blob: 1f06c9da3a9939b696db3c97ca7fd05eed3612f9 [file] [log] [blame]
/* This symbol is used at runtime to figure out the virtual address that the */
/* enclave is loaded at. */
.section absolute
.global IMAGE_BASE
.section ".note.x86_64-fortanix-unknown-sgx", "", @note
.align 4
.long 1f - 0f /* name length (not including padding) */
.long 3f - 2f /* desc length (not including padding) */
.long 1 /* type = NT_VERSION */
0: .asciz "toolchain-version" /* name */
1: .align 4
2: .long 0 /* desc - toolchain version number, 32-bit LE */
3: .align 4
.section .rodata
/* The XSAVE area needs to be a large chunk of readable memory, but since we are */
/* going to restore everything to its initial state (XSTATE_BV=0), only certain */
/* parts need to have a defined value. In particular: */
/* */
/* * MXCSR in the legacy area. This register is always restored if RFBM[1] or */
/* RFBM[2] is set, regardless of the value of XSTATE_BV */
/* * XSAVE header */
.align 64
.org .+24
.int 0
/* We can store a bunch of data in the gap between MXCSR and the XSAVE header */
/* MXCSR initialization value for ABI */
.int 0x1f80
/* x87 FPU control word initialization value for ABI */
.int 0x037f
/* The following symbols point at read-only data that will be filled in by the */
/* post-linker. */
/* When using this macro, don't forget to adjust the linker version script! */
.macro globvar name:req size:req
.global \name
.protected \name
.align \size
.size \name , \size
\name :
.org .+\size
/* The base address (relative to enclave start) of the heap area */
globvar HEAP_BASE 8
/* The heap size in bytes */
globvar HEAP_SIZE 8
/* Value of the RELA entry in the dynamic table */
globvar RELA 8
/* Value of the RELACOUNT entry in the dynamic table */
globvar RELACOUNT 8
/* The enclave size in bytes */
globvar ENCLAVE_SIZE 8
/* The base address (relative to enclave start) of the enclave configuration area */
globvar CFGDATA_BASE 8
/* Non-zero if debugging is enabled, zero otherwise */
globvar DEBUG 1
/* The base address (relative to enclave start) of the enclave text section */
globvar TEXT_BASE 8
/* The size in bytes of enclacve text section */
globvar TEXT_SIZE 8
/* The base address (relative to enclave start) of the enclave EH_FRM_HDR section */
globvar EH_FRM_HDR_BASE 8
/* The size in bytes of enclacve EH_FRM_HDR section */
globvar EH_FRM_HDR_SIZE 8
.org .Lxsave_clear+512
.int 0, 0 /* XSTATE_BV */
.int 0, 0 /* XCOMP_BV */
.org .+48 /* reserved bits */
.byte 0
/* TCS local storage section */
.equ tcsls_tos, 0x00 /* initialized by loader to *offset* from image base to TOS */
.equ tcsls_flags, 0x08 /* initialized by loader */
.equ tcsls_flag_secondary, 0 /* initialized by loader; 0 = standard TCS, 1 = secondary TCS */
.equ tcsls_flag_init_once, 1 /* initialized by loader to 0 */
/* 14 unused bits */
.equ tcsls_user_fcw, 0x0a
.equ tcsls_user_mxcsr, 0x0c
.equ tcsls_last_rsp, 0x10 /* initialized by loader to 0 */
.equ tcsls_panic_last_rsp, 0x18 /* initialized by loader to 0 */
.equ tcsls_debug_panic_buf_ptr, 0x20 /* initialized by loader to 0 */
.equ tcsls_user_rsp, 0x28
.equ tcsls_user_retip, 0x30
.equ tcsls_user_rbp, 0x38
.equ tcsls_user_r12, 0x40
.equ tcsls_user_r13, 0x48
.equ tcsls_user_r14, 0x50
.equ tcsls_user_r15, 0x58
.equ tcsls_tls_ptr, 0x60
.equ tcsls_tcs_addr, 0x68
.macro load_tcsls_flag_secondary_bool reg:req comments:vararg
.ifne tcsls_flag_secondary /* to convert to a bool, must be the first bit */
mov $(1<<tcsls_flag_secondary),%e\reg
and %gs:tcsls_flags,%\reg
/* We place the ELF entry point in a separate section so it can be removed by
elf2sgxs */
.section .text_no_sgx, "ax"
.ascii "Error: This file is an SGX enclave which cannot be executed as a standard Linux binary.\nSee the installation guide at on how to use 'cargo run' or follow the steps at for manual deployment.\n"
.global elf_entry
.type elf_entry,function
/* print error message */
movq $2,%rdi /* write to stderr (fd 2) */
lea .Lelf_entry_error_msg(%rip),%rsi
movq $.Lelf_entry_error_msg_end-.Lelf_entry_error_msg,%rdx
movq $1,%rax /* write() syscall */
test %rax,%rax
jle .Lelf_exit /* exit on error */
add %rax,%rsi
sub %rax,%rdx /* all chars written? */
jnz .Lelf_entry_call
movq $60,%rax /* exit() syscall */
movq $1,%rdi /* exit code 1 */
ud2 /* should not be reached */
/* end elf_entry */
/* This code needs to be called *after* the enclave stack has been setup. */
/* There are 3 places where this needs to happen, so this is put in a macro. */
.macro entry_sanitize_final
/* Sanitize rflags received from user */
/* - DF flag: x86-64 ABI requires DF to be unset at function entry/exit */
/* - AC flag: AEX on misaligned memory accesses leaks side channel info */
andq $~0x40400, (%rsp)
/* check for abort */
bt $0,.Laborted(%rip)
jc .Lreentry_panic
.global sgx_entry
.type sgx_entry,function
/* save user registers */
mov %rcx,%gs:tcsls_user_retip
mov %rsp,%gs:tcsls_user_rsp
mov %rbp,%gs:tcsls_user_rbp
mov %r12,%gs:tcsls_user_r12
mov %r13,%gs:tcsls_user_r13
mov %r14,%gs:tcsls_user_r14
mov %r15,%gs:tcsls_user_r15
mov %rbx,%gs:tcsls_tcs_addr
stmxcsr %gs:tcsls_user_mxcsr
fnstcw %gs:tcsls_user_fcw
/* check for debug buffer pointer */
testb $0xff,DEBUG(%rip)
jz .Lskip_debug_init
mov %r10,%gs:tcsls_debug_panic_buf_ptr
/* check if returning from usercall */
mov %gs:tcsls_last_rsp,%r11
test %r11,%r11
jnz .Lusercall_ret
/* reset user state */
ldmxcsr .Lmxcsr_init(%rip)
fldcw .Lfpucw_init(%rip)
/* setup stack */
mov %gs:tcsls_tos,%rsp /* initially, RSP is not set to the correct value */
/* here. This is fixed below under "adjust stack". */
/* check for thread init */
bts $tcsls_flag_init_once,%gs:tcsls_flags
jc .Lskip_init
/* adjust stack */
lea IMAGE_BASE(%rip),%rax
add %rax,%rsp
mov %rsp,%gs:tcsls_tos
/* call tcs_init */
/* store caller-saved registers in callee-saved registers */
mov %rdi,%rbx
mov %rsi,%r12
mov %rdx,%r13
mov %r8,%r14
mov %r9,%r15
load_tcsls_flag_secondary_bool di /* RDI = tcs_init() argument: secondary: bool */
call tcs_init
/* reload caller-saved registers */
mov %rbx,%rdi
mov %r12,%rsi
mov %r13,%rdx
mov %r14,%r8
mov %r15,%r9
jmp .Lafter_init
/* call into main entry point */
load_tcsls_flag_secondary_bool cx /* RCX = entry() argument: secondary: bool */
call entry /* RDI, RSI, RDX, R8, R9 passed in from userspace */
mov %rax,%rsi /* RSI = return value */
/* NOP: mov %rdx,%rdx */ /* RDX = return value */
xor %rdi,%rdi /* RDI = normal exit */
/* clear general purpose register state */
/* RAX overwritten by ENCLU */
/* RBX set later */
/* RCX overwritten by ENCLU */
/* RDX contains return value */
/* RSP set later */
/* RBP set later */
/* RDI contains exit mode */
/* RSI contains return value */
xor %r8,%r8
xor %r9,%r9
xor %r10,%r10
xor %r11,%r11
/* R12 ~ R15 set by sgx_exit */
/* clear extended register state */
mov %rdx, %rcx /* save RDX */
mov $-1, %rax
mov %rax, %rdx
xrstor .Lxsave_clear(%rip)
mov %rcx, %rdx /* restore RDX */
/* clear flags */
pushq $0
/* restore user registers */
mov %gs:tcsls_user_r12,%r12
mov %gs:tcsls_user_r13,%r13
mov %gs:tcsls_user_r14,%r14
mov %gs:tcsls_user_r15,%r15
mov %gs:tcsls_user_retip,%rbx
mov %gs:tcsls_user_rsp,%rsp
mov %gs:tcsls_user_rbp,%rbp
fldcw %gs:tcsls_user_fcw
ldmxcsr %gs:tcsls_user_mxcsr
/* exit enclave */
mov $0x4,%eax /* EEXIT */
/* end sgx_entry */
orq $8,%rsp
jmp abort_reentry
/* This *MUST* be called with 6 parameters, otherwise register information */
/* might leak! */
.global usercall
test %rcx,%rcx /* check `abort` function argument */
jnz .Lusercall_abort /* abort is set, jump to abort code (unlikely forward conditional) */
jmp .Lusercall_save_state /* non-aborting usercall */
/* set aborted bit */
movb $1,.Laborted(%rip)
/* save registers in DEBUG mode, so that debugger can reconstruct the stack */
testb $0xff,DEBUG(%rip)
jz .Lusercall_noreturn
/* save callee-saved state */
push %r15
push %r14
push %r13
push %r12
push %rbp
push %rbx
sub $8, %rsp
fstcw 4(%rsp)
stmxcsr (%rsp)
movq %rsp,%gs:tcsls_last_rsp
/* clear general purpose register state */
/* RAX overwritten by ENCLU */
/* RBX set by sgx_exit */
/* RCX overwritten by ENCLU */
/* RDX contains parameter */
/* RSP set by sgx_exit */
/* RBP set by sgx_exit */
/* RDI contains parameter */
/* RSI contains parameter */
/* R8 contains parameter */
/* R9 contains parameter */
xor %r10,%r10
xor %r11,%r11
/* R12 ~ R15 set by sgx_exit */
/* extended registers/flags cleared by sgx_exit */
/* exit */
jmp .Lsgx_exit
movq $0,%gs:tcsls_last_rsp
/* restore callee-saved state, cf. "save" above */
mov %r11,%rsp
ldmxcsr (%rsp)
fldcw 4(%rsp)
add $8, %rsp
pop %rbx
pop %rbp
pop %r12
pop %r13
pop %r14
pop %r15
/* return */
mov %rsi,%rax /* RAX = return value */
/* NOP: mov %rdx,%rdx */ /* RDX = return value */
The following functions need to be defined externally:
// Called by entry code on re-entry after exit
extern "C" fn abort_reentry() -> !;
// Called once when a TCS is first entered
extern "C" fn tcs_init(secondary: bool);
// Standard TCS entrypoint
extern "C" fn entry(p1: u64, p2: u64, p3: u64, secondary: bool, p4: u64, p5: u64) -> (u64, u64);
.global get_tcs_addr
mov %gs:tcsls_tcs_addr,%rax
.global get_tls_ptr
mov %gs:tcsls_tls_ptr,%rax
.global set_tls_ptr
mov %rdi,%gs:tcsls_tls_ptr
.global take_debug_panic_buf_ptr
xor %rax,%rax
xchg %gs:tcsls_debug_panic_buf_ptr,%rax