blob: d1921be62bd6cf166c033b374d0e8142a1c75ad9 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2019 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import android.os.Build
import android.os.UserHandle
* A lightweight version of the AppPermissionGroup data structure. Represents information about a
* package, and all permissions in a particular permission group this package requests.
* @param packageInfo Information about the package
* @param permGroupInfo Information about the permission group
* @param allPermissions The permissions in the permission group that the package requests
* (including restricted ones).
* @param hasInstallToRuntimeSplit If this group contains a permission that was previously an
* install permission, but is currently a runtime permission
* @param specialLocationGrant If this package is the location provider, or the extra location
* package, then the grant state of the group is not determined by the grant state of individual
* permissions, but by other system properties
data class LightAppPermGroup(
val packageInfo: LightPackageInfo,
val permGroupInfo: LightPermGroupInfo,
val allPermissions: Map<String, LightPermission>,
val hasInstallToRuntimeSplit: Boolean,
val specialLocationGrant: Boolean?
) {
constructor(pI: LightPackageInfo, pGI: LightPermGroupInfo, perms: Map<String, LightPermission>):
this(pI, pGI, perms, false, null)
* All unrestricted permissions. Usually restricted permissions are ignored
val permissions: Map<String, LightPermission> =
allPermissions.filter { (_, permission) -> !permission.isRestricted }
* The package name of this group
val packageName = packageInfo.packageName
* The permission group name of this group
val permGroupName =
* The current userHandle of this AppPermGroup.
val userHandle: UserHandle = UserHandle.getUserHandleForUid(packageInfo.uid)
* The names of all background permissions in the permission group which are requested by the
* package.
val backgroundPermNames = permissions.mapNotNull { it.value.backgroundPermission }
* All foreground permissions in the permission group which are requested by the package.
val foregroundPermNames get() = permissions.mapNotNull { (name, _) ->
if (name !in backgroundPermNames) name else null
val foreground = AppPermSubGroup(permissions.filter { it.key in foregroundPermNames },
packageInfo, specialLocationGrant)
val background = AppPermSubGroup(permissions.filter { it.key in backgroundPermNames },
packageInfo, specialLocationGrant)
* Whether or not this App Permission Group has a permission which has a background mode
val hasPermWithBackgroundMode = backgroundPermNames.isNotEmpty()
* Whether or not this App Permission Group requests a background permission
val hasBackgroundGroup = backgroundPermNames.any { permissions.contains(it) }
* Whether this App Permission Group's background and foreground permissions are fixed by policy
val isPolicyFullyFixed = foreground.isPolicyFixed && (!hasBackgroundGroup ||
* Whether this App Permission Group's background permissions are fixed by the system or policy
val isBackgroundFixed = background.isPolicyFixed || background.isSystemFixed
* Whether this App Permission Group's foreground permissions are fixed by the system or policy
val isForegroundFixed = foreground.isPolicyFixed || foreground.isSystemFixed
* Whether or not this group supports runtime permissions
val supportsRuntimePerms = packageInfo.targetSdkVersion >= Build.VERSION_CODES.M
* Whether this App Permission Group contains any one-time permission and
* none of the permissions are granted (not one-time)
val isOneTime = permissions.any { it.value.isOneTime } &&
!permissions.any { !it.value.isOneTime && it.value.isGrantedIncludingAppOp }
* Whether any permissions in this group are granted by default (pregrant)
val isGrantedByDefault = foreground.isGrantedByDefault || background.isGrantedByDefault
* Whether any permissions in this group are granted by being a role holder
val isGrantedByRole = foreground.isGrantedByRole || background.isGrantedByRole
* Whether any permissions in this group are user sensitive
val isUserSensitive = permissions.any { it.value.isUserSensitive }
* Whether any permissions in this group are revoke-when-requested
val isRevokeWhenRequested = permissions.any { it.value.isRevokeWhenRequested }
* A subset of the AppPermssionGroup, representing either the background or foreground permissions
* of the full group.
* @param permissions The permissions contained within this subgroup, a subset of those contained
* in the full group
* @param specialLocationGrant Whether this is a special location package
data class AppPermSubGroup internal constructor(
private val permissions: Map<String, LightPermission>,
private val packageInfo: LightPackageInfo,
private val specialLocationGrant: Boolean?
) {
* Whether any of this App Permission SubGroup's permissions are granted
val isGranted = specialLocationGrant ?: permissions.any { it.value.isGrantedIncludingAppOp }
* Whether any of this App Permission SubGroup's permissions are granted by default
val isGrantedByDefault = permissions.any { it.value.isGrantedByDefault }
* Whether any of this App Permission Subgroup's foreground permissions are fixed by policy
val isPolicyFixed = permissions.any { it.value.isPolicyFixed }
* Whether any of this App Permission Subgroup's permissions are fixed by the system
val isSystemFixed = permissions.any { it.value.isSystemFixed }
* Whether any of this App Permission Subgroup's permissions are fixed by the user
val isUserFixed = permissions.any { it.value.isUserFixed }
* Whether any of this App Permission Subgroup's permissions are set by the user
val isUserSet = permissions.any { it.value.isUserSet }
* Whether any of this App Permission Subgroup's permissions are set by the role of this app
val isGrantedByRole = permissions.any { it.value.isGrantedByRole }
private val hasPreRuntimePerm = permissions.any { (_, perm) -> !perm.isRuntimeOnly }
private val hasInstantPerm = permissions.any { (_, perm) -> perm.isInstantPerm }
* Whether or not any permissions in this App Permission Subgroup can be granted
val isGrantable = (!packageInfo.isInstantApp || hasInstantPerm) &&
(packageInfo.targetSdkVersion >= Build.VERSION_CODES.M || hasPreRuntimePerm)