blob: fd9f61fcbb5198d77e73a85daa2a7d5e371417d0 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2020, The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#define LOG_TAG "carwatchdogd"
#include "IoOveruseMonitor.h"
#include "PackageInfoResolver.h"
#include <WatchdogProperties.sysprop.h>
#include <android/automotive/watchdog/internal/PackageIdentifier.h>
#include <android/automotive/watchdog/internal/UidType.h>
#include <binder/IPCThreadState.h>
#include <binder/Status.h>
#include <cutils/multiuser.h>
namespace android {
namespace automotive {
namespace watchdog {
using ::android::IPCThreadState;
using ::android::automotive::watchdog::internal::ComponentType;
using ::android::automotive::watchdog::internal::IoOveruseConfiguration;
using ::android::automotive::watchdog::internal::PackageIdentifier;
using ::android::automotive::watchdog::internal::PackageInfo;
using ::android::automotive::watchdog::internal::PackageIoOveruseStats;
using ::android::automotive::watchdog::internal::PackageResourceOveruseAction;
using ::android::automotive::watchdog::internal::ResourceOveruseConfiguration;
using ::android::automotive::watchdog::internal::UidType;
using ::android::base::Error;
using ::android::base::Result;
using ::android::binder::Status;
constexpr double kDefaultIoOveruseWarnPercentage = 80;
constexpr size_t kMaxPeriodicMonitorBufferSize = 1000;
namespace {
std::string uniquePackageIdStr(const PackageIdentifier& id) {
return StringPrintf("%s:%" PRId32, String8(, multiuser_get_user_id(id.uid));
PerStateBytes diff(const PerStateBytes& lhs, const PerStateBytes& rhs) {
const auto sub = [](const uint64_t& l, const uint64_t& r) -> uint64_t {
return l >= r ? (l - r) : 0;
PerStateBytes result;
result.foregroundBytes = sub(lhs.foregroundBytes, rhs.foregroundBytes);
result.backgroundBytes = sub(lhs.backgroundBytes, rhs.backgroundBytes);
result.garageModeBytes = sub(lhs.garageModeBytes, rhs.garageModeBytes);
return result;
std::tuple<int64_t, int64_t> calculateStartAndDuration(struct tm currentTm) {
// The stats are stored per-day so the start time is always the beginning of the day.
auto startTm = currentTm;
startTm.tm_sec = 0;
startTm.tm_min = 0;
startTm.tm_hour = 0;
int64_t startTime = static_cast<int64_t>(mktime(&startTm));
int64_t currentEpochSeconds = static_cast<int64_t>(mktime(&currentTm));
return std::make_tuple(startTime, currentEpochSeconds - startTime);
} // namespace
std::tuple<int64_t, int64_t> calculateStartAndDuration(const time_t& currentTime) {
struct tm currentGmt;
gmtime_r(&currentTime, &currentGmt);
return calculateStartAndDuration(currentGmt);
Result<void> IoOveruseMonitor::init() {
std::unique_lock writeLock(mRwMutex);
if (isInitializedLocked()) {
return Error() << "Cannot initialize " << name() << " more than once";
mPeriodicMonitorBufferSize = static_cast<size_t>(
if (mPeriodicMonitorBufferSize == 0 ||
mPeriodicMonitorBufferSize > kMaxPeriodicMonitorBufferSize) {
return Error() << "Periodic monitor buffer size cannot be zero or above "
<< kDefaultPeriodicMonitorBufferSize << ". Received "
<< mPeriodicMonitorBufferSize;
mIoOveruseWarnPercentage = static_cast<double>(
* TODO(b/167240592): Read the latest I/O overuse config.
* The latest I/O overuse config is read in this order:
* 1. From /data partition as this contains the latest config and any updates received from OEM
* and system applications.
* 2. From /system and /vendor partitions as this contains the default configs shipped with the
* the image.
mIoOveruseConfigs = new IoOveruseConfigs();
// TODO(b/167240592): Read the vendor package prefixes from disk before the below call.
mPackageInfoResolver = PackageInfoResolver::getInstance();
return {};
void IoOveruseMonitor::terminate() {
std::unique_lock writeLock(mRwMutex);
ALOGW("Terminating %s", name().c_str());
for (const auto& [uid, listener] : mOveruseListenersByUid) {
Result<void> IoOveruseMonitor::onPeriodicCollection(
time_t time, const android::wp<UidIoStats>& uidIoStats,
[[maybe_unused]] const android::wp<ProcStat>& procStat,
[[maybe_unused]] const android::wp<ProcPidStat>& procPidStat) {
if (uidIoStats == nullptr) {
return Error() << "Per-UID I/O stats collector must not be null";
std::unique_lock writeLock(mRwMutex);
struct tm prevGmt, curGmt;
gmtime_r(&mLastUserPackageIoMonitorTime, &prevGmt);
gmtime_r(&time, &curGmt);
if (prevGmt.tm_yday != curGmt.tm_yday || prevGmt.tm_year != curGmt.tm_year) {
* Date changed so reset the daily I/O usage cache.
* TODO(b/170741935): Ping CarWatchdogService on date change so it can re-enable the daily
* disabled packages. Also sync prev day's stats with CarWatchdogService.
mLastUserPackageIoMonitorTime = time;
const auto [startTime, durationInSeconds] = calculateStartAndDuration(curGmt);
const auto perUidIoUsage = uidIoStats.promote()->deltaStats();
* TODO(b/167240592): Maybe move the packageInfo fetching logic into UidIoStats module.
* This will also help avoid fetching package names in IoPerfCollection module.
std::vector<uid_t> seenUids;
for (const auto& [uid, uidIoStats] : perUidIoUsage) {
const auto packageInfosByUid = mPackageInfoResolver->getPackageInfosForUids(seenUids);
std::unordered_map<uid_t, IoOveruseStats> overusingNativeStats;
for (const auto& [uid, uidIoStats] : perUidIoUsage) {
const auto& packageInfo = packageInfosByUid.find(uid);
if (packageInfo == packageInfosByUid.end()) {
* TODO(b/167240592): Derive the garage mode status from the collection flag, which will
* be added to the |onPeriodicCollection| API.
UserPackageIoUsage curUsage(packageInfo->second, uidIoStats.ios,
UserPackageIoUsage* dailyIoUsage;
if (auto cachedUsage = mUserPackageDailyIoUsageById.find(;
cachedUsage != mUserPackageDailyIoUsageById.end()) {
cachedUsage->second += curUsage;
dailyIoUsage = &cachedUsage->second;
} else {
const auto& [it, wasInserted] = mUserPackageDailyIoUsageById.insert(
std::pair(, std::move(curUsage)));
dailyIoUsage = &it->second;
const auto threshold = mIoOveruseConfigs->fetchThreshold(dailyIoUsage->packageInfo);
PackageIoOveruseStats stats;
stats.uid = uid;
stats.shouldNotify = false;
stats.ioOveruseStats.startTime = startTime;
stats.ioOveruseStats.durationInSeconds = durationInSeconds;
stats.ioOveruseStats.writtenBytes = dailyIoUsage->writtenBytes;
stats.ioOveruseStats.totalOveruses = dailyIoUsage->totalOveruses;
stats.ioOveruseStats.remainingWriteBytes =
diff(threshold, diff(dailyIoUsage->writtenBytes, dailyIoUsage->forgivenWriteBytes));
stats.ioOveruseStats.killableOnOveruse =
const auto& remainingWriteBytes = stats.ioOveruseStats.remainingWriteBytes;
if (remainingWriteBytes.foregroundBytes == 0 || remainingWriteBytes.backgroundBytes == 0 ||
remainingWriteBytes.garageModeBytes == 0) {
stats.ioOveruseStats.totalOveruses = ++dailyIoUsage->totalOveruses;
* Reset counters as the package may be disabled/killed by the watchdog service.
* NOTE: If this logic is updated, update watchdog service side logic as well.
dailyIoUsage->forgivenWriteBytes = dailyIoUsage->writtenBytes;
dailyIoUsage->isPackageWarned = false;
* Send notifications for native service I/O overuses as well because system listeners
* need to be notified of all I/O overuses.
stats.shouldNotify = true;
if (dailyIoUsage->packageInfo.uidType == UidType::NATIVE) {
overusingNativeStats[uid] = stats.ioOveruseStats;
if (dailyIoUsage->packageInfo.uidType == UidType::NATIVE ||
!stats.ioOveruseStats.killableOnOveruse || dailyIoUsage->isPackageWarned) {
* No need to warn native services or applications that won't be killed on I/O overuse
* as they will be sent a notification when they exceed their daily threshold.
const auto exceedsWarnThreshold = [&](double remaining, double threshold) {
if (threshold == 0) {
return true;
double usedPercent = (100 - (remaining / threshold) * 100);
return usedPercent > mIoOveruseWarnPercentage;
if (exceedsWarnThreshold(remainingWriteBytes.foregroundBytes, threshold.foregroundBytes) ||
exceedsWarnThreshold(remainingWriteBytes.backgroundBytes, threshold.backgroundBytes) ||
exceedsWarnThreshold(remainingWriteBytes.garageModeBytes, threshold.garageModeBytes)) {
stats.shouldNotify = true;
// Avoid duplicate warning before the daily threshold exceeded notification is sent.
dailyIoUsage->isPackageWarned = true;
if (!overusingNativeStats.empty()) {
if (const auto status = mWatchdogServiceHelper->latestIoOveruseStats(mLatestIoOveruseStats);
!status.isOk()) {
// Don't clear the cache as it can be pushed again on the next collection.
ALOGW("Failed to push the latest I/O overuse stats to watchdog service");
} else {
return {};
Result<void> IoOveruseMonitor::onCustomCollection(
time_t time, [[maybe_unused]] const std::unordered_set<std::string>& filterPackages,
const android::wp<UidIoStats>& uidIoStats, const android::wp<ProcStat>& procStat,
const android::wp<ProcPidStat>& procPidStat) {
// Nothing special for custom collection.
return onPeriodicCollection(time, uidIoStats, procStat, procPidStat);
Result<void> IoOveruseMonitor::onPeriodicMonitor(
time_t time, const android::wp<IProcDiskStatsInterface>& procDiskStats,
const std::function<void()>& alertHandler) {
if (procDiskStats == nullptr) {
return Error() << "Proc disk stats collector must not be null";
std::unique_lock writeLock(mRwMutex);
if (mLastSystemWideIoMonitorTime == 0) {
* Do not record the first disk stats as it reflects the aggregated disks stats since the
* system boot up and is not in sync with the polling period. This will lead to spurious
* I/O overuse alerting.
mLastSystemWideIoMonitorTime = time;
return {};
const auto diskStats = procDiskStats.promote()->deltaSystemWideDiskStats();
{.pollDurationInSecs = difftime(time, mLastSystemWideIoMonitorTime),
.bytesInKib = diskStats.numKibWritten});
for (const auto& threshold : mIoOveruseConfigs->systemWideAlertThresholds()) {
uint64_t accountedWrittenKib = 0;
double accountedDurationInSecs = 0;
size_t accountedPolls = 0;
for (auto rit = mSystemWideWrittenBytes.rbegin(); rit != mSystemWideWrittenBytes.rend();
++rit) {
accountedWrittenKib += rit->bytesInKib;
accountedDurationInSecs += rit->pollDurationInSecs;
if (accountedDurationInSecs >= threshold.durationInSeconds) {
// Heuristic to handle spurious alerting when the buffer is partially filled.
if (const size_t bufferSize = mSystemWideWrittenBytes.size();
accountedPolls == bufferSize && bufferSize < mPeriodicMonitorBufferSize + 1 &&
threshold.durationInSeconds > accountedDurationInSecs) {
const double thresholdKbps = threshold.writtenBytesPerSecond / 1024.0;
if (const auto kbps = accountedWrittenKib / accountedDurationInSecs;
kbps >= thresholdKbps) {
if (mSystemWideWrittenBytes.size() > mPeriodicMonitorBufferSize) {
mSystemWideWrittenBytes.erase(mSystemWideWrittenBytes.begin()); // Erase the oldest entry.
mLastSystemWideIoMonitorTime = time;
return {};
Result<void> IoOveruseMonitor::onShutdownPrepareComplete() {
// TODO(b/167240592): Flush in-memory stats to disk.
return {};
Result<void> IoOveruseMonitor::onDump([[maybe_unused]] int fd) {
// TODO(b/167240592): Dump the list of killed/disabled packages. Dump the list of packages that
// exceed xx% of their threshold.
return {};
void IoOveruseMonitor::notifyNativePackagesLocked(
const std::unordered_map<uid_t, IoOveruseStats>& statsByUid) {
for (const auto& [uid, ioOveruseStats] : statsByUid) {
IResourceOveruseListener* listener;
if (const auto it = mOveruseListenersByUid.find(uid); it == mOveruseListenersByUid.end()) {
} else {
listener = it->second.get();
ResourceOveruseStats stats;
// TODO(b/167240592): Upload I/O overuse metrics for native packages.
Result<void> IoOveruseMonitor::updateResourceOveruseConfigurations(
const std::vector<ResourceOveruseConfiguration>& configs) {
std::unique_lock writeLock(mRwMutex);
if (!isInitializedLocked()) {
return Error(Status::EX_ILLEGAL_STATE) << name() << " is not initialized";
return mIoOveruseConfigs->update(configs);
Result<void> IoOveruseMonitor::getResourceOveruseConfigurations(
std::vector<ResourceOveruseConfiguration>* configs) {
std::shared_lock readLock(mRwMutex);
if (!isInitializedLocked()) {
return Error(Status::EX_ILLEGAL_STATE) << name() << " is not initialized";
return {};
Result<void> IoOveruseMonitor::actionTakenOnIoOveruse(
[[maybe_unused]] const std::vector<PackageResourceOveruseAction>& actions) {
// TODO(b/167240592): Upload metrics.
return {};
Result<void> IoOveruseMonitor::addIoOveruseListener(const sp<IResourceOveruseListener>& listener) {
pid_t callingPid = IPCThreadState::self()->getCallingPid();
uid_t callingUid = IPCThreadState::self()->getCallingUid();
std::unique_lock writeLock(mRwMutex);
auto binder = BnResourceOveruseListener::asBinder(listener);
if (findListenerAndProcessLocked(binder, nullptr)) {
ALOGW("Failed to register the I/O overuse listener (pid: %d, uid: %d) as it is already "
callingPid, callingUid);
return {};
if (const auto status = binder->linkToDeath(mBinderDeathRecipient); status != OK) {
return Error(Status::EX_ILLEGAL_STATE)
<< "(pid " << callingPid << ", uid: " << callingUid << ") is dead";
mOveruseListenersByUid[callingUid] = listener;
return {};
Result<void> IoOveruseMonitor::removeIoOveruseListener(
const sp<IResourceOveruseListener>& listener) {
std::unique_lock writeLock(mRwMutex);
const auto processor = [&](ListenersByUidMap& listeners, ListenersByUidMap::const_iterator it) {
auto binder = BnResourceOveruseListener::asBinder(it->second);
if (const auto binder = BnResourceOveruseListener::asBinder(listener);
!findListenerAndProcessLocked(binder, processor)) {
return Error(Status::EX_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT) << "Listener is not previously registered";
return {};
Result<void> IoOveruseMonitor::getIoOveruseStats(IoOveruseStats* ioOveruseStats) {
if (std::shared_lock readLock(mRwMutex); !isInitializedLocked()) {
return Error(Status::EX_ILLEGAL_STATE) << "I/O overuse monitor is not initialized";
uid_t callingUid = IPCThreadState::self()->getCallingUid();
const auto packageInfosByUid = mPackageInfoResolver->getPackageInfosForUids({callingUid});
const PackageInfo* packageInfo;
if (const auto it = packageInfosByUid.find(callingUid); it == packageInfosByUid.end()) {
return Error(Status::EX_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT)
<< "Package information not available for calling UID(" << callingUid << ")";
} else {
packageInfo = &it->second;
std::shared_lock readLock(mRwMutex);
const UserPackageIoUsage* dailyIoUsage;
if (const auto it = mUserPackageDailyIoUsageById.find(
it == mUserPackageDailyIoUsageById.end()) {
return Error(Status::EX_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT)
<< "Calling UID " << callingUid << " doesn't have I/O overuse stats";
} else {
dailyIoUsage = &it->second;
ioOveruseStats->killableOnOveruse = mIoOveruseConfigs->isSafeToKill(*packageInfo);
const auto thresholdBytes = mIoOveruseConfigs->fetchThreshold(*packageInfo);
ioOveruseStats->remainingWriteBytes =
diff(dailyIoUsage->writtenBytes, dailyIoUsage->forgivenWriteBytes));
ioOveruseStats->totalOveruses = dailyIoUsage->totalOveruses;
ioOveruseStats->writtenBytes = dailyIoUsage->writtenBytes;
const auto [startTime, durationInSeconds] =
ioOveruseStats->startTime = startTime;
ioOveruseStats->durationInSeconds = durationInSeconds;
return {};
void IoOveruseMonitor::handleBinderDeath(const wp<IBinder>& who) {
std::unique_lock writeLock(mRwMutex);
IBinder* binder = who.unsafe_get();
[&](ListenersByUidMap& listeners,
ListenersByUidMap::const_iterator it) {
ALOGW("Resource overuse notification handler died for uid(%d)",
bool IoOveruseMonitor::findListenerAndProcessLocked(const sp<IBinder>& binder,
const Processor& processor) {
for (auto it = mOveruseListenersByUid.begin(); it != mOveruseListenersByUid.end(); ++it) {
if (BnResourceOveruseListener::asBinder(it->second) != binder) {
if (processor != nullptr) {
processor(mOveruseListenersByUid, it);
return true;
return false;
IoOveruseMonitor::UserPackageIoUsage::UserPackageIoUsage(const PackageInfo& pkgInfo,
const IoUsage& ioUsage,
const bool isGarageModeActive) {
packageInfo = pkgInfo;
if (isGarageModeActive) {
writtenBytes.garageModeBytes = ioUsage.sumWriteBytes();
} else {
writtenBytes.foregroundBytes = ioUsage.metrics[WRITE_BYTES][FOREGROUND];
writtenBytes.backgroundBytes = ioUsage.metrics[WRITE_BYTES][BACKGROUND];
IoOveruseMonitor::UserPackageIoUsage& IoOveruseMonitor::UserPackageIoUsage::operator+=(
const UserPackageIoUsage& r) {
if (id() == {
packageInfo = r.packageInfo;
const auto sum = [](const uint64_t& l, const uint64_t& r) -> uint64_t {
return (std::numeric_limits<uint64_t>::max() - l) > r
? (l + r)
: std::numeric_limits<uint64_t>::max();
writtenBytes.foregroundBytes =
sum(writtenBytes.foregroundBytes, r.writtenBytes.foregroundBytes);
writtenBytes.backgroundBytes =
sum(writtenBytes.backgroundBytes, r.writtenBytes.backgroundBytes);
writtenBytes.garageModeBytes =
sum(writtenBytes.garageModeBytes, r.writtenBytes.garageModeBytes);
return *this;
const std::string IoOveruseMonitor::UserPackageIoUsage::id() const {
return uniquePackageIdStr(packageInfo.packageIdentifier);
} // namespace watchdog
} // namespace automotive
} // namespace android