blob: f0033240965f0d2410de62f480756aeb471d7f53 [file] [log] [blame]
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
<name>Sisu Guice - Core Library</name>
| Add standard LICENSE and NOTICE files
| Enable Java5 conformance checks
| Run core tests without SLF4J on the classpath
| This test needs updating for use with Maven
| Add OSGi manifest
${project.artifactId}$(if;$(classes;NAMED;*.Interceptor*);; (no_aop))
| Remove duplicate jarjar'd LICENSE and NOTICE
| No-AOP profile: repeat the build lifecycle with munged no-AOP source
| Package the no-AOP build with its own OSGi manifest and attach using "no_aop" classifier
| JarJar build profile: re-package ASM and CGLIB classes under the Guice namespace
| JarJar all classes before running tests
| m2e profile - force use of JarJar inside Eclipse
<action><execute /></action>