blob: 6f1230ac6eaa674e27ad213041b52ebb30270c05 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2020, The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include "LooperWrapper.h"
#include "ProcDiskStats.h"
#include "ProcPidStat.h"
#include "ProcStat.h"
#include "UidIoStats.h"
#include <android-base/chrono_utils.h>
#include <android-base/result.h>
#include <cutils/multiuser.h>
#include <gtest/gtest_prod.h>
#include <utils/Errors.h>
#include <utils/Looper.h>
#include <utils/Mutex.h>
#include <utils/RefBase.h>
#include <utils/String16.h>
#include <utils/StrongPointer.h>
#include <utils/Vector.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <string>
#include <thread> // NOLINT(build/c++11)
#include <unordered_set>
namespace android {
namespace automotive {
namespace watchdog {
// Forward declaration for testing use only.
namespace internal {
class WatchdogPerfServicePeer;
} // namespace internal
constexpr const char* kStartCustomCollectionFlag = "--start_perf";
constexpr const char* kEndCustomCollectionFlag = "--stop_perf";
constexpr const char* kIntervalFlag = "--interval";
constexpr const char* kMaxDurationFlag = "--max_duration";
constexpr const char* kFilterPackagesFlag = "--filter_packages";
* DataProcessor defines methods that must be implemented in order to process the data collected
* by |WatchdogPerfService|.
class IDataProcessorInterface : public RefBase {
IDataProcessorInterface() {}
virtual ~IDataProcessorInterface() {}
// Returns the name of the data processor.
virtual std::string name() = 0;
// Callback to initialize the data processor.
virtual android::base::Result<void> init() = 0;
// Callback to terminate the data processor.
virtual void terminate() = 0;
// Callback to process the data collected during boot-time.
virtual android::base::Result<void> onBoottimeCollection(
time_t time, const android::wp<UidIoStats>& uidIoStats,
const android::wp<ProcStat>& procStat, const android::wp<ProcPidStat>& procPidStat) = 0;
// Callback to process the data collected periodically post boot complete.
virtual android::base::Result<void> onPeriodicCollection(
time_t time, const android::wp<UidIoStats>& uidIoStats,
const android::wp<ProcStat>& procStat, const android::wp<ProcPidStat>& procPidStat) = 0;
* Callback to process the data collected on custom collection and filter the results only to
* the specified |filterPackages|.
virtual android::base::Result<void> onCustomCollection(
time_t time, const std::unordered_set<std::string>& filterPackages,
const android::wp<UidIoStats>& uidIoStats, const android::wp<ProcStat>& procStat,
const android::wp<ProcPidStat>& procPidStat) = 0;
* Callback to periodically monitor the collected data and trigger the given |alertHandler|
* on detecting resource overuse.
virtual android::base::Result<void> onPeriodicMonitor(
time_t time, const android::wp<IProcDiskStatsInterface>& procDiskStats,
const std::function<void()>& alertHandler) = 0;
// Callback to dump the boot-time collected and periodically collected data.
virtual android::base::Result<void> onDump(int fd) = 0;
* Callback to dump the custom collected data. When fd == -1, clear the custom collection cache.
virtual android::base::Result<void> onCustomCollectionDump(int fd) = 0;
enum EventType {
// WatchdogPerfService's state.
INIT = 0,
// Collection events.
// Monitor event.
enum SwitchMessage {
* On receiving this message, collect the last boot-time record and start periodic collection
* and monitor.
* On receiving this message, ends custom collection, discard collected data and start periodic
* collection and monitor.
// WatchdogPerfService collects performance data during boot-time and periodically post boot
// complete. It exposes APIs that the main thread and binder service can call to start a collection,
// switch the collection type, and generate collection dumps.
class WatchdogPerfService : public MessageHandler {
WatchdogPerfService() :
mHandlerLooper(new LooperWrapper()),
mUidIoStats(new UidIoStats()),
mProcStat(new ProcStat()),
mProcPidStat(new ProcPidStat()),
mProcDiskStats(new ProcDiskStats()),
mDataProcessors({}) {}
~WatchdogPerfService() { terminate(); }
// Register a data processor to process the data collected by |WatchdogPerfService|.
android::base::Result<void> registerDataProcessor(
android::sp<IDataProcessorInterface> processor);
// Starts the boot-time collection in the looper handler on a new thread and returns
// immediately. Must be called only once. Otherwise, returns an error.
virtual android::base::Result<void> start();
// Terminates the collection thread and returns.
virtual void terminate();
// Ends the boot-time collection by switching to periodic collection and returns immediately.
virtual android::base::Result<void> onBootFinished();
// Depending on the arguments, it either:
// 1. Starts a custom collection.
// 2. Or ends the current custom collection and dumps the collected data.
// Returns any error observed during the dump generation.
virtual android::base::Result<void> onCustomCollection(int fd,
const Vector<android::String16>& args);
// Generates a dump from the boot-time and periodic collection events.
virtual android::base::Result<void> onDump(int fd);
// Dumps the help text.
bool dumpHelpText(int fd);
struct EventMetadata {
// Collection or monitor event.
EventType eventType = EventType::LAST_EVENT;
// Interval between subsequent events.
std::chrono::nanoseconds interval = 0ns;
// Used to calculate the uptime for next event.
nsecs_t lastUptime = 0;
// Filter the results only to the specified packages.
std::unordered_set<std::string> filterPackages;
std::string toString() const;
// Dumps the collectors' status when they are disabled.
android::base::Result<void> dumpCollectorsStatusLocked(int fd);
// Starts a custom collection on the looper handler, temporarily stops the periodic collection
// (won't discard the collected data), and returns immediately. Returns any error observed
// during this process.
// The custom collection happens once every |interval| seconds. When the |maxDuration| is
// reached, the looper receives a message to end the collection, discards the collected data,
// and starts the periodic collection. This is needed to ensure the custom collection doesn't
// run forever when a subsequent |endCustomCollection| call is not received.
// When |kFilterPackagesFlag| value specified, the results are filtered only to the specified
// package names.
android::base::Result<void> startCustomCollection(
std::chrono::nanoseconds interval, std::chrono::nanoseconds maxDuration,
const std::unordered_set<std::string>& filterPackages);
// Ends the current custom collection, generates a dump, sends a looper message to start the
// periodic collection, and returns immediately. Returns an error when there is no custom
// collection running or when a dump couldn't be generated from the custom collection.
android::base::Result<void> endCustomCollection(int fd);
// Handles the messages received by the lopper.
void handleMessage(const Message& message) override;
// Processes the collection events received by |handleMessage|.
android::base::Result<void> processCollectionEvent(EventMetadata* metadata);
// Collects/processes the performance data for the current collection event.
android::base::Result<void> collectLocked(EventMetadata* metadata);
// Processes the monitor events received by |handleMessage|.
android::base::Result<void> processMonitorEvent(EventMetadata* metadata);
// Returns the metadata for the current collection based on |mCurrCollectionEvent|. Returns
// nullptr on invalid collection event.
EventMetadata* currCollectionMetadataLocked();
// Thread on which the actual collection happens.
std::thread mCollectionThread;
// Makes sure only one collection is running at any given time.
Mutex mMutex;
// Handler lopper to execute different collection events on the collection thread.
android::sp<LooperWrapper> mHandlerLooper GUARDED_BY(mMutex);
// Info for the |CollectionEvent::BOOT_TIME| collection event.
EventMetadata mBoottimeCollection GUARDED_BY(mMutex);
// Info for the |CollectionEvent::PERIODIC| collection event.
EventMetadata mPeriodicCollection GUARDED_BY(mMutex);
// Info for the |CollectionEvent::CUSTOM| collection event. The info is cleared at the end of
// every custom collection.
EventMetadata mCustomCollection GUARDED_BY(mMutex);
// Info for the |EventType::PERIODIC| monitor event.
EventMetadata mPeriodicMonitor GUARDED_BY(mMutex);
// Tracks either the WatchdogPerfService's state or current collection event. Updated on
// |start|, |onBootComplete|, |startCustomCollection|, |endCustomCollection|, and |terminate|.
EventType mCurrCollectionEvent GUARDED_BY(mMutex);
// Collector/parser for `/proc/uid_io/stats`.
android::sp<UidIoStats> mUidIoStats GUARDED_BY(mMutex);
// Collector/parser for `/proc/stat`.
android::sp<ProcStat> mProcStat GUARDED_BY(mMutex);
// Collector/parser for `/proc/PID/*` stat files.
android::sp<ProcPidStat> mProcPidStat GUARDED_BY(mMutex);
// Collector/parser for `/proc/diskstats` file.
android::sp<IProcDiskStatsInterface> mProcDiskStats GUARDED_BY(mMutex);
// Data processors for the collected performance data.
std::vector<android::sp<IDataProcessorInterface>> mDataProcessors GUARDED_BY(mMutex);
// For unit tests.
friend class internal::WatchdogPerfServicePeer;
FRIEND_TEST(WatchdogPerfServiceTest, TestServiceStartAndTerminate);
} // namespace watchdog
} // namespace automotive
} // namespace android