blob: 7b8cb7f1b951b8a442641e99c77c8f8b7021c126 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021, The Android Open Source Project
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
//! Payload disk image
use android_system_virtualizationservice::aidl::android::system::virtualizationservice::{
DiskImage::DiskImage, Partition::Partition, VirtualMachineAppConfig::DebugLevel::DebugLevel,
use android_system_virtualizationservice::binder::ParcelFileDescriptor;
use anyhow::{anyhow, bail, Context, Result};
use binder::wait_for_interface;
use log::{info, warn};
use microdroid_metadata::{ApexPayload, ApkPayload, Metadata};
use microdroid_payload_config::{ApexConfig, VmPayloadConfig};
use once_cell::sync::OnceCell;
use packagemanager_aidl::aidl::android::content::pm::IPackageManagerNative::IPackageManagerNative;
use regex::Regex;
use serde::Deserialize;
use serde_xml_rs::from_reader;
use std::collections::HashSet;
use std::fs::{metadata, File, OpenOptions};
use std::path::{Path, PathBuf};
use std::process::Command;
use std::time::SystemTime;
use vmconfig::open_parcel_file;
/// The list of APEXes which microdroid requires.
// TODO(b/192200378) move this to microdroid.json?
const MICRODROID_REQUIRED_APEXES: [&str; 1] = [""];
const APEX_INFO_LIST_PATH: &str = "/apex/apex-info-list.xml";
const PACKAGE_MANAGER_NATIVE_SERVICE: &str = "package_native";
/// Represents the list of APEXes
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Deserialize)]
struct ApexInfoList {
#[serde(rename = "apex-info")]
list: Vec<ApexInfo>,
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Default, Deserialize, Eq, PartialEq)]
struct ApexInfo {
#[serde(rename = "moduleName")]
name: String,
#[serde(rename = "modulePath")]
path: PathBuf,
has_classpath_jar: bool,
// The field claims to be milliseconds but is actually seconds.
#[serde(rename = "lastUpdateMillis")]
last_update_seconds: u64,
#[serde(rename = "isFactory")]
is_factory: bool,
#[serde(rename = "isActive")]
is_active: bool,
#[serde(rename = "provideSharedApexLibs")]
provide_shared_apex_libs: bool,
impl ApexInfoList {
/// Loads ApexInfoList
fn load() -> Result<&'static ApexInfoList> {
static INSTANCE: OnceCell<ApexInfoList> = OnceCell::new();
INSTANCE.get_or_try_init(|| {
let apex_info_list = File::open(APEX_INFO_LIST_PATH)
.context(format!("Failed to open {}", APEX_INFO_LIST_PATH))?;
let mut apex_info_list: ApexInfoList = from_reader(apex_info_list)
.context(format!("Failed to parse {}", APEX_INFO_LIST_PATH))?;
// For active APEXes, we run derive_classpath and parse its output to see if it
// contributes to the classpath(s). (This allows us to handle any new classpath env
// vars seamlessly.)
let classpath_vars = run_derive_classpath()?;
let classpath_apexes = find_apex_names_in_classpath(&classpath_vars)?;
for apex_info in apex_info_list.list.iter_mut() {
apex_info.has_classpath_jar = classpath_apexes.contains(&;
impl ApexInfo {
fn matches(&self, apex_config: &ApexConfig) -> bool {
// Match with pseudo name "{CLASSPATH}" which represents APEXes contributing
// to any derive_classpath environment variable
if == "{CLASSPATH}" && self.has_classpath_jar {
return true;
if == {
return true;
struct PackageManager {
apex_info_list: &'static ApexInfoList,
impl PackageManager {
fn new() -> Result<Self> {
let apex_info_list = ApexInfoList::load()?;
Ok(Self { apex_info_list })
fn get_apex_list(&self, prefer_staged: bool) -> Result<ApexInfoList> {
// get the list of active apexes
let mut list = self.apex_info_list.clone();
// When prefer_staged, we override ApexInfo by consulting "package_native"
if prefer_staged {
let pm =
wait_for_interface::<dyn IPackageManagerNative>(PACKAGE_MANAGER_NATIVE_SERVICE)
.context("Failed to get service when prefer_staged is set.")?;
let staged = pm.getStagedApexModuleNames()?;
for apex_info in list.list.iter_mut() {
if staged.contains(& {
if let Some(staged_apex_info) = pm.getStagedApexInfo(& {
apex_info.path = PathBuf::from(staged_apex_info.diskImagePath);
apex_info.has_classpath_jar = staged_apex_info.hasClassPathJars;
let metadata = metadata(&apex_info.path)?;
apex_info.last_update_seconds =
// by definition, staged apex can't be a factory apex.
apex_info.is_factory = false;
fn make_metadata_file(
config_path: &str,
apex_infos: &[&ApexInfo],
temporary_directory: &Path,
) -> Result<ParcelFileDescriptor> {
let metadata_path = temporary_directory.join("metadata");
let metadata = Metadata {
version: 1,
apexes: apex_infos
.map(|(i, apex_info)| {
Ok(ApexPayload {
partition_name: format!("microdroid-apex-{}", i),
last_update_seconds: apex_info.last_update_seconds,
is_factory: apex_info.is_factory,
apk: Some(ApkPayload {
name: "apk".to_owned(),
payload_partition_name: "microdroid-apk".to_owned(),
idsig_partition_name: "microdroid-apk-idsig".to_owned(),
payload_config_path: format!("/mnt/apk/{}", config_path),
// Write metadata to file.
let mut metadata_file = OpenOptions::new()
.with_context(|| format!("Failed to open metadata file {:?}", metadata_path))?;
microdroid_metadata::write_metadata(&metadata, &mut metadata_file)?;
// Re-open the metadata file as read-only.
open_parcel_file(&metadata_path, false)
/// Creates a DiskImage with partitions:
/// metadata: metadata
/// microdroid-apex-0: apex 0
/// microdroid-apex-1: apex 1
/// ..
/// microdroid-apk: apk
/// microdroid-apk-idsig: idsig
/// extra-apk-0: additional apk 0
/// extra-idsig-0: additional idsig 0
/// extra-apk-1: additional apk 1
/// extra-idsig-1: additional idsig 1
/// ..
fn make_payload_disk(
app_config: &VirtualMachineAppConfig,
apk_file: File,
idsig_file: File,
vm_payload_config: &VmPayloadConfig,
temporary_directory: &Path,
) -> Result<DiskImage> {
if vm_payload_config.extra_apks.len() != app_config.extraIdsigs.len() {
"payload config has {} apks, but app config has {} idsigs",
let pm = PackageManager::new()?;
let apex_list = pm.get_apex_list(vm_payload_config.prefer_staged)?;
// collect APEXes from config
let apex_infos =
collect_apex_infos(&apex_list, &vm_payload_config.apexes, app_config.debugLevel);
info!("Microdroid payload APEXes: {:?}", apex_infos.iter().map(|ai| &;
let metadata_file =
make_metadata_file(&app_config.configPath, &apex_infos, temporary_directory)?;
// put metadata at the first partition
let mut partitions = vec![Partition {
label: "payload-metadata".to_owned(),
image: Some(metadata_file),
writable: false,
for (i, apex_info) in apex_infos.iter().enumerate() {
let apex_file = open_parcel_file(&apex_info.path, false)?;
partitions.push(Partition {
label: format!("microdroid-apex-{}", i),
image: Some(apex_file),
writable: false,
partitions.push(Partition {
label: "microdroid-apk".to_owned(),
image: Some(ParcelFileDescriptor::new(apk_file)),
writable: false,
partitions.push(Partition {
label: "microdroid-apk-idsig".to_owned(),
image: Some(ParcelFileDescriptor::new(idsig_file)),
writable: false,
// we've already checked that extra_apks and extraIdsigs are in the same size.
let extra_apks = &vm_payload_config.extra_apks;
let extra_idsigs = &app_config.extraIdsigs;
for (i, (extra_apk, extra_idsig)) in extra_apks.iter().zip(extra_idsigs.iter()).enumerate() {
partitions.push(Partition {
label: format!("extra-apk-{}", i),
image: Some(ParcelFileDescriptor::new(File::open(PathBuf::from(&extra_apk.path))?)),
writable: false,
partitions.push(Partition {
label: format!("extra-idsig-{}", i),
image: Some(ParcelFileDescriptor::new(extra_idsig.as_ref().try_clone()?)),
writable: false,
Ok(DiskImage { image: None, partitions, writable: false })
fn run_derive_classpath() -> Result<String> {
let result = Command::new("/apex/")
.context("Failed to run derive_classpath")?;
if !result.status.success() {
bail!("derive_classpath returned {}", result.status);
String::from_utf8(result.stdout).context("Converting derive_classpath output")
fn find_apex_names_in_classpath(classpath_vars: &str) -> Result<HashSet<String>> {
// Each line should be in the format "export <var name> <paths>", where <paths> is a
// colon-separated list of paths to JARs. We don't care about the var names, and we're only
// interested in paths that look like "/apex/<apex name>/<anything>" so we know which APEXes
// contribute to at least one var.
let mut apexes = HashSet::new();
let pattern = Regex::new(r"^export [^ ]+ ([^ ]+)$").context("Failed to construct Regex")?;
for line in classpath_vars.lines() {
if let Some(captures) = pattern.captures(line) {
if let Some(paths) = captures.get(1) {
apexes.extend(paths.as_str().split(':').filter_map(|path| {
let path = path.strip_prefix("/apex/")?;
warn!("Malformed line from derive_classpath: {}", line);
// Collect ApexInfos from VM config
fn collect_apex_infos<'a>(
apex_list: &'a ApexInfoList,
apex_configs: &[ApexConfig],
debug_level: DebugLevel,
) -> Vec<&'a ApexInfo> {
let mut additional_apexes: Vec<&str> = MICRODROID_REQUIRED_APEXES.to_vec();
if debug_level != DebugLevel::NONE {
.filter(|ai| {
apex_configs.iter().any(|cfg| ai.matches(cfg) && ai.is_active)
|| additional_apexes.iter().any(|name| name == & && ai.is_active)
|| ai.provide_shared_apex_libs
pub fn add_microdroid_images(
config: &VirtualMachineAppConfig,
temporary_directory: &Path,
apk_file: File,
idsig_file: File,
instance_file: File,
vm_payload_config: &VmPayloadConfig,
vm_config: &mut VirtualMachineRawConfig,
) -> Result<()> {
vm_config.disks[1].partitions.push(Partition {
label: "vbmeta".to_owned(),
image: Some(open_parcel_file(
writable: false,
let bootconfig_image = "/apex/".to_owned()
+ match config.debugLevel {
DebugLevel::NONE => "normal",
DebugLevel::APP_ONLY => "app_debuggable",
DebugLevel::FULL => "full_debuggable",
_ => return Err(anyhow!("unsupported debug level: {:?}", config.debugLevel)),
vm_config.disks[1].partitions.push(Partition {
label: "bootconfig".to_owned(),
image: Some(open_parcel_file(Path::new(&bootconfig_image), false)?),
writable: false,
// instance image is at the second partition in the second disk.
vm_config.disks[1].partitions.push(Partition {
label: "vm-instance".to_owned(),
image: Some(ParcelFileDescriptor::new(instance_file)),
writable: true,
mod tests {
use super::*;
fn test_find_apex_names_in_classpath() {
let vars = r#"
export FOO /apex/unterminated
export BAR /apex/valid.apex/something
export EMPTY
export OTHER /foo/bar:/baz:/apex/second.valid.apex/:gibberish:"#;
let expected = vec!["valid.apex", "second.valid.apex"];
let expected: HashSet<_> = expected.into_iter().map(ToString::to_string).collect();
assert_eq!(find_apex_names_in_classpath(vars).unwrap(), expected);
fn test_collect_apexes() {
let apex_info_list = ApexInfoList {
list: vec![
ApexInfo {
// 0
name: "".to_string(),
path: PathBuf::from("adbd"),
has_classpath_jar: false,
last_update_seconds: 12345678,
is_factory: true,
is_active: true,
ApexInfo {
// 1
name: "".to_string(),
path: PathBuf::from("statsd"),
has_classpath_jar: false,
last_update_seconds: 12345678,
is_factory: true,
is_active: false,
ApexInfo {
// 2
name: "".to_string(),
path: PathBuf::from("statsd/updated"),
has_classpath_jar: false,
last_update_seconds: 12345678 + 1,
is_factory: false,
is_active: true,
ApexInfo {
// 3
name: "no_classpath".to_string(),
path: PathBuf::from("no_classpath"),
has_classpath_jar: false,
last_update_seconds: 12345678,
is_factory: true,
is_active: true,
ApexInfo {
// 4
name: "has_classpath".to_string(),
path: PathBuf::from("has_classpath"),
has_classpath_jar: true,
last_update_seconds: 87654321,
is_factory: true,
is_active: false,
ApexInfo {
// 5
name: "has_classpath".to_string(),
path: PathBuf::from("has_classpath/updated"),
has_classpath_jar: true,
last_update_seconds: 87654321 + 1,
is_factory: false,
is_active: true,
ApexInfo {
// 6
name: "apex-foo".to_string(),
path: PathBuf::from("apex-foo"),
has_classpath_jar: false,
last_update_seconds: 87654321,
is_factory: true,
is_active: false,
ApexInfo {
// 7
name: "apex-foo".to_string(),
path: PathBuf::from("apex-foo/updated"),
has_classpath_jar: false,
last_update_seconds: 87654321 + 1,
is_factory: false,
is_active: true,
ApexInfo {
// 8
name: "sharedlibs".to_string(),
path: PathBuf::from("apex-foo"),
last_update_seconds: 87654321,
is_factory: true,
provide_shared_apex_libs: true,
ApexInfo {
// 9
name: "sharedlibs".to_string(),
path: PathBuf::from("apex-foo/updated"),
last_update_seconds: 87654321 + 1,
is_active: true,
provide_shared_apex_libs: true,
let apex_configs = vec![
ApexConfig { name: "apex-foo".to_string() },
ApexConfig { name: "{CLASSPATH}".to_string() },
collect_apex_infos(&apex_info_list, &apex_configs, DebugLevel::FULL),
// Pass active/required APEXes
// Pass active APEXes specified in the config
// Pass both preinstalled(inactive) and updated(active) for "sharedlibs" APEXes