blob: caf21add5c21f658da97386be68791928abbc0ce [file] [log] [blame]
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
<name>JBoss Parent POM</name>
<description>Parent POM for JBoss projects. Provides default project build configuration.</description>
<name> Community</name>
<name>JBoss User List</name>
<name>JBoss Developer List</name>
<name>Public Domain</name>
<name>JBoss by Red Hat</name>
<!-- **************** -->
<!-- Plugins versions -->
<!-- **************** -->
<version.eclipse.plugin>2.10</version.eclipse.plugin><!-- we should probably remove this in next version it is deprecated & not supported anymore -->
<version.idlj.plugin>1.2.1</version.idlj.plugin> <!-- also probable candidate for removal -->
<version.pir.plugin>2.8.1</version.pir.plugin><!-- maven-project-info-reports-plugins -->
<!-- we override plexus Archiver with version 3.0.3 as older don't work on JDK9 -->
<!-- ***************** -->
<!-- Repository Deployment URLs -->
<!-- ***************** -->
<!-- ************** -->
<!-- Build settings -->
<!-- ************** -->
<!-- Cross plugins settings -->
<!-- maven-compiler-plugin -->
Options to override the compiler arguments directly on the compiler argument line to separate between what
the IDE understands as the source level and what the Maven compiler actually use.
<!-- maven-enforcer-plugin -->
<!-- maven-idea-plugin & maven-eclipse-plugin -->
<!-- maven-pmd-plugin -->
<!-- maven-release-plugin -->
<!-- maven-assembly-plugin -->
<!-- exposed additional params for javadoc, such as Xlint -->
<javadoc.additional.params />
<!-- All plugins ordered by shortname (antrun, assembly ...) -->
<header><![CDATA[<b>${} ${project.version}</b>]]></header>
<footer><![CDATA[<b>${} ${project.version}</b>]]></footer>
<!--This plugin's configuration is used to store Eclipse m2e settings only. It has no influence on the Maven build itself.-->
<!-- Configure m2e to execute the manifest goal of the bundle plugin, if present. -->
<execute />
<!-- Configure m2e to ignore the Maven enforcer plugin -->
<ignore />
<!-- Configure m2e to ignore the buildnumber-maven-plugin. -->
<ignore />
<!-- Check for the minimum version of Java and Maven. Runs during the validate phase. -->
<message>To build this project JDK ${jdk.min.version} (or greater) is required. Please install it.</message>
<message>To build this project Maven ${maven.min.version} (or greater) is required. Please install it.</message>
<!-- Set properties containing the scm revision -->
<!-- Attach source jar to all builds. Runs during the package phase.-->
The profile jboss-release must be active when a project is released. The configuration
in this POM will automatically call this profile if using the maven-release-plugin.
If the maven-release-plugin is not used during the release, this profile must
be manually activated.
<!-- Create a source-release artifact that contains the fully buildable
project directory source structure. This should be released to
the Maven repository for each JBoss project release. -->
This profile can be activated to generate gpg signatures for all build
artifacts. This profile requires that the properties "gpg.keyname"
and "gpg.passphrase" are available to the current build.
<!-- This will sign the artifact, the POM, and all attached artifacts -->
<name>JBoss Releases Repository</name>
<name>JBoss Snapshots Repository</name>