blob: 81e062050a43bf69747ff225e25fc0afc3fac555 [file] [log] [blame]
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
** Copyright 2015, The Android Open Source Project
** Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
** you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
** You may obtain a copy of the License at
** Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
** distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
** See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
** limitations under the License.
<!-- Resources to configure car service based on each OEM's preference. -->
<resources xmlns:xliff="urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:1.2">
<!-- Configuration to enable usage of dynamic audio routing. If this is set to false,
dynamic audio routing is disabled and audio works in legacy mode. It may be useful
during initial development where audio hal does not support bus based addressing yet. -->
<bool name="audioUseDynamicRouting">false</bool>
<!-- Configuration to persist master mute state. If this is set to true,
Android will restore the master mute state on boot. -->
<bool name="audioPersistMasterMuteState">true</bool>
<!-- Whether to block other audio while media audio is muted with display off. When set to true,
other sounds cannot be played either while display is off. If false, only media is muted
and other sounds can be still played. -->
<bool name="displayOffMuteLockAllAudio">true</bool>
<!-- Configuration to enable or disable the default Bluetooth Device Connection Policy. This
policy determines when to initiate device connections, but does not control the actual
connection process. Disable this default to implement your own policy. -->
<bool name="useDefaultBluetoothConnectionPolicy">true</bool>
<string name="inputService" translatable="false"></string>
<!-- Service responsible for displaying information on the car instrument cluster. -->
<string name="instrumentClusterRendererService" translatable="false"></string>
<!-- Whether to enable Activity blocking for safety. When Activity blocking is enabled,
only whitelisted safe Activities will be allowed while car is not parked. -->
<bool name="enableActivityBlockingForSafety">true</bool>
<!-- Activity to be presented when un-safe activity is launched. Take a look at the javadoc of the
default implementation. -->
<string name="activityBlockingActivity" translatable="false"></string>
<!-- Comma separated list of activities that need to be exempted from getting
blocked in a UX restricted state.
Format of each entry is either to specify package name to whitelist the whole package or
use format of "packagename/activity_classname" for tagging each activities.
For general guidelines to design distraction optimized apps, please refer
to Android Auto Driver Distraction Guidelines. -->
<string name="activityWhitelist" translatable="false"></string>
<!-- Comma separated list of activities that need to be exempted from getting
blocked in a UX restricted state.
Format of each entry is either to specify package name to whitelist the whole package or
use format of "packagename/activity_classname" for tagging each activities.
The current implementations expects the following system packages/activities to be
whitelisted. For general guidelines to design distraction optimized apps, please refer
to Android Auto Driver Distraction Guidelines. -->
<string name="systemActivityWhitelist" translatable="false">,,,android/,</string>
<!-- Comma separated list of activities that will be blocked during restricted state.
Format of each entry is either to specify package name to whitelist the whole package
or use format of "packagename/activity_classname" for tagging each activities.-->
<string name="activityBlacklist" translatable="false"></string>
<!-- List of play store package names that are allowed sources of app installation-->
<string-array translatable="false" name="allowedAppInstallSources">
<!-- Default home activity -->
<string name="defaultHomeActivity" translatable="false"><!--com.your.package/com.your.package.Activity--></string>
<!-- The vendor-defined HAL property used to collect VMS client metrics. Disabled by default.-->
<integer name="vmsHalClientMetricsProperty">0</integer>
<!-- The will bind to this list of clients running as system user -->
<string-array translatable="false" name="vmsPublisherSystemClients">
<!-- The will bind to this list of clients running as current user -->
<string-array translatable="false" name="vmsPublisherUserClients">
<!-- Number of milliseconds to wait before trying re-bind to a crashed publisher. -->
<integer name="millisecondsBeforeRebindToVmsPublisher">10000</integer>
<!-- Hours of uptime (excluding sleep) after which a 1% increase in the wear of the flash
storage in the head-unit is considered as acceptable level of wear. -->
<integer name="acceptableHoursPerOnePercentFlashWear">70</integer>
<!-- How often (in hours of uptime excluding sleep) CarService will flush to disk information
about the total running time of the head-unit. A shutdown or reboot of the head-unit
will always cause a flush of the uptime information, regardless of this setting. -->
<integer name="uptimeHoursIntervalBetweenUptimeDataWrite">5</integer>
<!-- The name of an activity to be launched by CarService whenever it detects a change in the
level of wear of the flash storage. Value must either be an empty string, which means that
no activity shall be launched, or must be in the format of a flattened ComponentName and
reference a valid activity. It is strongly recommended that the chosen activity be
protected with the permission. -->
<string name="activityHandlerForFlashWearChanges" translatable="false"></string>
<!-- How often (in seconds) CarService will update I/O metrics from the kernel. -->
<integer name="ioStatsRefreshRateSeconds">60</integer>
<!-- The number of I/O metrics samples to keep in memory at one time.
The system will keep a sliding window of samples of this size, and allow
retrieval of activity this many sample windows back in time. Setting this to
0 means no samples will be collected, effectively disabling I/O metric collection. -->
<integer name="ioStatsNumSamplesToStore">15</integer>
<!-- The maximum number of KB (1024 bytes) that can be written to storage in one sample
before CarService deems I/O activity excessive. A simple way to set this value
is - given the total writable amount (storage size * P/E cycles) - to make
reasonable assumptions about the expected lifetime of the vehicle and the average
daily driving time, and use that to allocate a per-sample budget. -->
<integer name="acceptableWrittenKBytesPerSample">115000</integer>
<!-- The maximum number of fsync() system calls that can be made in one sample before
CarService deems I/O activity excessive. -->
<integer name="acceptableFsyncCallsPerSample">150</integer>
<!-- The maximum number of samples (within an I/O stats sample window) that CarService
should consider exhibiting excessive I/O activity before broadcasting an intent
to signal the potential for flash wear. -->
<integer name="maxExcessiveIoSamplesInWindow">11</integer>
<!-- The name of an intent to be notified by CarService whenever it detects too many
samples with excessive I/O activity. Value must either be an empty string, which
means that no notification will take place, or be in the format of a flattened
ComponentName and reference a valid BroadcastReceiver. This broadcast receiver
must be registered in its containing app's AndroidManifest.xml and it is
strongly recommended that it be protected with the permission. -->
<string name="intentReceiverForUnacceptableIoMetrics" translatable="false"></string>
<!-- The Model ID to advertise Bluetooth Fast Pair connections with. Must be overlayed with
device specific model id. -->
<integer name="fastPairModelId">0x000000</integer>
<!-- Maximum allowed time to run garage mode. Note that 15 min (=900sec) is the minimum required
duration and this should not be made shorter. -->
<integer name="maxGarageModeRunningDurationInSecs">900</integer>
<!-- The garage mode configuration, specifying the time after shutdown to reboot into garage
mode and the number of attempts at that time to try before moving to the next wake up
time. This is intended to be a back-off pattern. -->
<string-array translatable="false" name="config_garageModeCadence">
<!-- <wake up after X min/hour/days>,<how many times> -->
<!-- The services that needs to be started earlier in the boot sequence and in particular order.
Every item in this array contains a flatten component name of a service that needs to be
started and a list of parameters after hashtag symbol. Here's the format:
bind: bind - start service with Context#bindService
start - start service with Context#startService
startForeground - start service with Context#startForegroundService
If service was bound it will be restarted unless it is constantly crashing.
The default value is 'start'
user: all - the service will be bound/started for system and all foreground users
system - the service will be started/bound only for system user (u0)
foreground - the service will be bound/started only for foreground users
The default value is 'all'
trigger: indicates when the service needs to be started/bound
asap - the service might be bound when user is not fully loaded, be careful with
this value, the service also needs to have directBootAware flag set to true
userUnlocked - start service when user unlocked the device
The default value is 'userUnlocked'
If the service bound/started for foreground user it will be unbound/stopped when user
is no longer foreground.
<string-array translatable="false" name="config_earlyStartupServices">
<!-- The consent activity that must be shown for every unknown mobile device before projection
gets started. The format is: com.your.package/com.your.Activity -->
<string name="config_projectionConsentActivity" translatable="false"/>
<!-- Display Id where projection rendering activity needs to be shown, Specify -1 to use system
defaults -->
<integer name="config_projectionActivityDisplayId" translatable="false">-1</integer>
<!-- Bounds of the projection activity on the screen. It should be in the pixels and screen
coordinates in the following order: left, top, right, bottom. -->
<integer-array name="config_projectionActivityLaunchBounds" translatable="false"/>
<!-- UI mode for projection activity. See ProjectionOptions class for possible values. -->
<integer name="config_projectionUiMode" translatable="false">0</integer>
<!-- Configure whether access point created for wireless projection should be in tethered mode.
This will allow mobile device to use Internet provided by the vehicle during projection.
If this value is true then tethering is enabled. Otherwise, local-only hotspot will be
created. -->
<bool name="config_projectionAccessPointTethering" translatable="false">false</bool>
<!-- The package name of a service to be launched by CarService to bind to an active media
service on the current user.
TODO(b/139497602): Remove dependency on Media Center, handle in CarMediaService -->
<string name="serviceMediaConnection" translatable="false"></string>
<!-- service/characteristics uuid for adding new escrow token -->
<string name="enrollment_service_uuid" translatable="false">5e2a68a4-27be-43f9-8d1e-4546976fabd7</string>
<string name="enrollment_server_write_uuid" translatable="false">5e2a68a5-27be-43f9-8d1e-4546976fabd7</string>
<string name="enrollment_client_write_uuid" translatable="false">5e2a68a6-27be-43f9-8d1e-4546976fabd7</string>
<!-- service/characteristics uuid for unlocking a device -->
<string name="unlock_service_uuid" translatable="false">00003ac5-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb</string>
<string name="unlock_client_write_uuid" translatable="false">5e2a68a2-27be-43f9-8d1e-4546976fabd7</string>
<string name="unlock_server_write_uuid" translatable="false">5e2a68a3-27be-43f9-8d1e-4546976fabd7</string>
<string name="token_handle_shared_preferences" translatable="false"></string>
<!-- The package name of the default bugreport application that can use CarBugreportServiceManager.
There is no default bugreporting app.-->
<string name="config_car_bugreport_application" translatable="false"></string>
<!-- Specifies notice UI that will be launched when user starts a car or do user
switching. It is recommended to use dialog with at least TYPE_APPLICATION_OVERLAY window
type to show the UI regardless of activity launches. Target package will be auto-granted
necessary permission for TYPE_APPLICATION_OVERLAY window type. The UI package should
resolve permission by itself to use any higher priority window type.
Setting this string to empty will disable the feature. -->
<string name="config_userNoticeUiService" translatable="false"></string>
<!-- Configuration to enable media center to autoplay when the media source is changed.
There are 3 supported configurations:
0 - never play on change
1 - always play
2 - adaptive, play based on last remembered playback state -->
<integer name="config_mediaSourceChangedAutoplay">2</integer>
<!-- Configuration to enable media center to autoplay on boot -->
<integer name="config_mediaBootAutoplay">2</integer>