blob: 610dd109735a6fc700cded355190e5f927bc3908 [file] [log] [blame]
// Common functions that are unfortunately missing on illumos and
// Solaris, but often needed by other crates.
use unix::solarish::*;
pub unsafe fn cfmakeraw(termios: *mut ::termios) {
(*termios).c_iflag &= !(IMAXBEL
| IXON);
(*termios).c_oflag &= !OPOST;
(*termios).c_lflag &= !(ECHO | ECHONL | ICANON | ISIG | IEXTEN);
(*termios).c_cflag &= !(CSIZE | PARENB);
(*termios).c_cflag |= CS8;
// By default, most software expects a pending read to block until at
// least one byte becomes available. As per termio(7I), this requires
// setting the MIN and TIME parameters appropriately.
// As a somewhat unfortunate artefact of history, the MIN and TIME slots
// in the control character array overlap with the EOF and EOL slots used
// for canonical mode processing. Because the EOF character needs to be
// the ASCII EOT value (aka Control-D), it has the byte value 4. When
// switching to raw mode, this is interpreted as a MIN value of 4; i.e.,
// reads will block until at least four bytes have been input.
// Other platforms with a distinct MIN slot like Linux and FreeBSD appear
// to default to a MIN value of 1, so we'll force that value here:
(*termios).c_cc[VMIN] = 1;
(*termios).c_cc[VTIME] = 0;
pub unsafe fn cfsetspeed(
termios: *mut ::termios,
speed: ::speed_t,
) -> ::c_int {
// Neither of these functions on illumos or Solaris actually ever
// return an error
::cfsetispeed(termios, speed);
::cfsetospeed(termios, speed);