blob: 20c7ee87e417a3d15fd1b3389a1c1dd8490f2071 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2013 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import android.content.ComponentName;
import android.content.Context;
import android.content.Intent;
import android.content.ServiceConnection;
import android.os.IBinder;
import android.telecomm.ICallService;
import android.telecomm.ICallServiceProvider;
import android.util.Log;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.Timer;
import java.util.TimerTask;
* Finds {@link ICallService} and {@link ICallServiceProvider} implementations on the device.
* Uses binder APIs to find ICallServiceProviders and calls method on ICallServiceProvider to
* find ICallService implementations.
* TODO(santoscordon): Add performance timing to async calls.
final class CallServiceFinder {
* Helper class to register/unregister call-service providers.
private class ProviderRegistrar {
* The name of the call-service provider that is expected to register with this finder.
private ComponentName mProviderName;
* A unique identifier for a given lookup cycle, see nextLookupId.
* TODO(gilad): Potentially unnecessary, consider removing.
int mLookupId;
* Persists the specified parameters.
* @param providerName The component name of the relevant provider.
* @param lookupId The lookup-cycle ID.
ProviderRegistrar(ComponentName providerName, int lookupId) {
this.mProviderName = providerName;
this.mLookupId = lookupId;
ComponentName getProviderName() {
return mProviderName;
* Registers the specified call-service provider.
* @param provider The provider object to register.
void register(ICallServiceProvider provider) {
registerProvider(mLookupId, mProviderName, provider);
/** Unregisters this provider. */
void unregister() {
* Wrapper around ICallServiceProvider, mostly used for binding etc.
* TODO(gilad): Consider making this wrapper unnecessary.
private class ProviderWrapper {
* Persists the specified parameters and attempts to bind the specified provider.
* TODO(gilad): Consider embedding ProviderRegistrar into this class and do away
* with the former, or vice versa.
* @param context The relevant application context.
* @param registrar The registrar with which to register and unregister this provider.
ProviderWrapper(Context context, final ProviderRegistrar registrar) {
ComponentName name = registrar.getProviderName();
Intent serviceIntent = new Intent(CALL_SERVICE_PROVIDER_CLASS_NAME).setComponent(name);
Log.i(TAG, "Binding to ICallServiceProvider through " + serviceIntent);
// Connection object for the service binding.
ServiceConnection connection = new ServiceConnection() {
public void onServiceConnected(ComponentName className, IBinder service) {
public void onServiceDisconnected(ComponentName className) {
if (!context.bindService(serviceIntent, connection, Context.BIND_AUTO_CREATE)) {
// TODO(santoscordon): Handle error.
* A timer task to ensure each lookup cycle is time-bound, see LOOKUP_TIMEOUT.
private class LookupTerminator extends TimerTask {
public void run() {
/** Used to identify log entries by this class */
private static final String TAG = CallServiceFinder.class.getSimpleName();
* The longest period in milliseconds each lookup cycle is allowed to span over, see mTimer.
* TODO(gilad): Likely requires tuning.
private static final int LOOKUP_TIMEOUT = 100;
* Used to retrieve all known ICallServiceProvider implementations from the framework.
* TODO(gilad): Move to a more logical place for this to be shared.
static final String CALL_SERVICE_PROVIDER_CLASS_NAME = ICallServiceProvider.class.getName();
private final Switchboard mSwitchboard;
* Determines whether or not a lookup cycle is already running.
private boolean mIsLookupInProgress = false;
* Used to generate unique lookup-cycle identifiers. Incremented upon initiateLookup calls.
private int mNextLookupId = 0;
* The set of bound call-service providers. Only populated via initiateLookup scenarios.
* Providers should only be removed upon unbinding.
private Set<ICallServiceProvider> mProviderRegistry = Sets.newHashSet();
* Stores the names of the providers to bind to in one lookup cycle. The set size represents
* the number of call-service providers this finder expects to hear back from upon initiating
* call-service lookups, see initiateLookup. Whenever all providers respond before the lookup
* timeout occurs, the complete set of (available) call services is passed to the switchboard
* for further processing of outgoing calls etc. When the timeout occurs before all responds
* are received, the partial (potentially empty) set gets passed (to the switchboard) instead.
* Note that cached providers do not require finding and hence are excluded from this count.
* Also noteworthy is that providers are dynamically removed from this set as they register.
private Set<ComponentName> mUnregisteredProviders;
* Used to interrupt lookup cycles that didn't terminate naturally within the allowed
* period, see LOOKUP_TIMEOUT.
private Timer mTimer;
* Persists the specified parameters.
* @param switchboard The switchboard for this finer to work against.
CallServiceFinder(Switchboard switchboard) {
mSwitchboard = switchboard;
* Initiates a lookup cycle for call-service providers.
* TODO(gilad): Expand this comment to describe the lookup flow in more detail.
* @param context The relevant application context.
synchronized void initiateLookup(Context context) {
if (mIsLookupInProgress) {
// At most one active lookup is allowed at any given time, bail out.
List<ComponentName> providerNames = getProviderNames(context);
if (providerNames.isEmpty()) {
Log.i(TAG, "No ICallServiceProvider implementations found.");
mIsLookupInProgress = true;
mUnregisteredProviders = Sets.newHashSet();
int lookupId = mNextLookupId++;
for (ComponentName name : providerNames) {
if (!mProviderRegistry.contains(name)) {
// The provider is either not yet registered or has been unregistered
// due to unbinding etc.
ProviderRegistrar registrar = new ProviderRegistrar(name, lookupId);
new ProviderWrapper(context, registrar);
int providerCount = providerNames.size();
int unregisteredProviderCount = mUnregisteredProviders.size();
Log.i(TAG, "Found " + providerCount + " implementations for ICallServiceProvider, "
+ unregisteredProviderCount + " of which are not currently registered.");
if (unregisteredProviderCount == 0) {
// All known (provider) implementations are already registered, pass control
// back to the switchboard.
} else {
// Start the timeout for this lookup cycle.
// TODO(gilad): Consider reusing the same timer instead of creating new ones.
if (mTimer != null) {
// Shouldn't be running but better safe than sorry.
mTimer = new Timer();
mTimer.schedule(new LookupTerminator(), LOOKUP_TIMEOUT);
* Returns the all-inclusive list of call-service-provider names.
* @param context The relevant/application context to query against.
* @return The list containing the (component) names of all known ICallServiceProvider
* implementations or the empty list upon no available providers.
private List<ComponentName> getProviderNames(Context context) {
// The list of provider names to return to the caller, may be populated below.
List<ComponentName> providerNames = Lists.newArrayList();
PackageManager packageManager = context.getPackageManager();
Intent intent = new Intent(CALL_SERVICE_PROVIDER_CLASS_NAME);
for (ResolveInfo entry : packageManager.queryIntentServices(intent, 0)) {
ServiceInfo serviceInfo = entry.serviceInfo;
if (serviceInfo != null) {
// The entry resolves to a proper service, add it to the list of provider names.
new ComponentName(serviceInfo.packageName,;
return providerNames;
* Registers the specified provider and performs the necessary bookkeeping to potentially
* return control to the switchboard before the timeout for the current lookup cycle.
* @param lookupId The lookup-cycle ID.
* @param providerName The component name of the relevant provider.
* @param provider The provider object to register.
private void registerProvider(
int lookupId, ComponentName providerName, ICallServiceProvider provider) {
if (mUnregisteredProviders.remove(providerName)) {
if (mUnregisteredProviders.size() < 1) {
terminateLookup(); // No other providers to wait for.
* Unregisters the specified provider.
* @param providerName The component name of the relevant provider.
private void unregisterProvider(ComponentName providerName) {
* Timeouts the current lookup cycle, see LookupTerminator.
private void terminateLookup() {
if (mTimer != null) {
mTimer.cancel(); // Terminate the timer thread.
mIsLookupInProgress = false;
* Updates the switchboard passing the relevant call services (as opposed
* to call-service providers).
private void updateSwitchboard() {
synchronized (mProviderRegistry) {
// TODO(gilad): More here.