blob: 00df4c8b3ba8ba635b5ec3f5195be1750ed0a02f [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2020, The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <android-base/result.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <utils/Mutex.h>
#include <utils/RefBase.h>
namespace android {
namespace automotive {
namespace watchdog {
constexpr const char* kProcStatPath = "/proc/stat";
struct CpuStats {
uint64_t userTime = 0; // Time spent in user mode.
uint64_t niceTime = 0; // Time spent in user mode with low priority (nice).
uint64_t sysTime = 0; // Time spent in system mode.
uint64_t idleTime = 0; // Time spent in the idle task.
uint64_t ioWaitTime = 0; // Time spent on context switching/waiting due to I/O operations.
uint64_t irqTime = 0; // Time servicing interrupts.
uint64_t softIrqTime = 0; // Time servicing soft interrupts.
uint64_t stealTime = 0; // Stolen time (Time spent in other OS in a virtualized env).
uint64_t guestTime = 0; // Time spent running a virtual CPU for guest OS.
uint64_t guestNiceTime = 0; // Time spent running a niced virtual CPU for guest OS.
class ProcStatInfo {
ProcStatInfo() : cpuStats({}), runnableProcessesCnt(0), ioBlockedProcessesCnt(0) {}
ProcStatInfo(CpuStats stats, uint32_t runnableCnt, uint32_t ioBlockedCnt) :
cpuStats(stats), runnableProcessesCnt(runnableCnt), ioBlockedProcessesCnt(ioBlockedCnt) {}
CpuStats cpuStats;
uint32_t runnableProcessesCnt;
uint32_t ioBlockedProcessesCnt;
uint64_t totalCpuTime() const {
return cpuStats.userTime + cpuStats.niceTime + cpuStats.sysTime + cpuStats.idleTime +
cpuStats.ioWaitTime + cpuStats.irqTime + cpuStats.softIrqTime + cpuStats.stealTime +
cpuStats.guestTime + cpuStats.guestNiceTime;
uint32_t totalProcessesCnt() const { return runnableProcessesCnt + ioBlockedProcessesCnt; }
bool operator==(const ProcStatInfo& info) const {
return memcmp(&cpuStats, &info.cpuStats, sizeof(cpuStats)) == 0 &&
runnableProcessesCnt == info.runnableProcessesCnt &&
ioBlockedProcessesCnt == info.ioBlockedProcessesCnt;
// Collector/parser for `/proc/stat` file.
class ProcStat : public RefBase {
explicit ProcStat(const std::string& path = kProcStatPath) :
mLastCpuStats({}), kEnabled(!access(path.c_str(), R_OK)), kPath(path) {}
virtual ~ProcStat() {}
// Collects proc stat delta since the last collection.
virtual android::base::Result<ProcStatInfo> collect();
// Returns true when the proc stat file is accessible. Otherwise, returns false.
// Called by IoPerfCollection and tests.
virtual bool enabled() { return kEnabled; }
virtual std::string filePath() { return kProcStatPath; }
// Reads the contents of |kPath|.
android::base::Result<ProcStatInfo> getProcStatLocked() const;
// Makes sure only one collection is running at any given time.
Mutex mMutex;
// Last dump of cpu stats from the file at |kPath|.
CpuStats mLastCpuStats GUARDED_BY(mMutex);
// True if |kPath| is accessible.
const bool kEnabled;
// Path to proc stat file. Default path is |kProcStatPath|.
const std::string kPath;
} // namespace watchdog
} // namespace automotive
} // namespace android