blob: 727a7e16a384768f209ecc89ffbb79582d2d7352 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2018 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package android.automotive.computepipe.runner@1.0;
* State of the remote graph
enum PipeState : uint32_t {
* Reset
RESET = 0,
* Configuration completed
* Running
* Finished
* In halt due to error
* Transaction data types
* Input config descriptor
* Structure that describes the input sources
* This is provided by the HIDL implementation to the client
struct PipeInputConfig {
* Types of input streams supported by runner
enum InputType : uint32_t {
* Driver focused Camera stream
* Camera with wider field of view that can capture
* occupants in the car.
* External Camera
* Surround view
* Video file
enum FormatType : uint32_t {
* RGB input
* NIR input
* NIR + Depth Frame
* Options for the client to choose from
struct InputOptions {
* input stream type
InputType type;
* format of the input stream
FormatType format;
* width resolution of the input stream
uint32_t width;
* height resolution of the input stream
uint32_t height;
* stride for the frame
uint32_t stride;
* camera identifier to disambiguate multiple instances
* of InputType. If only one of a certain type is present
* this should be 0. For VIDEO_FILE this should be 0.
uint32_t camId;
* list of input options
vec<InputOptions> options;
* option ids, 1:1 correspondence with the options list above
vec<uint32_t> configIds;
* Offload configs
* Structure that describes the offload options that a graph can use.
* This is determined at graph creation time by the developer.
* A graph can advertise different combinations of offload options that it
* can use. A client can choose amongst the combinations of offload options, for
* any given iteration of the graph execution.
* This is provided by the HIDL implementation to the client
struct PipeOffloadConfig {
* Types of offload options for graph computations available to the runner
* All of the offload options maybe virtualized for different execution
* environments.
enum OffloadType : uint32_t {
* Default cpu only execution
CPU = 0,
* GPU, Open GLES based acceleration
* Dedicated neural engine provided by SOC vendor
* Computer Vision engine provided by SOC vendor
* structure that describes the combination of offload options.
* This is a per graph specific combination.
struct OffloadOptions {
* combination of different offload engines
vec<OffloadType> type;
* 1:1 correspondence for each type above.
* Every offload engine has a flag describing if its virtual device
vec<bool> isVirtual;
* list of offload options that the graph can support
vec<OffloadOptions> options;
* identifier for each of the supported options
vec<string> configIds;
* Termination configs
* Structure that describes the termination options a graph can advertise
* Provided by HIDL implementation to the client as part of GraphDescriptor
* The client has the option of choosing one of the provided options supported
* by the graph or calling calling stopPipe() explicitly.
struct PipeTerminationConfig {
* Types of termination options
enum TerminationType : uint32_t {
* run indefinetely until client stop.
* run for minimum number of valid output packets
* run for fixed maximum duration, graph may still produce some packets
* post run time, because of delayed signal.
* run until specified event.
* structure that describes the different termination options supported
* by the graph
struct TerminationOptions {
* type of termination criteria
TerminationType type;
* type based qualifier, could be run time, packet count, or usecase
* specific event identifier.
uint32_t qualifier;
* list of termination options supported by graph
vec<TerminationOptions> options;
* identifiers for options for each of the above the list entries
vec<uint32_t> configIds;
* Output configs
* Structure that describes the output stream packets of a graph
* Provided by HIDL implementation to the client as part of GraphDescriptor
struct PipeOutputConfig {
* Packet type
enum PacketType : uint32_t {
* semantic data that can be copied, with mediapipe time stamps
* pixel data with copy semantics, retains mediapipe time stamps
* pixel data with zero copy requirement, no time stamps output as
* gralloc buffers
* Output descriptor
struct OutputDesc {
* name of the output stream
string name;
* type of packets produced
PacketType type;
* list of output streams
vec<OutputDesc> outputs;
* ids for each entry above
vec<uint32_t> outputIds;
* Pipe Descriptor
* This is the descriptor for use case that describes all the supported
* a) input options
* b) termination options
* c) offload options
* d) output streams
* This is returned by the HIDL implementation to the client to describe a given graph.
* The client selects the config for a given graph run from the available
* choices advertised. Note the output stream that a client wants to subscribes
* to, require the client to subscribe to each stream individually.
* This descriptor is returned by the HAL to the client.
struct PipeDescriptor {
* input configurations supported by the graph
PipeInputConfig inputConfig;
* Offload options supported by the graph
PipeOffloadConfig offloadConfig;
* Termination options supported by the graph
PipeTerminationConfig terminationConfig;
* Output streams supported by the
PipeOutputConfig outputConfig;
* Structure that describes the output packet for a specific outputstream
* that gets returned to the client.
struct PacketDescriptor {
* types of packet
enum PacketType : uint32_t {
* General semantic data derived from input stream
* Pixel data generated, for eg annotated frames
* Pixel data with zero copy semantics
* packet id
uint32_t bufId;
* type of the buffer
PacketType type;
* size of the memory region
uint32_t size;
* handle to memory region containing zero copy or semantic data
handle memHandle;
* Profiling types
enum PipeProfilingType : uint32_t {
* Latency profiling
* Trace events
* Structure that describes the profiling information output from
* an executing pipe.
struct ProfilingData {
* Type of profiling information
PipeProfilingType type;
* handle to memory region containing the profiling information
* as described in
handle memHandle;