| #YAML |
| time_correction_key: correction |
| timings: |
| system_server: SystemServerTiming(Async)?\s*:\s*(?P<name>[^\s]+) took to complete:\s(?P<time>[0-9]+)ms |
| fs_shutdown: (?P<name>boot_fs_shutdown),(?P<time>[0-9]+),([0-9]+) |
| ueventd_secs: ueventd:\s(?P<name>[^\s].+)\stook\s(?P<time>[.0-9]+)\sseconds |
| init_command_ms: init:\sCommand\s(?P<name>[^\s].+)\sreturned.*took\s(?P<time>[.0-9]+)ms |
| init_service_exec_secs: init:\sService\s.*exec\s[^\s]+\s\((?P<name>[^\s].+)\).*pid.*\swaiting\stook\s(?P<time>[.0-9]+)\sseconds |
| zygote64_timing: (?P<name>Zygote64Timing\:\s[^\s]+)\stook\sto\scomplete\:\s(?P<time>[0-9]+)ms |
| zygote32_timing: (?P<name>Zygote32Timing\:\s[^\s]+)\stook\sto\scomplete\:\s(?P<time>[0-9]+)ms |
| events: |
| kernel: Linux version |
| android_init_1st_stage: init first stage started |
| android_init_2st_stage: init second stage started |
| late_init: processing action \(late-init\) |
| fs: processing action \(fs\) |
| post-fs: processing action \(post-fs\) |
| late-fs: processing action \(late-fs\) |
| post-fs-data: processing action \(post-fs-data\) |
| nonencrypted: processing action \(nonencrypted\) |
| vold: starting service 'vold' |
| starting_zygote: starting service 'zygote' |
| starting_zygote_secondary: starting service 'zygote_secondary' |
| load_persist_props_action: processing action \(load_persist_props_action\) |
| early-boot: processing action \(early-boot\) |
| boot: processing action \(boot\) |
| ueventd: Starting service 'ueventd' |
| system_mounted: target=/system |
| data_mounted: target=/data |
| correction: Updating system time diff=([0-9]+\.?[0-9]*), cuttime=([0-9]+) |
| servicemanager_start_by_init: starting service 'servicemanager' |
| zygoteInit: START com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit |
| ZygoteMainSystemServer: app_process\smain\swith\sargv.*\-\-start\-system\-server |
| ZygoteMainOthers: app_process\smain\swith\sargv |
| zygote_preload_start: Zygote\s*:\s*begin preload |
| zygote_preload_classes_start: Zygote\s*:\s*Preloading classes... |
| zygote_preload_res_start: Zygote\s*:\s*Preloading resources... |
| zygote_preload_end: Zygote\s*:\s*end preload |
| zygote_create_system_server: Zygote\s*:\s*System server process [0-9]* has been created |
| SystemServer_start: Entered the Android system server! |
| system_server_ready: Enabled StrictMode for system server main |
| PackageManagerInit_start: SystemServer\s*:\s*StartPackageManagerService |
| PackageManagerInit_ready: StartPackageManagerService took to complete |
| BluetoothService_start: Starting com.android.server.BluetoothService |
| SystemUi_start: for service com.android.systemui/. |
| CarLauncherReady: Em.Overview:\s*onResume |
| CarService_start: for service com.android.car/.CarService |
| BootAnimStart: starting service 'bootanim' |
| BootAnimSfWait: BootAnimation:\sWaiting\sfor\sSurfaceFlinger\stook\s |
| BootAnimShowStart: BootAnimation:\sBootAnimationShownTiming\sstart\stime |
| BootAnimEnd: Service 'bootanim' |
| KeyguardStart: KeyguardServiceDelegate.*\*\*\* Keyguard started |
| KeyguardConnected: KeyguardServiceDelegate.*\*\*\* Keyguard connected |
| KeyguardShown: KeyguardServiceDelegate.*\*\*\*\* SHOWN CALLED \*\*\*\* |
| BootComplete: Starting phase 1000 |
| BootComplete_kernel: processing action \(sys\.boot_completed=1\) |
| LauncherStart: START.*HOME.*(NexusLauncherActivity|GEL|LensPickerTrampolineActivity|SetupWizardActivity) |
| FsStat: fs_stat, partition:userdata stat:(0x\S+) |
| |