blob: 73bd92989f648b249f540126043343fc2adfb939 [file] [log] [blame]
Change log for Android SDK Tools.
Revision 11:
- See eclipse/changes.txt for ADT related changes.
Revision 10:
- The tools now automatically generate Java Programming Language
source files (in the gen directory) and bytecode (in the res/raw
directory) from your native .rs files
Revision 9:
- Fix packaging issue that broke draw9patch
- Ant build rules will now check the Ant version and fail if it's older than 1.8
- Fix "folder locked" errors when installing packages in SDK Manager on Windows.
- Support https proxy when installing from SDK Manager.
- SDK Manager now suggests to install missing base platform for add-ons.
- Default proguard config file changes:
* ignore classes extending android.preference.Preference
* ignore classes extending
- Ant lib rules now allow for overriding java.encoding, java.source, and
- Default encoding for Ant javac is now UTF-8
- Logcat view in DDMS now properly displays UTF-8 characters.
Revision 8:
- New SDK component: platform-tools. This makes all platforms use the same
latest version of aapt/aidl/dx.
- Support for true debug build. No need to change the value of debuggable in
the Android Manifest.
"ant debug" will automatically insert debuggable==true, while "ant release"
will not.
If debuggable=true is set, then "ant release" will actually do a debug build.
- Automatic Proguard support in release builds. Only need to have a proguard.config
property in that points to a proguard config file.
- new overridable Ant javac properties: java.encoding, java.source, and
(default to "ascii", "1.5" and "1.5")
Revision 7:
- Support for Ant rules provided by the Tools components (override the one in
the platform component)
- Added support for libraries with library dependencies.
- Support for aidl files in library projects.
- Support for extension targets in Ant build to perform tasks between the
normal tasks: -pre-build, -pre-compile, -post-compile.
- Headless SDK update. See 'android -h update sdk' for more info.
- Fixed location control in DDMS to work in any locale not using '.' as a
decimal point.
Revision 6 (05/2010)
- Support for library project to share code/resources among projects
- Updated Ant rules and custom tasks
- New "android create lib-project", "android update lib-project" actions.
- New parameter for "android update project"
Revision 5 (03/2010):
- AVD/SDK Manager:
- Fixed SSL download for the standalone version of the SDK Updater.
- Fixed issue with 64bit JVM on windows.
- Add support for samples components.
- improved support for dependency between components.
- AVDs now sorted by API level.
- Prevent deletion of running AVDs.
- Settings are now automatically saved, no need to click Apply.
- Emulator now requires sd card to be 9MB and above.
- Fixed layoutopt.bat to correctly execute on Windows.