Configuration for a single property (field) of a document type.
* <p>For example, an {@code EmailMessage} would be a type and the {@code subject} would be
* a property.
public static final class PropertyConfig {
private static final String NAME_FIELD = "name";
private static final String DATA_TYPE_FIELD = "dataType";
private static final String SCHEMA_TYPE_FIELD = "schemaType";
private static final String CARDINALITY_FIELD = "cardinality";
private static final String INDEXING_TYPE_FIELD = "indexingType";
private static final String TOKENIZER_TYPE_FIELD = "tokenizerType";
* Physical data-types of the contents of the property.
* @hide
// NOTE: The integer values of these constants must match the proto enum constants in
@IntDef(value = {
public @interface DataType {}
public static final int DATA_TYPE_STRING = 1;
public static final int DATA_TYPE_INT64 = 2;
public static final int DATA_TYPE_DOUBLE = 3;
public static final int DATA_TYPE_BOOLEAN = 4;
/** Unstructured BLOB. */
public static final int DATA_TYPE_BYTES = 5;
* Indicates that the property itself is an Document, making it part a hierarchical
* Document schema. Any property using this DataType MUST have a valid
* {@code schemaType}.
public static final int DATA_TYPE_DOCUMENT = 6;
* The cardinality of the property (whether it is required, optional or repeated).
* @hide
// NOTE: The integer values of these constants must match the proto enum constants in
@IntDef(value = {
public @interface Cardinality {}
/** Any number of items (including zero) [0...*]. */
public static final int CARDINALITY_REPEATED = 1;
/** Zero or one value [0,1]. */
public static final int CARDINALITY_OPTIONAL = 2;
/** Exactly one value [1]. */
public static final int CARDINALITY_REQUIRED = 3;
* Encapsulates the configurations on how AppSearch should query/index these terms.
* @hide
@IntDef(value = {
public @interface IndexingType {}
* Content in this property will not be tokenized or indexed.
* <p>Useful if the data type is not made up of terms (e.g.
* {@link PropertyConfig#DATA_TYPE_DOCUMENT} or {@link PropertyConfig#DATA_TYPE_BYTES}
* type). All the properties inside the nested property won't be indexed regardless of the
* value of {@code indexingType} for the nested properties.
public static final int INDEXING_TYPE_NONE = 0;
* Content in this property should only be returned for queries matching the exact tokens
* appearing in this property.
* <p>Ex. A property with "fool" should NOT match a query for "foo".
public static final int INDEXING_TYPE_EXACT_TERMS = 1;
* Content in this property should be returned for queries that are either exact matches or
* query matches of the tokens appearing in this property.
* <p>Ex. A property with "fool" <b>should</b> match a query for "foo".
public static final int INDEXING_TYPE_PREFIXES = 2;
* Configures how tokens should be extracted from this property.
* @hide
// NOTE: The integer values of these constants must match the proto enum constants in
@IntDef(value = {
public @interface TokenizerType {}
* It is only valid for tokenizer_type to be 'NONE' if the data type is
* {@link PropertyConfig#DATA_TYPE_DOCUMENT}.
public static final int TOKENIZER_TYPE_NONE = 0;
/** Tokenization for plain text. */
public static final int TOKENIZER_TYPE_PLAIN = 1;
final Bundle mBundle;
PropertyConfig(@NonNull Bundle bundle) {
mBundle = Preconditions.checkNotNull(bundle);
public String toString() {
return mBundle.toString();
/** Returns the name of this property. */
public String getName() {
return mBundle.getString(NAME_FIELD, "");
/** Returns the type of data the property contains (e.g. string, int, bytes, etc). */
public @DataType int getDataType() {
return mBundle.getInt(DATA_TYPE_FIELD, -1);
* Returns the logical schema-type of the contents of this property.
* <p>Only set when {@link #getDataType} is set to {@link #DATA_TYPE_DOCUMENT}.
* Otherwise, it is {@code null}.
public String getSchemaType() {
return mBundle.getString(SCHEMA_TYPE_FIELD);
* Returns the cardinality of the property (whether it is optional, required or repeated).
public @Cardinality int getCardinality() {
return mBundle.getInt(CARDINALITY_FIELD, -1);
/** Returns how the property is indexed. */
public @IndexingType int getIndexingType() {
return mBundle.getInt(INDEXING_TYPE_FIELD);
/** Returns how this property is tokenized (split into words). */
public @TokenizerType int getTokenizerType() {
return mBundle.getInt(TOKENIZER_TYPE_FIELD);
* Builder for {@link PropertyConfig}.
* <p>The following properties must be set, or {@link PropertyConfig} construction will
* fail:
* <ul>
* <li>dataType
* <li>cardinality
* </ul>
* <p>In addition, if {@code schemaType} is {@link #DATA_TYPE_DOCUMENT}, {@code schemaType}
* is also required.
public static final class Builder {
private final Bundle mBundle = new Bundle();
private boolean mBuilt = false;
/** Creates a new {@link PropertyConfig.Builder}. */
public Builder(@NonNull String propertyName) {
mBundle.putString(NAME_FIELD, propertyName);
* Type of data the property contains (e.g. string, int, bytes, etc).
* <p>This property must be set.
public PropertyConfig.Builder setDataType(@DataType int dataType) {
Preconditions.checkState(!mBuilt, "Builder has already been used");
mBundle.putInt(DATA_TYPE_FIELD, dataType);
return this;
* The logical schema-type of the contents of this property.
* <p>Only required when {@link #setDataType} is set to
* {@link #DATA_TYPE_DOCUMENT}. Otherwise, it is ignored.
public PropertyConfig.Builder setSchemaType(@NonNull String schemaType) {
Preconditions.checkState(!mBuilt, "Builder has already been used");
mBundle.putString(SCHEMA_TYPE_FIELD, schemaType);
return this;
* The cardinality of the property (whether it is optional, required or repeated).
* <p>This property must be set.
public PropertyConfig.Builder setCardinality(@Cardinality int cardinality) {
Preconditions.checkState(!mBuilt, "Builder has already been used");
mBundle.putInt(CARDINALITY_FIELD, cardinality);
return this;
* Configures how a property should be indexed so that it can be retrieved by queries.
public PropertyConfig.Builder setIndexingType(@IndexingType int indexingType) {
Preconditions.checkState(!mBuilt, "Builder has already been used");
mBundle.putInt(INDEXING_TYPE_FIELD, indexingType);
return this;
/** Configures how this property should be tokenized (split into words). */
public PropertyConfig.Builder setTokenizerType(@TokenizerType int tokenizerType) {
Preconditions.checkState(!mBuilt, "Builder has already been used");
tokenizerType, TOKENIZER_TYPE_NONE, TOKENIZER_TYPE_PLAIN, "tokenizerType");
mBundle.putInt(TOKENIZER_TYPE_FIELD, tokenizerType);
return this;
* Constructs a new {@link PropertyConfig} from the contents of this builder.
* <p>After calling this method, the builder must no longer be used.
* @throws IllegalSchemaException If the property is not correctly populated (e.g.
* missing {@code dataType}).
public PropertyConfig build() {
Preconditions.checkState(!mBuilt, "Builder has already been used");
// TODO(b/147692920): Send the schema to Icing Lib for official validation, instead
// of partially reimplementing some of the validation Icing does here.
if (!mBundle.containsKey(DATA_TYPE_FIELD)) {
throw new IllegalSchemaException("Missing field: dataType");
if (mBundle.getString(SCHEMA_TYPE_FIELD, "").isEmpty()
throw new IllegalSchemaException(
"Missing field: schemaType (required for configs with "
+ "dataType = DOCUMENT)");
if (!mBundle.containsKey(CARDINALITY_FIELD)) {
throw new IllegalSchemaException("Missing field: cardinality");
mBuilt = true;
return new PropertyConfig(mBundle);