blob: 098ce2ef234c97cacfde83f2c1a3aa4289b09547 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2019 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import android.content.Context;
import androidx.annotation.NonNull;
* Collection of utilities for the network stack.
public class NetworkStackUtils {
private static final String TAG = "NetworkStackUtils";
* A list of captive portal detection specifications used in addition to the fallback URLs.
* Each spec has the format url@@/@@statusCodeRegex@@/@@contentRegex. Specs are separated
* by "@@,@@".
public static final String CAPTIVE_PORTAL_FALLBACK_PROBE_SPECS =
* A comma separated list of URLs used for captive portal detection in addition to the
* fallback HTTP url associated with the CAPTIVE_PORTAL_FALLBACK_URL settings.
public static final String CAPTIVE_PORTAL_OTHER_FALLBACK_URLS =
* A comma separated list of URLs used for captive portal detection in addition to the HTTP url
* associated with the CAPTIVE_PORTAL_HTTP_URL settings.
public static final String CAPTIVE_PORTAL_OTHER_HTTP_URLS = "captive_portal_other_http_urls";
* A comma separated list of URLs used for network validation. in addition to the HTTPS url
* associated with the CAPTIVE_PORTAL_HTTPS_URL settings.
public static final String CAPTIVE_PORTAL_OTHER_HTTPS_URLS = "captive_portal_other_https_urls";
* Which User-Agent string to use in the header of the captive portal detection probes.
* The User-Agent field is unset when this setting has no value (HttpUrlConnection default).
public static final String CAPTIVE_PORTAL_USER_AGENT = "captive_portal_user_agent";
* Whether to use HTTPS for network validation. This is enabled by default and the setting
* needs to be set to 0 to disable it. This setting is a misnomer because captive portals
* don't actually use HTTPS, but it's consistent with the other settings.
public static final String CAPTIVE_PORTAL_USE_HTTPS = "captive_portal_use_https";
* The URL used for HTTPS captive portal detection upon a new connection.
* A 204 response code from the server is used for validation.
public static final String CAPTIVE_PORTAL_HTTPS_URL = "captive_portal_https_url";
* The URL used for HTTP captive portal detection upon a new connection.
* A 204 response code from the server is used for validation.
public static final String CAPTIVE_PORTAL_HTTP_URL = "captive_portal_http_url";
* A test URL used to override configuration settings and overlays for the network validation
* HTTPS URL, when set in {@link android.provider.DeviceConfig} configuration.
* <p>This URL will be ignored if the host is not "localhost" (it can only be used to test with
* a local test server), and must not be set in production scenarios (as enforced by CTS tests).
* <p>{@link #TEST_URL_EXPIRATION_TIME} must also be set to use this setting.
public static final String TEST_CAPTIVE_PORTAL_HTTPS_URL = "test_captive_portal_https_url";
* A test URL used to override configuration settings and overlays for the network validation
* HTTP URL, when set in {@link android.provider.DeviceConfig} configuration.
* <p>This URL will be ignored if the host is not "localhost" (it can only be used to test with
* a local test server), and must not be set in production scenarios (as enforced by CTS tests).
* <p>{@link #TEST_URL_EXPIRATION_TIME} must also be set to use this setting.
public static final String TEST_CAPTIVE_PORTAL_HTTP_URL = "test_captive_portal_http_url";
* Expiration time of the test URL, in ms, relative to {@link System#currentTimeMillis()}.
* <p>After this expiration time, test URLs will be ignored. They will also be ignored if
* the expiration time is more than 10 minutes in the future, to avoid misconfiguration
* following test runs.
public static final String TEST_URL_EXPIRATION_TIME = "test_url_expiration_time";
* The URL used for fallback HTTP captive portal detection when previous HTTP
* and HTTPS captive portal detection attemps did not return a conclusive answer.
public static final String CAPTIVE_PORTAL_FALLBACK_URL = "captive_portal_fallback_url";
* What to do when connecting a network that presents a captive portal.
* Must be one of the CAPTIVE_PORTAL_MODE_* constants above.
* The default for this setting is CAPTIVE_PORTAL_MODE_PROMPT.
public static final String CAPTIVE_PORTAL_MODE = "captive_portal_mode";
* Don't attempt to detect captive portals.
public static final int CAPTIVE_PORTAL_MODE_IGNORE = 0;
* When detecting a captive portal, display a notification that
* prompts the user to sign in.
public static final int CAPTIVE_PORTAL_MODE_PROMPT = 1;
* When detecting a captive portal, immediately disconnect from the
* network and do not reconnect to that network in the future.
public static final int CAPTIVE_PORTAL_MODE_AVOID = 2;
* DNS probe timeout for network validation. Enough for 3 DNS queries 5 seconds apart.
public static final int DEFAULT_CAPTIVE_PORTAL_DNS_PROBE_TIMEOUT = 12500;
* List of fallback probe specs to use for detecting captive portals. This is an alternative to
* fallback URLs that provides more flexibility on detection rules. Empty, so unused by default.
new String[] {};
* The default list of HTTP URLs to use for detecting captive portals.
public static final String[] DEFAULT_CAPTIVE_PORTAL_HTTP_URLS =
new String [] {""};
* The default list of HTTPS URLs for network validation, to use for confirming internet
* connectivity.
public static final String[] DEFAULT_CAPTIVE_PORTAL_HTTPS_URLS =
new String [] {""};
* @deprecated Considering boolean experiment flag is likely to cause misconfiguration
* particularly when NetworkStack module rolls back to previous version. It's
* much safer to determine whether or not to enable one specific experimental
* feature by comparing flag version with module version.
public static final String DHCP_INIT_REBOOT_ENABLED = "dhcp_init_reboot_enabled";
* @deprecated See above explanation.
public static final String DHCP_RAPID_COMMIT_ENABLED = "dhcp_rapid_commit_enabled";
* Minimum module version at which to enable the DHCP INIT-REBOOT state.
public static final String DHCP_INIT_REBOOT_VERSION = "dhcp_init_reboot_version";
* Minimum module version at which to enable the DHCP Rapid Commit option.
public static final String DHCP_RAPID_COMMIT_VERSION = "dhcp_rapid_commit_version";
* Minimum module version at which to enable the IP address conflict detection feature.
public static final String DHCP_IP_CONFLICT_DETECT_VERSION = "dhcp_ip_conflict_detect_version";
* Minimum module version at which to enable the IPv6-Only preferred option.
public static final String DHCP_IPV6_ONLY_PREFERRED_VERSION =
* Minimum module version at which to enable dismissal CaptivePortalLogin app in validated
* network feature. CaptivePortalLogin app will also use validation facilities in
* {@link NetworkMonitor} to perform portal validation if feature is enabled.
public static final String DISMISS_PORTAL_IN_VALIDATED_NETWORK =
* Experiment flag to enable considering DNS probes returning private IP addresses as failed
* when attempting to detect captive portals.
* This flag is enabled if !=0 and less than the module APK version.
* Experiment flag to enable validation metrics sent by NetworkMonitor.
* Metrics are sent by default. They can be disabled by setting the flag to a number greater
* than the APK version (for example 999999999).
* @see DeviceConfigUtils#isFeatureEnabled(Context, String, String, boolean)
public static final String VALIDATION_METRICS_VERSION = "validation_metrics_version";
* Experiment flag to enable sending gratuitous multicast unsolicited Neighbor Advertisements
* to propagate new assigned IPv6 GUA as quickly as possible.
public static final String IPCLIENT_GRATUITOUS_NA_VERSION = "ipclient_gratuitous_na_version";
* Experiment flag to enable sending Gratuitous APR and Gratuitous Neighbor Advertisement for
* all assigned IPv4 and IPv6 GUAs after completing L2 roaming.
public static final String IPCLIENT_GARP_NA_ROAMING_VERSION =
static {
* Close a socket, ignoring any exception while closing.
public static void closeSocketQuietly(FileDescriptor fd) {
try {
} catch (IOException ignored) {
* Convert IPv6 multicast address to ethernet multicast address in network order.
public static MacAddress ipv6MulticastToEthernetMulticast(@NonNull final Inet6Address addr) {
final byte[] etherMulticast = new byte[6];
final byte[] ipv6Multicast = addr.getAddress();
etherMulticast[0] = (byte) 0x33;
etherMulticast[1] = (byte) 0x33;
etherMulticast[2] = ipv6Multicast[12];
etherMulticast[3] = ipv6Multicast[13];
etherMulticast[4] = ipv6Multicast[14];
etherMulticast[5] = ipv6Multicast[15];
return MacAddress.fromBytes(etherMulticast);
* Attaches a socket filter that accepts DHCP packets to the given socket.
public static native void attachDhcpFilter(FileDescriptor fd) throws SocketException;
* Attaches a socket filter that accepts ICMPv6 router advertisements to the given socket.
* @param fd the socket's {@link FileDescriptor}.
* @param packetType the hardware address type, one of ARPHRD_*.
public static native void attachRaFilter(FileDescriptor fd, int packetType)
throws SocketException;
* Attaches a socket filter that accepts L2-L4 signaling traffic required for IP connectivity.
* This includes: all ARP, ICMPv6 RS/RA/NS/NA messages, and DHCPv4 exchanges.
* @param fd the socket's {@link FileDescriptor}.
* @param packetType the hardware address type, one of ARPHRD_*.
public static native void attachControlPacketFilter(FileDescriptor fd, int packetType)
throws SocketException;
* Add an entry into the ARP cache.
public static void addArpEntry(Inet4Address ipv4Addr, ethAddr,
String ifname, FileDescriptor fd) throws IOException {
addArpEntry(ethAddr.toByteArray(), ipv4Addr.getAddress(), ifname, fd);
private static native void addArpEntry(byte[] ethAddr, byte[] netAddr, String ifname,
FileDescriptor fd) throws IOException;