blob: cf50387fd2e77dfaf5eb81c62e141d0e4a9a6344 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2019 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <hidl/HidlTransportSupport.h>
#include <log/log.h>
#include <utils/SystemClock.h>
#include "DisplayUseCase.h"
#include "RenderDirectView.h"
#include "Utils.h"
namespace android {
namespace automotive {
namespace evs {
namespace support {
using android::hardware::configureRpcThreadpool;
using android::hardware::joinRpcThreadpool;
// TODO(b/130246434): since we don't support multi-display use case, there
// should only be one DisplayUseCase. Add the logic to prevent more than
// one DisplayUseCases running at the same time.
DisplayUseCase::DisplayUseCase(string cameraId, BaseRenderCallback* callback)
: BaseUseCase(vector<string>(1, cameraId)) {
mRenderCallback = callback;
DisplayUseCase::~DisplayUseCase() {
if (mCurrentRenderer != nullptr) {
mCurrentRenderer = nullptr; // It's a smart pointer, so destructs on assignment to null
mIsReadyToRun = false;
if (mWorkerThread.joinable()) {
bool DisplayUseCase::initialize() {
// Load our configuration information
ConfigManager config;
if (!config.initialize("/system/etc/automotive/evs_support_lib/camera_config.json")) {
ALOGE("Missing or improper configuration for the EVS application. Exiting.");
return false;
// Set thread pool size to one to avoid concurrent events from the HAL.
// This pool will handle the EvsCameraStream callbacks.
// Note: This _will_ run in parallel with the EvsListener run() loop below which
// runs the application logic that reacts to the async events.
configureRpcThreadpool(1, false /* callerWillJoin */);
mResourceManager = ResourceManager::getInstance();
if (mResourceManager == nullptr) {
ALOGE("Failed to get resource manager instance. Initialization failed.");
return false;
// Request exclusive access to the EVS display
ALOGI("Acquiring EVS Display");
mDisplay = mResourceManager->openDisplay();
if (mDisplay.get() == nullptr) {
ALOGE("EVS Display unavailable. Exiting.");
return false;
ALOGD("Requesting camera list");
for (auto&& info : config.getCameras()) {
// This use case is currently a single camera use case.
// Only one element is available in the camera id list.
string cameraId = mCameraIds[0];
if (cameraId == info.cameraId) {
mStreamHandler = mResourceManager->obtainStreamHandler(cameraId);
if (mStreamHandler.get() == nullptr) {
ALOGE("Failed to get a valid StreamHandler for %s",
return false;
mIsInitialized = true;
return true;
ALOGE("Cannot find a match camera. Exiting");
return false;
// TODO(b/130246434): if user accidentally call this function twice, there is
// no logic to handle that and it will causes issues. For example, the
// mWorkerThread will be assigned twice and cause unexpected behavior.
// We need to fix this issue.
bool DisplayUseCase::startVideoStream() {
// Initialize the use case.
if (!mIsInitialized && !initialize()) {
ALOGE("There is an error while initializing the use case. Exiting");
return false;
ALOGD("Attach use case to StreamHandler");
if (mRenderCallback != nullptr) {
ALOGD("Start video streaming using worker thread");
mIsReadyToRun = true;
mWorkerThread = std::thread([this]() {
// We have a camera assigned to this state for direct view
mCurrentRenderer = std::make_unique<RenderDirectView>();
if (!mCurrentRenderer) {
ALOGE("Failed to construct direct renderer. Exiting.");
mIsReadyToRun = false;
// Now set the display state based on whether we have a video feed to show
// Start the camera stream
ALOGD("EvsStartCameraStreamTiming start time: %" PRId64 "ms", android::elapsedRealtime());
if (!mCurrentRenderer->activate()) {
ALOGE("New renderer failed to activate. Exiting");
mIsReadyToRun = false;
// Activate the display
ALOGD("EvsActivateDisplayTiming start time: %" PRId64 "ms", android::elapsedRealtime());
Return<EvsResult> result = mDisplay->setDisplayState(DisplayState::VISIBLE_ON_NEXT_FRAME);
if (result != EvsResult::OK) {
ALOGE("setDisplayState returned an error (%d). Exiting.", (EvsResult)result);
mIsReadyToRun = false;
if (!mStreamHandler->startStream()) {
ALOGE("failed to start stream handler");
mIsReadyToRun = false;
while (mIsReadyToRun && streamFrame());
ALOGD("Worker thread stops.");
return true;
void DisplayUseCase::stopVideoStream() {
ALOGD("Stop video streaming in worker thread.");
mIsReadyToRun = false;
if (mStreamHandler == nullptr) {
ALOGE("Failed to detach render callback since stream handler is null");
// Something may go wrong. Instead of to return this method right away,
// we want to finish the remaining logic of this method to try to
// release other resources.
} else {
if (mResourceManager == nullptr) {
ALOGE("Failed to release resources since resource manager is null");
} else {
mStreamHandler = nullptr;
mDisplay = nullptr;
// TODO(b/130246434): with the current logic, the initialize method will
// be triggered every time when a pair of
// stopVideoStream/startVideoStream is called. We might want to move
// some heavy work away from initialize method so increase the
// performance.
// Sets mIsInitialzed to false so the initialize method will be
// triggered when startVideoStream is called again.
mIsInitialized = false;
bool DisplayUseCase::streamFrame() {
// Get the output buffer we'll use to display the imagery
BufferDesc tgtBuffer = {};
mDisplay->getTargetBuffer([&tgtBuffer](const BufferDesc& buff) { tgtBuffer = buff; });
// TODO(b/130246434): if there is no new display frame available, shall we
// still get display buffer? Shall we just skip and keep the display
// un-refreshed?
// We should explore this option.
// If there is no display buffer available, skip it.
if (tgtBuffer.memHandle == nullptr) {
ALOGW("Didn't get requested output buffer -- skipping this frame.");
// Return true since it won't affect next call.
return true;
} else {
// If there is no new display frame available, re-use the old (held)
// frame for display.
// Otherwise, return the old (held) frame, fetch the newly available
// frame from stream handler, and use the new frame for display
// purposes.
if (!mStreamHandler->newDisplayFrameAvailable()) {
ALOGD("No new display frame is available. Re-use the old frame.");
} else {
ALOGD("Get new display frame, refreshing");
// If we already hold a camera image for display purposes, it's
// time to return it to evs camera driver.
if (mImageBuffer.memHandle.getNativeHandle() != nullptr) {
// Get the new image we want to use as our display content
mImageBuffer = mStreamHandler->getNewDisplayFrame();
// Render the image buffer to the display buffer
bool result = mCurrentRenderer->drawFrame(tgtBuffer, mImageBuffer);
// Send the finished display buffer back to display driver
// Even if the rendering fails, we still want to return the display
// buffer.
return result;
DisplayUseCase DisplayUseCase::createDefaultUseCase(string cameraId, BaseRenderCallback* callback) {
return DisplayUseCase(cameraId, callback);
} // namespace support
} // namespace evs
} // namespace automotive
} // namespace android