blob: 422c4a2c3383ea30e26b795ddfed94967faac2b5 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2021 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
syntax = "proto2";
option java_package = "";
option java_outer_classname = "TelemetryProto";
// A Tpk (Telemetry Package) manifest.
// It contains a script and the rules how the script runs on devices.
message Manifest {
// Required.
// Name of the Tpk, used to distinguish TPKs.
// Only alphanumeric and _ characters are allowed. Minimum length is 3 chars.
optional string name = 1;
// Required.
// A script that is executed in devices. Must contain all the functions
// defined in the listeners below.
optional string script = 2;
// Required.
// A unique version number of the Tpk, used to distinguish between Tpks of the
// same name.
optional int32 version = 3;
// Telemetry service subscribes these listeners to vehicle property change events.
// The functions must be present in the script.
repeated PropertyChangeListener property_change_listeners = 4;
// Telemetry service subscribes these listeners to Android log (logcat) events.
// The functions must be present in the script.
repeated LogListener log_listeners = 5;
// Telemetry service subscribes these listeners to stats anomalies, such as
// Alerts, Alarms, stats out-of-space anomaly and historical data anomaly.
// The number of listener is limited to 10 by statsd.
// The functions must be present in the script.
repeated StatsListener stats_listeners = 6;
// Dumpsys result listeners can be registered to retrieve dump report for
// specified report types.
// The functions must be present in the script.
repeated DumpsysResultListener dumpsys_result_listeners = 7;
// This timer executes functions when a specific event happens.
// The functions must be present in the script.
repeated Timer timers = 8;
// A function that is executed when a vehicle property change events occur.
message PropertyChangeListener {
// Required.
// See packages/services/Car/car-lib/src/android/car/
optional int32 vehicle_property_id = 1;
// See
// packages/services/Car/car-lib/src/android/car/hardware/property/
// look for constants SENSOR_RATE_*;
optional float read_rate = 2;
// Required.
optional string function_name = 3;
// A function that receives Android log (logcat) events. The log event is passed
// as a string argument to the function.
// The LogListener will receive log events if the log event matches any of the
// "types" or "tags".
// Please see ../ for details.
// Example:
// function processException(log_event_line) ... end
message LogListener {
enum Type {
// Default value.
// Matches logged exceptions.
// Required.
// Unique name of the logListener within the Tpk. Used to
// subscribe/unsubscribe from log events.
optional string name = 1;
// Required.
// Name of the function to be executed when the logs the logListener has a
// match with its filters
optional string function_name = 2;
// Message types to listen to in LogCat.
// At least one "types" or "tags" must be provided.
repeated Type types = 3;
// Tags to listen to in LogCat.
// At least one "types" or "tags" must be provided.
repeated string tags = 4;
// A function that receives stats reports.
// LogProcessor App provides limited statsd support. Please see
// logprocessor/ for details.
// Script function semantics:
// -- Param report_list is a table with 1-1 mapping
// to ConfigMetricsReportList.
// -- Param extra_stats is a table { config_uid, config_key, ... } coming
// -- from PendingIntent described in StatsManager#setBroadcastSubscriber().
// function onStatdEvent(report_list, extra_stats) end
message StatsListener {
// Function to be called when the subscriptions below get triggered.
optional string function_name = 1;
// Serialized StatsdConfig defined in
// AOSP/frameworks/base/cmds/statsd/src/statsd_config.proto
// NOTE: Config ID and other generated IDs must be unique within this
// statsd_config.
optional bytes statsd_config = 2;
// Subscribe the telemetry service to stats broadcast events: Alarms and Alerts.
// Subscriptions must be defined in the statsd_config as
// BroadcastSubscriberDetails.
// NOTE: It must be unique within the statsd_config.
optional int64 subscriber_id = 3;
// A function that receives Dumpsys reports.
// The DumpsysResultListener will receive dumpsys reports of the specified
// DumpsysReportType
message DumpsysResultListener {
// Names of the system services that's allowed to run dumpsys on.
enum SystemServiceName {
// Matches car service
// Matches package manager service
PACKAGE = 2; //
// Required.
// Unique name of the DumpsysResultListener within the Tpk.
// Used to register the specific DumpsysResultListener needed.
optional string name = 1;
// Required.
// Name of the function to be executed when a dumpsys report of the specified
// system services are retrieved.
optional string function_name = 2;
// Required.
// System service to run dumpsys for.
optional SystemServiceName system_service_name = 3;
// Extra arguments for dumpsys
optional string arguments = 4;
// Runs a script function after some delay when an event happens.
message Timer {
enum TriggerType {
// When the device boots up.
// Note that when device wakes up from a deep sleep (suspend to ram), this
// trigger doesn't work.
// It doesn't guarantee immediate activation of the timer right after the
// boot, only after the system and the script is ready.
// "initial_delay_millis" parameter denotes a delay from boot (not from
// the script is initialized and ready).
// Required.
// Name of the script function that will be executed.
optional string function_name = 1;
// Required.
// An event trigger that activates this timer.
optional TriggerType trigger_type = 2;
// Required.
// Delay after the trigger event before initial executing the function.
// Be careful putting long delays (>30 minutes), because the average
// driving duration might be shorter than the delay, and the function
// will be executed less frequently than desired amount.
optional int64 initial_delay_millis = 3;
// The max number of times the function will be periodically executed.
// When this number of execution is reached, the timer will be stopped.
// 0 means the timer is disabled.
// -1 means the timer never stops.
optional int32 max_count = 4;
// Time between successive function executions if max_count >= 2.
optional int64 period_millis = 5;
// A message that encapsulates different types of error or log metadata as
// for informational and debugging purposes.
// When the app crashes or the system restarts, the timers will reset.
message SecularTrendsLog {
// Required.
optional int64 timestamp = 1;
enum LogType {
// Default enum.
// Used when manifest is misconfigurated, such as missing required fields.
// Used when a Java service throws an exception.
// Used when LogProc service failes to bind to sandbox service.
// Used when an error occurs in the native code.
// Used when an error occurs while executing the Lua script (such as
// errors returned by lua_pcall)
// Used when a service that telemetry service depends on crashes or fails.
// Required.
// A type that indicates where the log is generated.
optional LogType type = 2;
// Required.
// Human readable message explaining what’s wrong or how to fix it.
optional string message = 3;
// Optional.
// If there is an exception, there will be stack trace. However this
// information is not always available.
optional string stack_trace = 4;