blob: f4ba012d4849a9339796127aba6b78dae95d9fcb [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2018 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#define LOG_TAG "resolv"
#include <gtest/gtest.h>
#include <android-base/stringprintf.h>
#include <arpa/inet.h>
#include <netdb.h>
#include "dns_responder.h"
#include "netd_resolv/resolv.h"
// TODO: make this dynamic and stop depending on implementation details.
constexpr unsigned int TEST_NETID = 30;
// Specifying 0 in ai_socktype or ai_protocol of struct addrinfo indicates that any type or
// protocol can be returned by getaddrinfo().
constexpr unsigned int ANY = 0;
using android::base::StringPrintf;
namespace android {
namespace net {
// Minimize class ResolverTest to be class TestBase because class TestBase doesn't need all member
// functions of class ResolverTest and class DnsResponderClient.
class TestBase : public ::testing::Test {
void SetUp() override {
// Create cache for test
void TearDown() override {
// Delete cache for test
static std::string ToString(const hostent* he) {
if (he == nullptr) return "<null>";
char buffer[INET6_ADDRSTRLEN];
if (!inet_ntop(he->h_addrtype, he->h_addr_list[0], buffer, sizeof(buffer))) {
return "<invalid>";
return buffer;
static std::string ToString(const addrinfo* ai) {
if (!ai) return "<null>";
for (const auto* aip = ai; aip != nullptr; aip = aip->ai_next) {
char host[NI_MAXHOST];
int rv = getnameinfo(aip->ai_addr, aip->ai_addrlen, host, sizeof(host), nullptr, 0,
if (rv != 0) return gai_strerror(rv);
return host;
return "<invalid>";
size_t GetNumQueries(const test::DNSResponder& dns, const char* name) const {
auto queries = dns.queries();
size_t found = 0;
for (const auto& p : queries) {
if (p.first == name) {
return found;
const char* mDefaultSearchDomains = "";
const res_params mDefaultParams_Binder = {
.sample_validity = 300,
.success_threshold = 25,
.min_samples = 8,
.max_samples = 8,
.base_timeout_msec = 1000,
.retry_count = 2,
const android_net_context mNetcontext = {
.app_netid = TEST_NETID,
.app_mark = MARK_UNSET,
.dns_netid = TEST_NETID,
.dns_mark = MARK_UNSET,
class GetAddrInfoForNetContextTest : public TestBase {};
class GetHostByNameForNetContextTest : public TestBase {};
TEST_F(GetAddrInfoForNetContextTest, InvalidParameters) {
// Both null "netcontext" and null "res" of android_getaddrinfofornetcontext() are not tested
// here because they are checked by assert() without returning any error number.
// Invalid hostname and servname.
// Both hostname and servname are null pointers. Expect error number EAI_NONAME.
struct addrinfo* result = nullptr;
int rv = android_getaddrinfofornetcontext(nullptr /*hostname*/, nullptr /*servname*/,
nullptr /*hints*/, &mNetcontext, &result);
if (result) {
result = nullptr;
// Invalid hints.
// These place holders are used to test function call with unrequired parameters.
// The content is not important because function call returns error directly if
// there have any unrequired parameter.
char placeholder_cname[] = "invalid_cname";
sockaddr placeholder_addr = {};
addrinfo placeholder_next = {};
static const struct TestConfig {
int ai_flags;
socklen_t ai_addrlen;
char* ai_canonname;
struct sockaddr* ai_addr;
struct addrinfo* ai_next;
int expected_eai_error;
std::string asParameters() const {
return StringPrintf("0x%x/%u/%s/%p/%p", ai_flags, ai_addrlen,
ai_canonname ? ai_canonname : "(null)", (void*) ai_addr,
(void*) ai_next);
} testConfigs[]{
{0, sizeof(struct in_addr) /*bad*/, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, EAI_BADHINTS},
{0, 0, placeholder_cname /*bad*/, nullptr, nullptr, EAI_BADHINTS},
{0, 0, nullptr, &placeholder_addr /*bad*/, nullptr, EAI_BADHINTS},
{0, 0, nullptr, nullptr, &placeholder_next /*bad*/, EAI_BADHINTS},
{AI_ALL /*bad*/, 0, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, EAI_BADFLAGS},
{AI_V4MAPPED_CFG /*bad*/, 0, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, EAI_BADFLAGS},
{AI_V4MAPPED /*bad*/, 0, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, EAI_BADFLAGS},
{AI_DEFAULT /*bad*/, 0, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, EAI_BADFLAGS},
for (const auto& config : testConfigs) {
// In current test configuration set, ai_family, ai_protocol and ai_socktype are not
// checked because other fields cause hints error check failed first.
const struct addrinfo hints = {
.ai_flags = config.ai_flags,
.ai_family = AF_UNSPEC,
.ai_socktype = ANY,
.ai_protocol = ANY,
.ai_addrlen = config.ai_addrlen,
.ai_canonname = config.ai_canonname,
.ai_addr = config.ai_addr,
.ai_next = config.ai_next,
rv = android_getaddrinfofornetcontext("localhost", nullptr /*servname*/, &hints,
&mNetcontext, &result);
EXPECT_EQ(config.expected_eai_error, rv);
if (result) {
result = nullptr;
TEST_F(GetAddrInfoForNetContextTest, InvalidParameters_Family) {
for (int family = 0; family < AF_MAX; ++family) {
if (family == AF_UNSPEC || family == AF_INET || family == AF_INET6) {
continue; // skip supported family
SCOPED_TRACE(StringPrintf("family: %d", family));
struct addrinfo* result = nullptr;
const struct addrinfo hints = {
.ai_family = family, // unsupported family
int rv = android_getaddrinfofornetcontext("localhost", nullptr /*servname*/, &hints,
&mNetcontext, &result);
if (result) freeaddrinfo(result);
TEST_F(GetAddrInfoForNetContextTest, InvalidParameters_MeaningfulSocktypeAndProtocolCombination) {
static const int families[] = {PF_INET, PF_INET6, PF_UNSPEC};
// Skip to test socket type SOCK_RAW in meaningful combination (explore_options[]) of
// system\netd\resolv\getaddrinfo.cpp. In explore_options[], the socket type SOCK_RAW always
// comes with protocol ANY which causes skipping meaningful socktype/protocol combination
// check. So it nerver returns error number EAI_BADHINTS which we want to test in this test
// case.
static const int socktypes[] = {SOCK_STREAM, SOCK_DGRAM};
// If both socktype/protocol are specified, check non-meaningful combination returns
// expected error number EAI_BADHINTS. See meaningful combination in explore_options[] of
// system\netd\resolv\getaddrinfo.cpp.
for (const auto& family : families) {
for (const auto& socktype : socktypes) {
for (int protocol = 0; protocol < IPPROTO_MAX; ++protocol) {
SCOPED_TRACE(StringPrintf("family: %d, socktype: %d, protocol: %d", family,
socktype, protocol));
// Both socktype/protocol need to be specified.
if (!socktype || !protocol) continue;
// Skip meaningful combination in explore_options[] of
// system\netd\resolv\getaddrinfo.cpp.
if ((family == AF_INET6 && socktype == SOCK_DGRAM && protocol == IPPROTO_UDP) ||
(family == AF_INET6 && socktype == SOCK_STREAM && protocol == IPPROTO_TCP) ||
(family == AF_INET && socktype == SOCK_DGRAM && protocol == IPPROTO_UDP) ||
(family == AF_INET && socktype == SOCK_STREAM && protocol == IPPROTO_TCP) ||
(family == AF_UNSPEC && socktype == SOCK_DGRAM && protocol == IPPROTO_UDP) ||
(family == AF_UNSPEC && socktype == SOCK_STREAM && protocol == IPPROTO_TCP)) {
struct addrinfo* result = nullptr;
const struct addrinfo hints = {
.ai_family = family,
.ai_protocol = protocol,
.ai_socktype = socktype,
int rv = android_getaddrinfofornetcontext("localhost", nullptr /*servname*/, &hints,
&mNetcontext, &result);
if (result) freeaddrinfo(result);
TEST_F(GetAddrInfoForNetContextTest, InvalidParameters_PortNameAndNumber) {
constexpr char http_portno[] = "80";
constexpr char invalid_portno[] = "65536"; // out of valid port range from 0 to 65535
constexpr char http_portname[] = "http";
constexpr char invalid_portname[] = "invalid_portname";
static const struct TestConfig {
int ai_flags;
int ai_family;
int ai_socktype;
const char* servname;
int expected_eai_error;
std::string asParameters() const {
return StringPrintf("0x%x/%d/%d/%s", ai_flags, ai_family, ai_socktype,
servname ? servname : "(null)");
} testConfigs[]{
{0, AF_INET, SOCK_RAW /*bad*/, http_portno, EAI_SERVICE},
{0, AF_INET6, SOCK_RAW /*bad*/, http_portno, EAI_SERVICE},
{0, AF_UNSPEC, SOCK_RAW /*bad*/, http_portno, EAI_SERVICE},
{0, AF_INET, SOCK_RDM /*bad*/, http_portno, EAI_SOCKTYPE},
{0, AF_INET6, SOCK_RDM /*bad*/, http_portno, EAI_SOCKTYPE},
{0, AF_UNSPEC, SOCK_RDM /*bad*/, http_portno, EAI_SOCKTYPE},
{0, AF_INET, SOCK_SEQPACKET /*bad*/, http_portno, EAI_SOCKTYPE},
{0, AF_INET6, SOCK_SEQPACKET /*bad*/, http_portno, EAI_SOCKTYPE},
{0, AF_UNSPEC, SOCK_SEQPACKET /*bad*/, http_portno, EAI_SOCKTYPE},
{0, AF_INET, SOCK_DCCP /*bad*/, http_portno, EAI_SOCKTYPE},
{0, AF_INET6, SOCK_DCCP /*bad*/, http_portno, EAI_SOCKTYPE},
{0, AF_UNSPEC, SOCK_DCCP /*bad*/, http_portno, EAI_SOCKTYPE},
{0, AF_INET, SOCK_PACKET /*bad*/, http_portno, EAI_SOCKTYPE},
{0, AF_INET6, SOCK_PACKET /*bad*/, http_portno, EAI_SOCKTYPE},
{0, AF_UNSPEC, SOCK_PACKET /*bad*/, http_portno, EAI_SOCKTYPE},
{0, AF_INET, ANY, invalid_portno /*bad*/, EAI_SERVICE},
{0, AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, invalid_portno /*bad*/, EAI_SERVICE},
{0, AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, invalid_portno /*bad*/, EAI_SERVICE},
{0, AF_INET6, ANY, invalid_portno /*bad*/, EAI_SERVICE},
{0, AF_INET6, SOCK_STREAM, invalid_portno /*bad*/, EAI_SERVICE},
{0, AF_INET6, SOCK_DGRAM, invalid_portno /*bad*/, EAI_SERVICE},
{0, AF_UNSPEC, ANY, invalid_portno /*bad*/, EAI_SERVICE},
{0, AF_UNSPEC, SOCK_STREAM, invalid_portno /*bad*/, EAI_SERVICE},
{0, AF_UNSPEC, SOCK_DGRAM, invalid_portno /*bad*/, EAI_SERVICE},
{AI_NUMERICSERV, AF_INET, ANY, http_portname /*bad*/, EAI_NONAME},
{AI_NUMERICSERV, AF_INET6, ANY, http_portname /*bad*/, EAI_NONAME},
{AI_NUMERICSERV, AF_INET6, SOCK_DGRAM, http_portname /*bad*/, EAI_NONAME},
{AI_NUMERICSERV, AF_UNSPEC, ANY, http_portname /*bad*/, EAI_NONAME},
{0, AF_INET, ANY, invalid_portname /*bad*/, EAI_SERVICE},
{0, AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, invalid_portname /*bad*/, EAI_SERVICE},
{0, AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, invalid_portname /*bad*/, EAI_SERVICE},
{0, AF_INET6, ANY, invalid_portname /*bad*/, EAI_SERVICE},
{0, AF_INET6, SOCK_STREAM, invalid_portname /*bad*/, EAI_SERVICE},
{0, AF_INET6, SOCK_DGRAM, invalid_portname /*bad*/, EAI_SERVICE},
{0, AF_UNSPEC, ANY, invalid_portname /*bad*/, EAI_SERVICE},
{0, AF_UNSPEC, SOCK_STREAM, invalid_portname /*bad*/, EAI_SERVICE},
{0, AF_UNSPEC, SOCK_DGRAM, invalid_portname /*bad*/, EAI_SERVICE},
for (const auto& config : testConfigs) {
const std::string testParameters = config.asParameters();
const struct addrinfo hints = {
.ai_flags = config.ai_flags,
.ai_family = config.ai_family,
.ai_socktype = config.ai_socktype,
struct addrinfo* result = nullptr;
int rv = android_getaddrinfofornetcontext("localhost", config.servname, &hints,
&mNetcontext, &result);
EXPECT_EQ(config.expected_eai_error, rv);
if (result) freeaddrinfo(result);
TEST_F(GetAddrInfoForNetContextTest, AlphabeticalHostname_NoData) {
constexpr char listen_addr[] = "";
constexpr char listen_srv[] = "53";
constexpr char v4_host_name[] = "";
test::DNSResponder dns(listen_addr, listen_srv, 250, ns_rcode::ns_r_servfail);
dns.addMapping(v4_host_name, ns_type::ns_t_a, "");
const char* servers[] = {listen_addr};
ASSERT_EQ(0, resolv_set_nameservers_for_net(TEST_NETID, servers,
sizeof(servers) / sizeof(servers[0]),
mDefaultSearchDomains, &mDefaultParams_Binder));
// Want AAAA answer but DNS server has A answer only.
struct addrinfo* result = nullptr;
const addrinfo hints = {.ai_family = AF_INET6};
int rv = android_getaddrinfofornetcontext("v4only", nullptr, &hints, &mNetcontext, &result);
EXPECT_LE(1U, GetNumQueries(dns, v4_host_name));
EXPECT_TRUE(result == nullptr);
if (result) freeaddrinfo(result);
TEST_F(GetAddrInfoForNetContextTest, AlphabeticalHostname) {
constexpr char listen_addr[] = "";
constexpr char listen_srv[] = "53";
constexpr char host_name[] = "";
constexpr char v4addr[] = "";
constexpr char v6addr[] = "::";
test::DNSResponder dns(listen_addr, listen_srv, 250, ns_rcode::ns_r_servfail);
dns.addMapping(host_name, ns_type::ns_t_a, v4addr);
dns.addMapping(host_name, ns_type::ns_t_aaaa, v6addr);
const char* servers[] = {listen_addr};
ASSERT_EQ(0, resolv_set_nameservers_for_net(TEST_NETID, servers,
sizeof(servers) / sizeof(servers[0]),
mDefaultSearchDomains, &mDefaultParams_Binder));
static const struct TestConfig {
int ai_family;
const std::string expected_addr;
} testConfigs[]{
{AF_INET, v4addr},
{AF_INET6, v6addr},
for (const auto& config : testConfigs) {
SCOPED_TRACE(StringPrintf("family: %d", config.ai_family));
struct addrinfo* result = nullptr;
const struct addrinfo hints = {.ai_family = config.ai_family};
int rv =
android_getaddrinfofornetcontext("sawadee", nullptr, &hints, &mNetcontext, &result);
EXPECT_EQ(0, rv);
EXPECT_TRUE(result != nullptr);
EXPECT_EQ(1U, GetNumQueries(dns, host_name));
EXPECT_EQ(config.expected_addr, ToString(result));
if (result) freeaddrinfo(result);
TEST_F(GetAddrInfoForNetContextTest, ServerResponseError) {
constexpr char listen_addr[] = "";
constexpr char listen_srv[] = "53";
constexpr char host_name[] = "";
static const struct TestConfig {
ns_rcode rcode;
int expected_eai_error;
// Only test failure RCODE [1..5] in RFC 1035 section 4.1.1 and skip successful RCODE 0
// which means no error.
} testConfigs[]{
// clang-format off
{ns_rcode::ns_r_formerr, EAI_FAIL},
{ns_rcode::ns_r_servfail, EAI_AGAIN},
{ns_rcode::ns_r_nxdomain, EAI_NODATA},
{ns_rcode::ns_r_notimpl, EAI_FAIL},
{ns_rcode::ns_r_refused, EAI_FAIL},
// clang-format on
for (const auto& config : testConfigs) {
SCOPED_TRACE(StringPrintf("rcode: %d", config.rcode));
test::DNSResponder dns(listen_addr, listen_srv, 250,
config.rcode /*response specific rcode*/);
dns.addMapping(host_name, ns_type::ns_t_a, "");
dns.setResponseProbability(0.0); // always ignore requests and response preset rcode
const char* servers[] = {listen_addr};
ASSERT_EQ(0, resolv_set_nameservers_for_net(TEST_NETID, servers,
sizeof(servers) / sizeof(servers[0]),
mDefaultSearchDomains, &mDefaultParams_Binder));
struct addrinfo* result = nullptr;
const struct addrinfo hints = {.ai_family = AF_UNSPEC};
int rv =
android_getaddrinfofornetcontext(host_name, nullptr, &hints, &mNetcontext, &result);
EXPECT_EQ(config.expected_eai_error, rv);
if (result) freeaddrinfo(result);
// TODO: Add private DNS server timeout test.
TEST_F(GetAddrInfoForNetContextTest, ServerTimeout) {
constexpr char listen_addr[] = "";
constexpr char listen_srv[] = "53";
constexpr char host_name[] = "";
test::DNSResponder dns(listen_addr, listen_srv, 250, static_cast<ns_rcode>(-1) /*no response*/);
dns.addMapping(host_name, ns_type::ns_t_a, "");
dns.setResponseProbability(0.0); // always ignore requests and don't response
const char* servers[] = {listen_addr};
ASSERT_EQ(0, resolv_set_nameservers_for_net(TEST_NETID, servers,
sizeof(servers) / sizeof(servers[0]),
mDefaultSearchDomains, &mDefaultParams_Binder));
struct addrinfo* result = nullptr;
const struct addrinfo hints = {.ai_family = AF_UNSPEC};
int rv = android_getaddrinfofornetcontext("hello", nullptr, &hints, &mNetcontext, &result);
if (result) freeaddrinfo(result);
TEST_F(GetHostByNameForNetContextTest, AlphabeticalHostname) {
constexpr char listen_addr[] = "";
constexpr char listen_srv[] = "53";
constexpr char host_name[] = "";
constexpr char v4addr[] = "";
constexpr char v6addr[] = "::";
test::DNSResponder dns(listen_addr, listen_srv, 250, ns_rcode::ns_r_servfail);
dns.addMapping(host_name, ns_type::ns_t_a, v4addr);
dns.addMapping(host_name, ns_type::ns_t_aaaa, v6addr);
const char* servers[] = {listen_addr};
ASSERT_EQ(0, resolv_set_nameservers_for_net(TEST_NETID, servers,
sizeof(servers) / sizeof(servers[0]),
mDefaultSearchDomains, &mDefaultParams_Binder));
static const struct TestConfig {
int ai_family;
const std::string expected_addr;
} testConfigs[]{
{AF_INET, v4addr},
{AF_INET6, v6addr},
for (const auto& config : testConfigs) {
SCOPED_TRACE(StringPrintf("family: %d", config.ai_family));
struct hostent* hp = nullptr;
int rv = android_gethostbynamefornetcontext("jiababuei", config.ai_family, &mNetcontext,
EXPECT_EQ(0, rv);
EXPECT_TRUE(hp != nullptr);
EXPECT_EQ(1U, GetNumQueries(dns, host_name));
EXPECT_EQ(config.expected_addr, ToString(hp));
TEST_F(GetHostByNameForNetContextTest, NoData) {
constexpr char listen_addr[] = "";
constexpr char listen_srv[] = "53";
constexpr char v4_host_name[] = "";
test::DNSResponder dns(listen_addr, listen_srv, 250, ns_rcode::ns_r_servfail);
dns.addMapping(v4_host_name, ns_type::ns_t_a, "");
const char* servers[] = {listen_addr};
ASSERT_EQ(0, resolv_set_nameservers_for_net(TEST_NETID, servers,
sizeof(servers) / sizeof(servers[0]),
mDefaultSearchDomains, &mDefaultParams_Binder));
// Want AAAA answer but DNS server has A answer only.
struct hostent* hp = nullptr;
int rv = android_gethostbynamefornetcontext("v4only", AF_INET6, &mNetcontext, &hp);
EXPECT_LE(1U, GetNumQueries(dns, v4_host_name));
EXPECT_TRUE(hp == nullptr);
TEST_F(GetHostByNameForNetContextTest, ServerResponseError) {
constexpr char listen_addr[] = "";
constexpr char listen_srv[] = "53";
constexpr char host_name[] = "";
static const struct TestConfig {
ns_rcode rcode;
int expected_eai_error; // expected result
// Only test failure RCODE [1..5] in RFC 1035 section 4.1.1 and skip successful RCODE 0
// which means no error. Note that the return error codes aren't mapped by rcode in the
// test case SERVFAIL, NOTIMP and REFUSED. See the comment of res_nsend()
// in system\netd\resolv\res_query.cpp for more detail.
} testConfigs[]{
// clang-format off
{ns_rcode::ns_r_formerr, EAI_FAIL},
{ns_rcode::ns_r_servfail, EAI_AGAIN}, // Not mapped by rcode.
{ns_rcode::ns_r_nxdomain, EAI_NODATA},
{ns_rcode::ns_r_notimpl, EAI_AGAIN}, // Not mapped by rcode.
{ns_rcode::ns_r_refused, EAI_AGAIN}, // Not mapped by rcode.
// clang-format on
for (const auto& config : testConfigs) {
SCOPED_TRACE(StringPrintf("rcode: %d", config.rcode));
test::DNSResponder dns(listen_addr, listen_srv, 250,
config.rcode /*response specific rcode*/);
dns.addMapping(host_name, ns_type::ns_t_a, "");
dns.setResponseProbability(0.0); // always ignore requests and response preset rcode
const char* servers[] = {listen_addr};
ASSERT_EQ(0, resolv_set_nameservers_for_net(TEST_NETID, servers,
sizeof(servers) / sizeof(servers[0]),
mDefaultSearchDomains, &mDefaultParams_Binder));
struct hostent* hp = nullptr;
int rv = android_gethostbynamefornetcontext(host_name, AF_INET, &mNetcontext, &hp);
EXPECT_TRUE(hp == nullptr);
EXPECT_EQ(config.expected_eai_error, rv);
// TODO: Add private DNS server timeout test.
TEST_F(GetHostByNameForNetContextTest, ServerTimeout) {
constexpr char listen_addr[] = "";
constexpr char listen_srv[] = "53";
constexpr char host_name[] = "";
test::DNSResponder dns(listen_addr, listen_srv, 250, static_cast<ns_rcode>(-1) /*no response*/);
dns.addMapping(host_name, ns_type::ns_t_a, "");
dns.setResponseProbability(0.0); // always ignore requests and don't response
const char* servers[] = {listen_addr};
ASSERT_EQ(0, resolv_set_nameservers_for_net(TEST_NETID, servers,
sizeof(servers) / sizeof(servers[0]),
mDefaultSearchDomains, &mDefaultParams_Binder));
struct hostent* hp = nullptr;
int rv = android_gethostbynamefornetcontext(host_name, AF_INET, &mNetcontext, &hp);
// Note that local host file function, files_getaddrinfo(), of android_getaddrinfofornetcontext()
// is not tested because it only returns a boolean (success or failure) without any error number.
// TODO: Add test NULL hostname, or numeric hostname for android_getaddrinfofornetcontext.
// TODO: Add test invalid parameters for android_gethostbynamefornetcontext.
// TODO: Add test for android_gethostbyaddrfornetcontext.
} // end of namespace net
} // end of namespace android