blob: 04ff43aab7f41d30beb87a24e2f8a806dfb08a31 [file] [log] [blame]
#include <cstdint>
#include <vector>
namespace android_auto {
namespace surround_view {
// bounding box (bb)
// It is used to describe the car model bounding box in 3D.
// It assumes z = 0 and only x, y are used in the struct.
// Of course, it is compatible to the 2d version bounding box and may be used
// for other bounding box purpose (e.g., 2d bounding box in image).
struct BoundingBox {
// (x,y) is bounding box's top left corner coordinate.
float x;
float y;
// (width, height) is the size of the bounding box.
float width;
float height;
BoundingBox() : x(0.0f), y(0.0f), width(0.0f), height(0.0f) {}
BoundingBox(float x_, float y_, float width_, float height_)
: x(x_), y(y_), width(width_), height(height_) {}
BoundingBox(const BoundingBox& bb_)
: x(bb_.x), y(bb_.y), width(bb_.width), height(bb_.height) {}
// Checks if data is valid.
bool IsValid() const { return width >= 0 && height >= 0; }
bool operator==(const BoundingBox& rhs) const {
return x == rhs.x && y == rhs.y && width == rhs.width &&
height == rhs.height;
BoundingBox& operator=(const BoundingBox& rhs) {
x = rhs.x;
y = rhs.y;
width = rhs.width;
height = rhs.height;
return *this;
template <typename T>
struct Coordinate2dBase {
// x coordinate.
T x;
// y coordinate.
T y;
Coordinate2dBase() : x(0), y(0) {}
Coordinate2dBase(T x_, T y_) : x(x_), y(y_) {}
bool operator==(const Coordinate2dBase& rhs) const {
return x == rhs.x && y == rhs.y;
Coordinate2dBase& operator=(const Coordinate2dBase& rhs) {
x = rhs.x;
y = rhs.y;
return *this;
// integer type size.
typedef Coordinate2dBase<int> Coordinate2dInteger;
// float type size.
typedef Coordinate2dBase<float> Coordinate2dFloat;
struct Coordinate3dFloat {
// x coordinate.
float x;
// y coordinate.
float y;
// z coordinate.
float z;
Coordinate3dFloat() : x(0), y(0), z(0) {}
Coordinate3dFloat(float x_, float y_, float z_) : x(x_), y(y_), z(z_) {}
bool operator==(const Coordinate3dFloat& rhs) const {
return x == rhs.x && y == rhs.y;
Coordinate3dFloat& operator=(const Coordinate3dFloat& rhs) {
x = rhs.x;
y = rhs.y;
return *this;
// pixel weight used for illumination assessment
struct PixelWeight {
// x and y are the coordinates (absolute value) in image space.
// pixel coordinate x in horizontal direction.
float x;
// pixel coordinate y in vertical direction.
float y;
// pixel weight, range in [0, 1].
float weight;
PixelWeight() : x(-1), y(-1), weight(0) {}
PixelWeight(int x_, int y_, int weight_) : x(x_), y(y_), weight(weight_) {}
bool operator==(const PixelWeight& rhs) const {
return x == rhs.x && y == rhs.y && weight == rhs.weight;
PixelWeight& operator=(const PixelWeight& rhs) {
x = rhs.x;
y = rhs.y;
weight = rhs.weight;
return *this;
// base size 2d type template.
template <typename T>
struct Size2dBase {
// width of size.
T width;
// height of size.
T height;
Size2dBase() : width(0), height(0) {}
Size2dBase(T width_, T height_) : width(width_), height(height_) {}
bool IsValid() const { return width > 0 && height > 0; }
bool operator==(const Size2dBase& rhs) const {
return width == rhs.width && height == rhs.height;
Size2dBase& operator=(const Size2dBase& rhs) {
width = rhs.width;
height = rhs.height;
return *this;
// integer type size.
typedef Size2dBase<int> Size2dInteger;
// float type size.
typedef Size2dBase<float> Size2dFloat;
// surround view 2d parameters
struct SurroundView2dParams {
// surround view 2d image resolution (width, height).
Size2dInteger resolution;
// the physical size of surround view 2d area in surround view coordinate.
// (surround view coordinate is defined as X rightward, Y forward and
// the origin lies on the center of the (symmetric) bowl (ground).
// When bowl is not used, surround view coordinate origin lies on the
// center of car model bounding box.)
// The unit should be consistent with camera extrinsics (translation).
Size2dFloat physical_size;
// the center of surround view 2d area in surround view coordinate
// (consistent with extrinsics coordinate).
Coordinate2dFloat physical_center;
: resolution{0, 0},
physical_size{0.0f, 0.0f},
physical_center{0.0f, 0.0f} {}
SurroundView2dParams(Size2dInteger resolution_, Size2dFloat physical_size_,
Coordinate2dFloat physical_center_)
: resolution(resolution_),
physical_center(physical_center_) {}
// Checks if data is valid.
bool IsValid() const {
return resolution.IsValid() && physical_size.IsValid();
bool operator==(const SurroundView2dParams& rhs) const {
return resolution == rhs.resolution && physical_size == rhs.physical_size &&
physical_center == rhs.physical_center;
SurroundView2dParams& operator=(const SurroundView2dParams& rhs) {
resolution = rhs.resolution;
physical_size = rhs.physical_size;
physical_center = rhs.physical_center;
return *this;
// surround view 3d parameters
struct SurroundView3dParams {
// Bowl center is the origin of the surround view coordinate. If surround view
// coordinate is different from the global one, a coordinate system
// transformation function is required.
// planar area radius.
// Range in (0, +Inf).
float plane_radius;
// the number of divisions on the plane area of bowl, in the direction
// of the radius.
// Range in [1, +Inf).
int plane_divisions;
// bowl curve curve height.
// Range in (0, +Inf).
float curve_height;
// the number of points on bowl curve curve along radius direction.
// Range in [1, +Inf).
int curve_divisions;
// the number of points along circle (360 degrees)
// Range in [1, +Inf).
int angular_divisions;
// the parabola coefficient of bowl curve curve.
// The curve formula is z = a * (x^2 + y^2) for sqrt(x^2 + y^2) >
// plane_radius; a is curve_coefficient.
// Range in (0, +Inf).
float curve_coefficient;
// render output image size.
Size2dInteger resolution;
: plane_radius(0.0f),
resolution(0, 0) {}
SurroundView3dParams(float plane_radius_, int plane_divisions_,
float curve_height_, int curve_divisions_,
int angular_divisions_, float curve_coefficient_,
Size2dInteger resolution_)
: plane_radius(plane_radius_),
resolution(resolution_) {}
// Checks if data is valid.
bool IsValid() const {
return plane_radius > 0 && plane_divisions > 0 && curve_height > 0 &&
angular_divisions > 0 && curve_coefficient > 0 &&
curve_divisions > 0 && resolution.IsValid();
bool operator==(const SurroundView3dParams& rhs) const {
return plane_radius == rhs.plane_radius &&
plane_divisions == rhs.plane_divisions &&
curve_height == rhs.curve_height &&
curve_divisions == rhs.curve_divisions &&
angular_divisions == rhs.angular_divisions &&
curve_coefficient == rhs.curve_coefficient &&
resolution == rhs.resolution;
SurroundView3dParams& operator=(const SurroundView3dParams& rhs) {
plane_radius = rhs.plane_radius;
plane_divisions = rhs.plane_divisions;
curve_height = rhs.curve_height;
curve_divisions = rhs.curve_divisions;
angular_divisions = rhs.angular_divisions;
curve_coefficient = rhs.curve_coefficient;
resolution = rhs.resolution;
return *this;
// surround view camera parameters with native types only.
struct SurroundViewCameraParams {
// All calibration data |intrinsics|, |rvec| and |tvec|
// follow OpenCV format excepting using native arrays, refer:
// camera intrinsics. It is the 1d array of camera matrix(3X3) with row first.
float intrinsics[9];
// lens distortion parameters.
float distorion[4];
// rotation vector.
float rvec[3];
// translation vector.
float tvec[3];
// camera image size (width, height).
Size2dInteger size;
// fisheye circular fov.
float circular_fov;
bool operator==(const SurroundViewCameraParams& rhs) const {
return (0 == std::memcmp(intrinsics, rhs.intrinsics, 9 * sizeof(float))) &&
(0 == std::memcmp(distorion, rhs.distorion, 4 * sizeof(float))) &&
(0 == std::memcmp(rvec, rhs.rvec, 3 * sizeof(float))) &&
(0 == std::memcmp(tvec, rhs.tvec, 3 * sizeof(float))) &&
size == rhs.size && circular_fov == rhs.circular_fov;
SurroundViewCameraParams& operator=(const SurroundViewCameraParams& rhs) {
std::memcpy(intrinsics, rhs.intrinsics, 9 * sizeof(float));
std::memcpy(distorion, rhs.distorion, 4 * sizeof(float));
std::memcpy(rvec, rhs.rvec, 3 * sizeof(float));
std::memcpy(tvec, rhs.tvec, 3 * sizeof(float));
size = rhs.size;
circular_fov = rhs.circular_fov;
return *this;
// 3D vertex of an overlay object.
struct OverlayVertex {
// Position in 3d coordinates in world space in order X,Y,Z.
float pos[3];
// RGBA values, A is used for transparency.
uint8_t rgba[4];
// normalized texture coordinates, in width and height direction. Range [0,
// 1].
float tex[2];
// normalized vertex normal.
float nor[3];
bool operator==(const OverlayVertex& rhs) const {
return (0 == std::memcmp(pos, rhs.pos, 3 * sizeof(float))) &&
(0 == std::memcmp(rgba, rhs.rgba, 4 * sizeof(uint8_t))) &&
(0 == std::memcmp(tex, rhs.tex, 2 * sizeof(float))) &&
(0 == std::memcmp(nor, rhs.nor, 3 * sizeof(float)));
OverlayVertex& operator=(const OverlayVertex& rhs) {
std::memcpy(pos, rhs.pos, 3 * sizeof(float));
std::memcpy(rgba, rhs.rgba, 4 * sizeof(uint8_t));
std::memcpy(tex, rhs.tex, 2 * sizeof(float));
std::memcpy(nor, rhs.nor, 3 * sizeof(float));
return *this;
// Overlay is a list of vertices (may be a single or multiple objects in scene)
// coming from a single source or type of sensor.
struct Overlay {
// Uniqiue Id identifying each overlay.
uint16_t id;
// List of overlay vertices. 3 consecutive vertices form a triangle.
std::vector<OverlayVertex> vertices;
// Constructor initializing all member.
Overlay(uint16_t id_, const std::vector<OverlayVertex>& vertices_) {
id = id_;
vertices = vertices_;
// Default constructor.
Overlay() {
id = 0;
vertices = std::vector<OverlayVertex>();
enum Format {
GRAY = 0,
RGB = 1,
RGBA = 2,
struct SurroundViewInputBufferPointers {
void* gpu_data_pointer;
void* cpu_data_pointer;
Format format;
int width;
int height;
: gpu_data_pointer(nullptr),
height(0) {}
SurroundViewInputBufferPointers(void* gpu_data_pointer_,
void* cpu_data_pointer_, Format format_,
int width_, int height_)
: gpu_data_pointer(gpu_data_pointer_),
height(height_) {}
struct SurroundViewResultPointer {
void* data_pointer;
Format format;
int width;
int height;
SurroundViewResultPointer() : data_pointer(nullptr), width(0), height(0) {}
SurroundViewResultPointer(Format format_, int width_, int height_)
: format(format_), width(width_), height(height_) {
// default formate is gray.
const int byte_per_pixel = format_ == RGB ? 3 : format_ == RGBA ? 4 : 1;
data_pointer =
static_cast<void*>(new char[width * height * byte_per_pixel]);
~SurroundViewResultPointer() {
if (data_pointer) {
// delete[] static_cast<char*>(data_pointer);
data_pointer = nullptr;
class SurroundView {
virtual ~SurroundView() = default;
// Sets SurroundView static data.
// For each input, please refer to the definition.
virtual bool SetStaticData(
const std::vector<SurroundViewCameraParams>& cameras_params,
const SurroundView2dParams& surround_view_2d_params,
const SurroundView3dParams& surround_view_3d_params,
const std::vector<float>& undistortion_focal_length_scales,
const BoundingBox& car_model_bb) = 0;
// Starts 2d pipeline. Returns false if error occurs.
virtual bool Start2dPipeline() = 0;
// Starts 3d pipeline. Returns false if error occurs.
virtual bool Start3dPipeline() = 0;
// Stops 2d pipleline. It releases resource owned by the pipeline.
// Returns false if error occurs.
virtual void Stop2dPipeline() = 0;
// Stops 3d pipeline. It releases resource owned by the pipeline.
virtual void Stop3dPipeline() = 0;
// Updates 2d output resolution on-the-fly. Starts2dPipeline() must be called
// before this can be called. For quality assurance, the resolution should not
// be larger than the original one. This call is not thread safe and there is
// no sync between Get2dSurroundView() and this call.
virtual bool Update2dOutputResolution(const Size2dInteger& resolution) = 0;
// Updates 3d output resolution on-the-fly. Starts3dPipeline() must be called
// before this can be called. For quality assurance, the resolution should not
// be larger than the original one. This call is not thread safe and there is
// no sync between Get3dSurroundView() and this call.
virtual bool Update3dOutputResolution(const Size2dInteger& resolution) = 0;
// Projects camera's pixel location to surround view 2d image location.
// camera_point is the pixel location in raw camera's space.
// camera_index is the camera's index.
// surround_view_2d_point is the surround view 2d image pixel location.
virtual bool GetProjectionPointFromRawCameraToSurroundView2d(
const Coordinate2dInteger& camera_point, int camera_index,
Coordinate2dFloat* surround_view_2d_point) = 0;
// Projects camera's pixel location to surround view 3d bowl coordinate.
// camera_point is the pixel location in raw camera's space.
// camera_index is the camera's index.
// surround_view_3d_point is the surround view 3d vertex.
virtual bool GetProjectionPointFromRawCameraToSurroundView3d(
const Coordinate2dInteger& camera_point, int camera_index,
Coordinate3dFloat* surround_view_3d_point) = 0;
// Gets 2d surround view image.
// It takes input_pointers as input, and output is result_pointer.
// Please refer to the definition of SurroundViewInputBufferPointers and
// SurroundViewResultPointer.
virtual bool Get2dSurroundView(
const std::vector<SurroundViewInputBufferPointers>& input_pointers,
SurroundViewResultPointer* result_pointer) = 0;
// Gets 3d surround view image.
// It takes input_pointers and view_matrix as input, and output is
// result_pointer. view_matrix is 4 x 4 matrix.
// Please refer to the definition of
// SurroundViewInputBufferPointers and
// SurroundViewResultPointer.
virtual bool Get3dSurroundView(
const std::vector<SurroundViewInputBufferPointers>& input_pointers,
const std::vector<std::vector<float>> view_matrix,
SurroundViewResultPointer* result_pointer) = 0;
// Sets 3d overlays.
virtual bool Set3dOverlay(const std::vector<Overlay>& overlays) = 0;
// for test only.
// TODO(xxqian): remove thest two fns.
virtual std::vector<SurroundViewInputBufferPointers> ReadImages(
const char* filename0, const char* filename1, const char* filename2,
const char* filename3) = 0;
virtual void WriteImage(const SurroundViewResultPointer result_pointerer,
const char* filename) = 0;
SurroundView* Create();
} // namespace surround_view
} // namespace android_auto