blob: eebbea1b285bab690e6a790a7e1a44c7f95f9945 [file] [log] [blame]
use fortanix_sgx_abi::Tcs;
use super::abi::thread;
use super::waitqueue::{try_lock_or_false, NotifiedTcs, SpinMutex, WaitQueue, WaitVariable};
pub struct Mutex {
inner: SpinMutex<WaitVariable<bool>>,
// Implementation according to “Operating Systems: Three Easy Pieces”, chapter 28
impl Mutex {
pub const fn new() -> Mutex {
Mutex { inner: SpinMutex::new(WaitVariable::new(false)) }
pub unsafe fn init(&mut self) {}
pub unsafe fn lock(&self) {
let mut guard = self.inner.lock();
if *guard.lock_var() {
// Another thread has the lock, wait
WaitQueue::wait(guard, || {})
// Another thread has passed the lock to us
} else {
// We are just now obtaining the lock
*guard.lock_var_mut() = true;
pub unsafe fn unlock(&self) {
let guard = self.inner.lock();
if let Err(mut guard) = WaitQueue::notify_one(guard) {
// No other waiters, unlock
*guard.lock_var_mut() = false;
} else {
// There was a thread waiting, just pass the lock
pub unsafe fn try_lock(&self) -> bool {
let mut guard = try_lock_or_false!(self.inner);
if *guard.lock_var() {
// Another thread has the lock
} else {
// We are just now obtaining the lock
*guard.lock_var_mut() = true;
pub unsafe fn destroy(&self) {}
struct ReentrantLock {
owner: Option<Tcs>,
count: usize,
pub struct ReentrantMutex {
inner: SpinMutex<WaitVariable<ReentrantLock>>,
impl ReentrantMutex {
pub const fn uninitialized() -> ReentrantMutex {
ReentrantMutex {
inner: SpinMutex::new(WaitVariable::new(ReentrantLock { owner: None, count: 0 })),
pub unsafe fn init(&mut self) {}
pub unsafe fn lock(&self) {
let mut guard = self.inner.lock();
match guard.lock_var().owner {
Some(tcs) if tcs != thread::current() => {
// Another thread has the lock, wait
WaitQueue::wait(guard, || {});
// Another thread has passed the lock to us
_ => {
// We are just now obtaining the lock
guard.lock_var_mut().owner = Some(thread::current());
guard.lock_var_mut().count += 1;
pub unsafe fn unlock(&self) {
let mut guard = self.inner.lock();
if guard.lock_var().count > 1 {
guard.lock_var_mut().count -= 1;
} else {
match WaitQueue::notify_one(guard) {
Err(mut guard) => {
// No other waiters, unlock
guard.lock_var_mut().count = 0;
guard.lock_var_mut().owner = None;
Ok(mut guard) => {
// There was a thread waiting, just pass the lock
if let NotifiedTcs::Single(tcs) = guard.notified_tcs() {
guard.lock_var_mut().owner = Some(tcs)
} else {
unreachable!() // called notify_one
pub unsafe fn try_lock(&self) -> bool {
let mut guard = try_lock_or_false!(self.inner);
match guard.lock_var().owner {
Some(tcs) if tcs != thread::current() => {
// Another thread has the lock
_ => {
// We are just now obtaining the lock
guard.lock_var_mut().owner = Some(thread::current());
guard.lock_var_mut().count += 1;
pub unsafe fn destroy(&self) {}