blob: 4265c6556d2a554eea675317f471425ae7c11c75 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2014 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import android.content.ContentUris;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.os.Handler;
import android.provider.ContactsContract.Contacts;
import android.telecomm.CallInfo;
import android.telecomm.CallServiceDescriptor;
import android.telecomm.CallState;
import android.telecomm.GatewayInfo;
import android.telecomm.Response;
import android.telecomm.Subscription;
import android.telecomm.TelecommConstants;
import android.telephony.DisconnectCause;
import android.telephony.PhoneNumberUtils;
import android.text.TextUtils;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Set;
* Encapsulates all aspects of a given phone call throughout its lifecycle, starting
* from the time the call intent was received by Telecomm (vs. the time the call was
* connected etc).
final class Call implements OutgoingCallResponse {
* Listener for events on the call.
interface Listener {
void onSuccessfulOutgoingCall(Call call);
void onFailedOutgoingCall(Call call, int errorCode, String errorMsg);
void onCancelledOutgoingCall(Call call);
void onSuccessfulIncomingCall(Call call, CallInfo callInfo);
void onFailedIncomingCall(Call call);
void onRequestingRingback(Call call, boolean requestingRingback);
void onPostDialWait(Call call, String remaining);
void onIsConferenceCapableChanged(Call call, boolean isConferenceCapable);
void onExpiredConferenceCall(Call call);
void onConfirmedConferenceCall(Call call);
void onParentChanged(Call call);
void onChildrenChanged(Call call);
void onCannedSmsResponsesLoaded(Call call);
void onCallVideoProviderChanged(Call call);
private static final OnQueryCompleteListener sCallerInfoQueryListener =
new OnQueryCompleteListener() {
/** ${inheritDoc} */
public void onQueryComplete(int token, Object cookie, CallerInfo callerInfo) {
if (cookie != null) {
((Call) cookie).setCallerInfo(callerInfo, token);
private static final OnImageLoadCompleteListener sPhotoLoadListener =
new OnImageLoadCompleteListener() {
/** ${inheritDoc} */
public void onImageLoadComplete(
int token, Drawable photo, Bitmap photoIcon, Object cookie) {
if (cookie != null) {
((Call) cookie).setPhoto(photo, photoIcon, token);
/** True if this is an incoming call. */
private final boolean mIsIncoming;
* The time this call was created, typically also the time this call was added to the set
* of pending outgoing calls (mPendingOutgoingCalls) that's maintained by the switchboard.
* Beyond logging and such, may also be used for bookkeeping and specifically for marking
* certain call attempts as failed attempts.
private final long mCreationTimeMillis = System.currentTimeMillis();
/** The gateway information associated with this call. This stores the original call handle
* that the user is attempting to connect to via the gateway, the actual handle to dial in
* order to connect the call via the gateway, as well as the package name of the gateway
* service. */
private final GatewayInfo mGatewayInfo;
private final Subscription mSubscription;
private final Handler mHandler = new Handler();
private long mConnectTimeMillis;
/** The state of the call. */
private CallState mState;
/** The handle with which to establish this call. */
private Uri mHandle;
* The call service which is attempted or already connecting this call.
private CallServiceWrapper mCallService;
* The set of call services that were attempted in the process of placing/switching this call
* but turned out unsuitable. Only used in the context of call switching.
private Set<CallServiceWrapper> mIncompatibleCallServices;
private boolean mIsEmergencyCall;
private boolean mSpeakerphoneOn;
* Disconnect cause for the call. Only valid if the state of the call is DISCONNECTED.
* See {@link android.telephony.DisconnectCause}.
private int mDisconnectCause = DisconnectCause.NOT_VALID;
* Additional disconnect information provided by the call service.
private String mDisconnectMessage;
/** Info used by the call services. */
private Bundle mExtras = Bundle.EMPTY;
/** The Uri to dial to perform the handoff. If this is null then handoff is not supported. */
private Uri mHandoffHandle;
* References the call that is being handed off. This value is non-null for untracked calls
* that are being used to perform a handoff.
private Call mOriginalCall;
* The descriptor for the call service that this call is being switched to, null if handoff is
* not in progress.
private CallServiceDescriptor mHandoffCallServiceDescriptor;
/** Set of listeners on this call. */
private Set<Listener> mListeners = Sets.newHashSet();
private OutgoingCallProcessor mOutgoingCallProcessor;
// TODO(santoscordon): The repositories should be changed into singleton types.
private CallServiceRepository mCallServiceRepository;
/** Caller information retrieved from the latest contact query. */
private CallerInfo mCallerInfo;
/** The latest token used with a contact info query. */
private int mQueryToken = 0;
/** Whether this call is requesting that Telecomm play the ringback tone on its behalf. */
private boolean mRequestingRingback = false;
/** Incoming call-info to use when direct-to-voicemail query finishes. */
private CallInfo mPendingDirectToVoicemailCallInfo;
private boolean mIsConferenceCapable = false;
private boolean mIsConference = false;
private Call mParentCall = null;
private List<Call> mChildCalls = new LinkedList<>();
/** Set of text message responses allowed for this call, if applicable. */
private List<String> mCannedSmsResponses = Collections.EMPTY_LIST;
/** Whether an attempt has been made to load the text message responses. */
private boolean mCannedSmsResponsesLoadingStarted = false;
private ICallVideoProvider mCallVideoProvider;
* Creates an empty call object.
* @param isIncoming True if this is an incoming call.
Call(boolean isIncoming, boolean isConference) {
this(null, null, null, isIncoming, isConference);
* Persists the specified parameters and initializes the new instance.
* @param handle The handle to dial.
* @param gatewayInfo Gateway information to use for the call.
* @param subscription Subscription information to use for the call.
* @param isIncoming True if this is an incoming call.
Call(Uri handle, GatewayInfo gatewayInfo, Subscription subscription,
boolean isIncoming, boolean isConference) {
mState = isConference ? CallState.ACTIVE : CallState.NEW;
mGatewayInfo = gatewayInfo;
mSubscription = subscription;
mIsIncoming = isIncoming;
mIsConference = isConference;
void addListener(Listener listener) {
void removeListener(Listener listener) {
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override public String toString() {
String component = null;
if (mCallService != null && mCallService.getComponentName() != null) {
component = mCallService.getComponentName().flattenToShortString();
return String.format(Locale.US, "[%s, %s, %s]", mState, component, Log.piiHandle(mHandle));
CallState getState() {
if (mIsConference) {
if (!mChildCalls.isEmpty()) {
// If we have child calls, just return the child call.
return mChildCalls.get(0).getState();
return CallState.ACTIVE;
} else {
return mState;
* Sets the call state. Although there exists the notion of appropriate state transitions
* (see {@link CallState}), in practice those expectations break down when cellular systems
* misbehave and they do this very often. The result is that we do not enforce state transitions
* and instead keep the code resilient to unexpected state changes.
void setState(CallState newState) {
Preconditions.checkState(newState != CallState.DISCONNECTED ||
mDisconnectCause != DisconnectCause.NOT_VALID);
if (mState != newState) {
Log.v(this, "setState %s -> %s", mState, newState);
mState = newState;
void setRequestingRingback(boolean requestingRingback) {
mRequestingRingback = requestingRingback;
for (Listener l : mListeners) {
l.onRequestingRingback(this, mRequestingRingback);
boolean isRequestingRingback() {
return mRequestingRingback;
Uri getHandle() {
return mHandle;
void setHandle(Uri handle) {
if ((mHandle == null && handle != null) || (mHandle != null && !mHandle.equals(handle))) {
mHandle = handle;
mIsEmergencyCall = mHandle != null && PhoneNumberUtils.isLocalEmergencyNumber(
TelecommApp.getInstance(), mHandle.getSchemeSpecificPart());
String getName() {
return mCallerInfo == null ? null :;
Bitmap getPhotoIcon() {
return mCallerInfo == null ? null : mCallerInfo.cachedPhotoIcon;
Drawable getPhoto() {
return mCallerInfo == null ? null : mCallerInfo.cachedPhoto;
* @param disconnectCause The reason for the disconnection, any of
* {@link android.telephony.DisconnectCause}.
* @param disconnectMessage Optional call-service-provided message about the disconnect.
void setDisconnectCause(int disconnectCause, String disconnectMessage) {
// TODO: Consider combining this method with a setDisconnected() method that is totally
// separate from setState.
mDisconnectCause = disconnectCause;
mDisconnectMessage = disconnectMessage;
int getDisconnectCause() {
return mDisconnectCause;
String getDisconnectMessage() {
return mDisconnectMessage;
boolean isEmergencyCall() {
return mIsEmergencyCall;
* @return The original handle this call is associated with. In-call services should use this
* handle when indicating in their UI the handle that is being called.
public Uri getOriginalHandle() {
if (mGatewayInfo != null && !mGatewayInfo.isEmpty()) {
return mGatewayInfo.getOriginalHandle();
return getHandle();
GatewayInfo getGatewayInfo() {
return mGatewayInfo;
Subscription getSubscription() {
return mSubscription;
boolean isIncoming() {
return mIsIncoming;
* @return The "age" of this call object in milliseconds, which typically also represents the
* period since this call was added to the set pending outgoing calls, see
* mCreationTimeMillis.
long getAgeMillis() {
return System.currentTimeMillis() - mCreationTimeMillis;
* @return The time when this call object was created and added to the set of pending outgoing
* calls.
long getCreationTimeMillis() {
return mCreationTimeMillis;
long getConnectTimeMillis() {
return mConnectTimeMillis;
void setConnectTimeMillis(long connectTimeMillis) {
mConnectTimeMillis = connectTimeMillis;
boolean isConferenceCapable() {
return mIsConferenceCapable;
void setIsConferenceCapable(boolean isConferenceCapable) {
if (mIsConferenceCapable != isConferenceCapable) {
mIsConferenceCapable = isConferenceCapable;
for (Listener l : mListeners) {
l.onIsConferenceCapableChanged(this, mIsConferenceCapable);
Call getParentCall() {
return mParentCall;
List<Call> getChildCalls() {
return mChildCalls;
CallServiceWrapper getCallService() {
return mCallService;
void setCallService(CallServiceWrapper callService) {
setCallService(callService, null);
* Changes the call service this call is associated with. If callToReplace is non-null then this
* call takes its place within the call service.
void setCallService(CallServiceWrapper callService, Call callToReplace) {
mCallService = callService;
if (callToReplace == null) {
} else {
mCallService.replaceCall(this, callToReplace);
* Clears the associated call service.
void clearCallService() {
if (mCallService != null) {
CallServiceWrapper callServiceTemp = mCallService;
mCallService = null;
// Decrementing the count can cause the service to unbind, which itself can trigger the
// service-death code. Since the service death code tries to clean up any associated
// calls, we need to make sure to remove that information (e.g., removeCall()) before
// we decrement. Technically, invoking removeCall() prior to decrementing is all that is
// necessary, but cleaning up mCallService prior to triggering an unbind is good to do.
// If you change this, make sure to update {@link clearCallServiceSelector} as well.
* Starts the incoming call flow through the switchboard. When switchboard completes, it will
* invoke handle[Un]SuccessfulIncomingCall.
* @param descriptor The relevant call-service descriptor.
* @param extras The optional extras passed via
* {@link TelecommConstants#EXTRA_INCOMING_CALL_EXTRAS}.
void startIncoming(CallServiceDescriptor descriptor, Bundle extras) {
Switchboard.getInstance().retrieveIncomingCall(this, descriptor, extras);
* Takes a verified incoming call and uses the handle to lookup direct-to-voicemail property
* from the contacts provider. The call is not yet exposed to the user at this point and
* the result of the query will determine if the call is rejected or passed through to the
* in-call UI.
void handleVerifiedIncoming(CallInfo callInfo) {
Preconditions.checkState(callInfo.getState() == CallState.RINGING);
// We do not handle incoming calls immediately when they are verified by the call service.
// We allow the caller-info-query code to execute first so that we can read the
// direct-to-voicemail property before deciding if we want to show the incoming call to the
// user or if we want to reject the call.
mPendingDirectToVoicemailCallInfo = callInfo;
// Setting the handle triggers the caller info lookup code.
// Timeout the direct-to-voicemail lookup execution so that we dont wait too long before
// showing the user the incoming call screen.
mHandler.postDelayed(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
}, Timeouts.getDirectToVoicemailMillis());
void processDirectToVoicemail() {
if (mPendingDirectToVoicemailCallInfo != null) {
if (mCallerInfo != null && mCallerInfo.shouldSendToVoicemail) {
Log.i(this, "Directing call to voicemail: %s.", this);
// TODO(santoscordon): Once we move State handling from CallsManager to Call, we
// will not need to set RINGING state prior to calling reject.
reject(false, null);
} else {
// TODO(santoscordon): Make this class (not CallsManager) responsible for changing
// the call state to RINGING.
// TODO(santoscordon): Replace this with state transition to RINGING.
for (Listener l : mListeners) {
l.onSuccessfulIncomingCall(this, mPendingDirectToVoicemailCallInfo);
mPendingDirectToVoicemailCallInfo = null;
void handleFailedIncoming() {
// TODO: Needs more specific disconnect error for this case.
setDisconnectCause(DisconnectCause.ERROR_UNSPECIFIED, null);
// TODO(santoscordon): Replace this with state transitions related to "connecting".
for (Listener l : mListeners) {
* Starts the outgoing call sequence. Upon completion, there should exist an active connection
* through a call service (or the call will have failed).
void startOutgoing() {
Preconditions.checkState(mOutgoingCallProcessor == null);
mOutgoingCallProcessor = new OutgoingCallProcessor(
this, Switchboard.getInstance().getCallServiceRepository(), this);
public void onOutgoingCallSuccess() {
// TODO(santoscordon): Replace this with state transitions related to "connecting".
for (Listener l : mListeners) {
mOutgoingCallProcessor = null;
public void onOutgoingCallFailure(int code, String msg) {
// TODO(santoscordon): Replace this with state transitions related to "connecting".
for (Listener l : mListeners) {
l.onFailedOutgoingCall(this, code, msg);
mOutgoingCallProcessor = null;
public void onOutgoingCallCancel() {
// TODO(santoscordon): Replace this with state transitions related to "connecting".
for (Listener l : mListeners) {
mOutgoingCallProcessor = null;
* Adds the specified call service to the list of incompatible services. The set is used when
* attempting to switch a phone call between call services such that incompatible services can
* be avoided.
* @param callService The incompatible call service.
void addIncompatibleCallService(CallServiceWrapper callService) {
if (mIncompatibleCallServices == null) {
mIncompatibleCallServices = Sets.newHashSet();
* Checks whether or not the specified callService was identified as incompatible in the
* context of this call.
* @param callService The call service to evaluate.
* @return True upon incompatible call services and false otherwise.
boolean isIncompatibleCallService(CallServiceWrapper callService) {
return mIncompatibleCallServices != null &&
* Plays the specified DTMF tone.
void playDtmfTone(char digit) {
if (mCallService == null) {
Log.w(this, "playDtmfTone() request on a call without a call service.");
} else {
Log.i(this, "Send playDtmfTone to call service for call %s", this);
mCallService.playDtmfTone(this, digit);
* Stops playing any currently playing DTMF tone.
void stopDtmfTone() {
if (mCallService == null) {
Log.w(this, "stopDtmfTone() request on a call without a call service.");
} else {
Log.i(this, "Send stopDtmfTone to call service for call %s", this);
* Attempts to disconnect the call through the call service.
void disconnect() {
if (mState == CallState.NEW) {
Log.v(this, "Aborting call %s", this);
} else if (mState != CallState.ABORTED && mState != CallState.DISCONNECTED) {
Log.i(this, "Send disconnect to call service for call: %s", this);
// The call isn't officially disconnected until the call service confirms that the call
// was actually disconnected. Only then is the association between call and call service
// severed, see {@link CallsManager#markCallAsDisconnected}.
void abort() {
if (mOutgoingCallProcessor != null) {
* Answers the call if it is ringing.
void answer() {
// Check to verify that the call is still in the ringing state. A call can change states
// between the time the user hits 'answer' and Telecomm receives the command.
if (isRinging("answer")) {
// At this point, we are asking the call service to answer but we don't assume that
// it will work. Instead, we wait until confirmation from the call service that the
// call is in a non-RINGING state before changing the UI. See
// {@link CallServiceAdapter#setActive} and other set* methods.
* Rejects the call if it is ringing.
* @param rejectWithMessage Whether to send a text message as part of the call rejection.
* @param textMessage An optional text message to send as part of the rejection.
void reject(boolean rejectWithMessage, String textMessage) {
// Check to verify that the call is still in the ringing state. A call can change states
// between the time the user hits 'reject' and Telecomm receives the command.
if (isRinging("reject")) {
* Puts the call on hold if it is currently active.
void hold() {
if (mState == CallState.ACTIVE) {
* Releases the call from hold if it is currently active.
void unhold() {
if (mState == CallState.ON_HOLD) {
* @return An object containing read-only information about this call.
CallInfo toCallInfo(String callId) {
CallServiceDescriptor descriptor = null;
if (mCallService != null) {
descriptor = mCallService.getDescriptor();
} else if (mOriginalCall != null && mOriginalCall.mCallService != null) {
descriptor = mOriginalCall.mCallService.getDescriptor();
Bundle extras = mExtras;
if (mGatewayInfo != null && mGatewayInfo.getGatewayProviderPackageName() != null &&
mGatewayInfo.getOriginalHandle() != null) {
extras = (Bundle) mExtras.clone();
return new CallInfo(callId, mState, mHandle, mGatewayInfo, mSubscription,
extras, descriptor);
/** Checks if this is a live call or not. */
boolean isAlive() {
switch (mState) {
case NEW:
return false;
return true;
boolean isActive() {
switch (mState) {
case ACTIVE:
return true;
return false;
Bundle getExtras() {
return mExtras;
void setExtras(Bundle extras) {
mExtras = extras;
Uri getHandoffHandle() {
return mHandoffHandle;
void setHandoffHandle(Uri handoffHandle) {
mHandoffHandle = handoffHandle;
Call getOriginalCall() {
return mOriginalCall;
void setOriginalCall(Call originalCall) {
mOriginalCall = originalCall;
CallServiceDescriptor getHandoffCallServiceDescriptor() {
return mHandoffCallServiceDescriptor;
void setHandoffCallServiceDescriptor(CallServiceDescriptor descriptor) {
mHandoffCallServiceDescriptor = descriptor;
Uri getRingtone() {
return mCallerInfo == null ? null : mCallerInfo.contactRingtoneUri;
void onPostDialWait(String remaining) {
for (Listener l : mListeners) {
l.onPostDialWait(this, remaining);
void postDialContinue(boolean proceed) {
getCallService().onPostDialContinue(this, proceed);
void conferenceInto(Call conferenceCall) {
if (mCallService == null) {
Log.w(this, "conference requested on a call without a call service.");
} else {
mCallService.conference(conferenceCall, this);
void expireConference() {
// The conference call expired before we got a confirmation of the conference from the
// call start shutting down.
for (Listener l : mListeners) {
void confirmConference() {
Log.v(this, "confirming Conf call %s", mListeners);
for (Listener l : mListeners) {
void splitFromConference() {
// TODO(santoscordon): todo
void setParentCall(Call parentCall) {
if (parentCall == this) {
Log.e(this, new Exception(), "setting the parent to self");
Preconditions.checkState(parentCall == null || mParentCall == null);
Call oldParent = mParentCall;
if (mParentCall != null) {
mParentCall = parentCall;
if (mParentCall != null) {
for (Listener l : mListeners) {
private void addChildCall(Call call) {
if (!mChildCalls.contains(call)) {
for (Listener l : mListeners) {
private void removeChildCall(Call call) {
if (mChildCalls.remove(call)) {
for (Listener l : mListeners) {
* Return whether the user can respond to this {@code Call} via an SMS message.
* @return true if the "Respond via SMS" feature should be enabled
* for this incoming call.
* The general rule is that we *do* allow "Respond via SMS" except for
* the few (relatively rare) cases where we know for sure it won't
* work, namely:
* - a bogus or blank incoming number
* - a call from a SIP address
* - a "call presentation" that doesn't allow the number to be revealed
* In all other cases, we allow the user to respond via SMS.
* Note that this behavior isn't perfect; for example we have no way
* to detect whether the incoming call is from a landline (with most
* networks at least), so we still enable this feature even though
* SMSes to that number will silently fail.
boolean isRespondViaSmsCapable() {
if (mState != CallState.RINGING) {
return false;
if (getHandle() == null) {
// No incoming number known or call presentation is "PRESENTATION_RESTRICTED", in
// other words, the user should not be able to see the incoming phone number.
return false;
if (PhoneNumberUtils.isUriNumber(getHandle().toString())) {
// The incoming number is actually a URI (i.e. a SIP address),
// not a regular PSTN phone number, and we can't send SMSes to
// SIP addresses.
// (TODO: That might still be possible eventually, though. Is
// there some SIP-specific equivalent to sending a text message?)
return false;
// Is there a valid SMS application on the phone?
if (SmsApplication.getDefaultRespondViaMessageApplication(TelecommApp.getInstance(),
true /*updateIfNeeded*/) == null) {
return false;
// TODO: with some carriers (in certain countries) you *can* actually
// tell whether a given number is a mobile phone or not. So in that
// case we could potentially return false here if the incoming call is
// from a land line.
// If none of the above special cases apply, it's OK to enable the
// "Respond via SMS" feature.
return true;
List<String> getCannedSmsResponses() {
return mCannedSmsResponses;
* @return True if the call is ringing, else logs the action name.
private boolean isRinging(String actionName) {
if (mState == CallState.RINGING) {
return true;
Log.i(this, "Request to %s a non-ringing call %s", actionName, this);
return false;
private void decrementAssociatedCallCount(ServiceBinder binder) {
if (binder != null) {
* Looks up contact information based on the current handle.
private void startCallerInfoLookup() {
String number = mHandle == null ? null : mHandle.getSchemeSpecificPart();
mQueryToken++; // Updated so that previous queries can no longer set the information.
mCallerInfo = null;
if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(number)) {
Log.v(this, "Looking up information for: %s.", Log.piiHandle(number));
* Saves the specified caller info if the specified token matches that of the last query
* that was made.
* @param callerInfo The new caller information to set.
* @param token The token used with this query.
private void setCallerInfo(CallerInfo callerInfo, int token) {
if (mQueryToken == token) {
mCallerInfo = callerInfo;
Log.i(this, "CallerInfo received for %s: %s", Log.piiHandle(mHandle), callerInfo);
if (mCallerInfo.person_id != 0) {
Uri personUri =
ContentUris.withAppendedId(Contacts.CONTENT_URI, mCallerInfo.person_id);
Log.d(this, "Searching person uri %s for call %s", personUri, this);
* Saves the specified photo information if the specified token matches that of the last query.
* @param photo The photo as a drawable.
* @param photoIcon The photo as a small icon.
* @param token The token used with this query.
private void setPhoto(Drawable photo, Bitmap photoIcon, int token) {
if (mQueryToken == token) {
mCallerInfo.cachedPhoto = photo;
mCallerInfo.cachedPhotoIcon = photoIcon;
private void maybeLoadCannedSmsResponses() {
if (mIsIncoming && isRespondViaSmsCapable() && !mCannedSmsResponsesLoadingStarted) {
Log.d(this, "maybeLoadCannedSmsResponses: starting task to load messages");
mCannedSmsResponsesLoadingStarted = true;
new Response<Void, List<String>>() {
public void onResult(Void request, List<String>... result) {
if (result.length > 0) {
Log.d(this, "maybeLoadCannedSmsResponses: got %s", result[0]);
mCannedSmsResponses = result[0];
for (Listener l : mListeners) {
public void onError(Void request, int code, String msg) {
Log.w(Call.this, "Error obtaining canned SMS responses: %d %s", code,
} else {
Log.d(this, "maybeLoadCannedSmsResponses: doing nothing");
* Sets speakerphone option on when call begins.
public void setStartWithSpeakerphoneOn(boolean startWithSpeakerphone) {
mSpeakerphoneOn = startWithSpeakerphone;
* Returns speakerphone option.
* @return Whether or not speakerphone should be set automatically when call begins.
public boolean getStartWithSpeakerphoneOn() {
return mSpeakerphoneOn;
* Sets a call video provider for the call.
public void setCallVideoProvider(ICallVideoProvider callVideoProvider) {
mCallVideoProvider = callVideoProvider;
for (Listener l : mListeners) {
* @return Return the call video Provider binder.
public ICallVideoProvider getCallVideoProvider() {
return mCallVideoProvider;