blob: 419dda1638e026ce627b7207a136e8da0caf1d92 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2003-2014 Broadcom Corporation
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at:
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* This is the API implementation file for the BTA device manager.
#include <base/bind_helpers.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "bt_common.h"
#include "bta_api.h"
#include "bta_dm_int.h"
#include "bta_sys.h"
#include "bta_sys_int.h"
#include "btm_api.h"
#include "btm_int.h"
#include "osi/include/osi.h"
#include "stack/include/btu.h"
#include "utl.h"
using bluetooth::Uuid;
* Constants
static const tBTA_SYS_REG bta_dm_search_reg = {bta_dm_search_sm_execute,
* Function BTA_EnableBluetooth
* Description Enables bluetooth service. This function must be
* called before any other functions in the BTA API are called.
* Returns tBTA_STATUS
tBTA_STATUS BTA_EnableBluetooth(tBTA_DM_SEC_CBACK* p_cback) {
/* Bluetooth disabling is in progress */
if (bta_dm_cb.disabling) return BTA_FAILURE;
bta_sys_register(BTA_ID_DM_SEARCH, &bta_dm_search_reg);
/* if UUID list is not provided as static data */
do_in_main_thread(FROM_HERE, base::Bind(bta_dm_enable, p_cback));
* Function BTA_DisableBluetooth
* Description Disables bluetooth service. This function is called when
* the application no longer needs bluetooth service
* Returns void
tBTA_STATUS BTA_DisableBluetooth(void) {
do_in_main_thread(FROM_HERE, base::Bind(bta_dm_disable));
/** Enables bluetooth device under test mode */
void BTA_EnableTestMode(void) {
/** Disable bluetooth device under test mode */
void BTA_DisableTestMode(void) {
do_in_main_thread(FROM_HERE, base::Bind(BTM_DeviceReset, nullptr));
/** This function sets the Bluetooth name of local device */
void BTA_DmSetDeviceName(char* p_name) {
std::vector<uint8_t> name(BD_NAME_LEN);
strlcpy((char*), p_name, BD_NAME_LEN);
do_in_main_thread(FROM_HERE, base::Bind(bta_dm_set_dev_name, name));
/** This function sets the Bluetooth connectable, discoverable, pairable and
* conn paired only modes of local device
void BTA_DmSetVisibility(tBTA_DM_DISC disc_mode, tBTA_DM_CONN conn_mode,
uint8_t pairable_mode, uint8_t conn_paired_only) {
base::Bind(bta_dm_set_visibility, disc_mode, conn_mode,
pairable_mode, conn_paired_only));
* Function BTA_DmSearch
* Description This function searches for peer Bluetooth devices. It
* performs an inquiry and gets the remote name for devices.
* Service discovery is done if services is non zero
* Returns void
void BTA_DmSearch(tBTA_DM_INQ* p_dm_inq, tBTA_SERVICE_MASK services,
tBTA_DM_SEARCH_CBACK* p_cback) {
p_msg->hdr.event = BTA_DM_API_SEARCH_EVT;
memcpy(&p_msg->inq_params, p_dm_inq, sizeof(tBTA_DM_INQ));
p_msg->services = services;
p_msg->p_cback = p_cback;
p_msg->rs_res = BTA_DM_RS_NONE;
* Function BTA_DmSearchCancel
* Description This function cancels a search initiated by BTA_DmSearch
* Returns void
void BTA_DmSearchCancel(void) {
BT_HDR* p_msg = (BT_HDR*)osi_malloc(sizeof(BT_HDR));
* Function BTA_DmDiscover
* Description This function does service discovery for services of a
* peer device
* Returns void
void BTA_DmDiscover(const RawAddress& bd_addr, tBTA_SERVICE_MASK services,
tBTA_DM_SEARCH_CBACK* p_cback, bool sdp_search) {
p_msg->hdr.event = BTA_DM_API_DISCOVER_EVT;
p_msg->bd_addr = bd_addr;
p_msg->services = services;
p_msg->p_cback = p_cback;
p_msg->sdp_search = sdp_search;
* Function BTA_DmDiscoverUUID
* Description This function does service discovery for services of a
* peer device
* Returns void
void BTA_DmDiscoverUUID(const RawAddress& bd_addr, const Uuid& uuid,
tBTA_DM_SEARCH_CBACK* p_cback, bool sdp_search) {
p_msg->hdr.event = BTA_DM_API_DISCOVER_EVT;
p_msg->bd_addr = bd_addr;
p_msg->services = BTA_USER_SERVICE_MASK; // Not exposed at API level
p_msg->p_cback = p_cback;
p_msg->sdp_search = sdp_search;
p_msg->num_uuid = 0;
p_msg->p_uuid = NULL;
p_msg->uuid = uuid;
/** This function initiates a bonding procedure with a peer device */
void BTA_DmBond(const RawAddress& bd_addr) {
base::Bind(bta_dm_bond, bd_addr, BTA_TRANSPORT_UNKNOWN));
/** This function initiates a bonding procedure with a peer device */
void BTA_DmBondByTransport(const RawAddress& bd_addr,
tBTA_TRANSPORT transport) {
do_in_main_thread(FROM_HERE, base::Bind(bta_dm_bond, bd_addr, transport));
/** This function cancels the bonding procedure with a peer device
void BTA_DmBondCancel(const RawAddress& bd_addr) {
do_in_main_thread(FROM_HERE, base::Bind(bta_dm_bond_cancel, bd_addr));
* Function BTA_DmPinReply
* Description This function provides a pincode for a remote device when
* one is requested by DM through BTA_DM_PIN_REQ_EVT
* Returns void
void BTA_DmPinReply(const RawAddress& bd_addr, bool accept, uint8_t pin_len,
uint8_t* p_pin) {
std::unique_ptr<tBTA_DM_API_PIN_REPLY> msg =
msg->bd_addr = bd_addr;
msg->accept = accept;
if (accept) {
msg->pin_len = pin_len;
memcpy(msg->p_pin, p_pin, pin_len);
base::Bind(bta_dm_pin_reply, base::Passed(&msg)));
* Function BTA_DmLocalOob
* Description This function retrieves the OOB data from local controller.
* The result is reported by:
* - bta_dm_co_loc_oob_ext() if device supports secure
* connections (SC)
* - bta_dm_co_loc_oob() if device doesn't support SC
* Returns void
void BTA_DmLocalOob(void) {
do_in_main_thread(FROM_HERE, base::Bind(BTM_ReadLocalOobData));
* Function BTA_DmConfirm
* Description This function accepts or rejects the numerical value of the
* Simple Pairing process on BTA_DM_SP_CFM_REQ_EVT
* Returns void
void BTA_DmConfirm(const RawAddress& bd_addr, bool accept) {
do_in_main_thread(FROM_HERE, base::Bind(bta_dm_confirm, bd_addr, accept));
* Function BTA_DmAddDevice
* Description This function adds a device to the security database list of
* peer device
* Returns void
void BTA_DmAddDevice(const RawAddress& bd_addr, DEV_CLASS dev_class,
const LinkKey& link_key, tBTA_SERVICE_MASK trusted_mask,
bool is_trusted, uint8_t key_type, tBTA_IO_CAP io_cap,
uint8_t pin_length) {
std::unique_ptr<tBTA_DM_API_ADD_DEVICE> msg =
msg->bd_addr = bd_addr;
msg->tm = trusted_mask;
msg->is_trusted = is_trusted;
msg->io_cap = io_cap;
msg->link_key_known = true;
msg->key_type = key_type;
msg->link_key = link_key;
/* Load device class if specified */
if (dev_class) {
msg->dc_known = true;
memcpy(msg->dc, dev_class, DEV_CLASS_LEN);
memset(msg->bd_name, 0, BD_NAME_LEN + 1);
memset(msg->features, 0, sizeof(msg->features));
msg->pin_length = pin_length;
base::Bind(bta_dm_add_device, base::Passed(&msg)));
/** This function removes a device fromthe security database list of peer
* device. It manages unpairing even while connected */
tBTA_STATUS BTA_DmRemoveDevice(const RawAddress& bd_addr) {
do_in_main_thread(FROM_HERE, base::Bind(bta_dm_remove_device, bd_addr));
* Function BTA_GetEirService
* Description This function is called to get BTA service mask from EIR.
* Parameters p_eir - pointer of EIR significant part
* p_services - return the BTA service mask
* Returns None
extern const uint16_t bta_service_id_to_uuid_lkup_tbl[];
void BTA_GetEirService(uint8_t* p_eir, size_t eir_len,
tBTA_SERVICE_MASK* p_services) {
uint8_t xx, yy;
uint8_t num_uuid, max_num_uuid = 32;
uint8_t uuid_list[32 * Uuid::kNumBytes16];
uint16_t* p_uuid16 = (uint16_t*)uuid_list;
BTM_GetEirUuidList(p_eir, eir_len, Uuid::kNumBytes16, &num_uuid, uuid_list,
for (xx = 0; xx < num_uuid; xx++) {
mask = 1;
for (yy = 0; yy < BTA_MAX_SERVICE_ID; yy++) {
if (*(p_uuid16 + xx) == bta_service_id_to_uuid_lkup_tbl[yy]) {
*p_services |= mask;
mask <<= 1;
/* for HSP v1.2 only device */
if (*(p_uuid16 + xx) == UUID_SERVCLASS_HEADSET_HS)
*p_services |= BTA_HSP_SERVICE_MASK;
if (*(p_uuid16 + xx) == UUID_SERVCLASS_HDP_SOURCE)
*p_services |= BTA_HL_SERVICE_MASK;
if (*(p_uuid16 + xx) == UUID_SERVCLASS_HDP_SINK)
*p_services |= BTA_HL_SERVICE_MASK;
* Function BTA_DmGetConnectionState
* Description Returns whether the remote device is currently connected.
* Returns 0 if the device is NOT connected.
uint16_t BTA_DmGetConnectionState(const RawAddress& bd_addr) {
tBTA_DM_PEER_DEVICE* p_dev = bta_dm_find_peer_device(bd_addr);
return (p_dev && p_dev->conn_state == BTA_DM_CONNECTED);
* Device Identification (DI) Server Functions
* Function BTA_DmSetLocalDiRecord
* Description This function adds a DI record to the local SDP database.
* Returns BTA_SUCCESS if record set sucessfully, otherwise error code.
tBTA_STATUS BTA_DmSetLocalDiRecord(tBTA_DI_RECORD* p_device_info,
uint32_t* p_handle) {
if (bta_dm_di_cb.di_num < BTA_DI_NUM_MAX) {
if (SDP_SetLocalDiRecord((tSDP_DI_RECORD*)p_device_info, p_handle) ==
if (!p_device_info->primary_record) {
bta_dm_di_cb.di_handle[bta_dm_di_cb.di_num] = *p_handle;
status = BTA_SUCCESS;
return status;
* Function BTA_DmAddBleKey
* Description Add/modify LE device information. This function will be
* normally called during host startup to restore all required
* information stored in the NVRAM.
* Parameters: bd_addr - BD address of the peer
* p_le_key - LE key values.
* key_type - LE SMP key type.
* Returns BTA_SUCCESS if successful
* BTA_FAIL if operation failed.
void BTA_DmAddBleKey(const RawAddress& bd_addr, tBTA_LE_KEY_VALUE* p_le_key,
tBTA_LE_KEY_TYPE key_type) {
FROM_HERE, base::Bind(bta_dm_add_blekey, bd_addr, *p_le_key, key_type));
* Function BTA_DmAddBleDevice
* Description Add a BLE device. This function will be normally called
* during host startup to restore all required information
* for a LE device stored in the NVRAM.
* Parameters: bd_addr - BD address of the peer
* dev_type - Remote device's device type.
* addr_type - LE device address type.
* Returns void
void BTA_DmAddBleDevice(const RawAddress& bd_addr, tBLE_ADDR_TYPE addr_type,
tBT_DEVICE_TYPE dev_type) {
do_in_main_thread(FROM_HERE, base::Bind(bta_dm_add_ble_device, bd_addr,
addr_type, dev_type));
* Function BTA_DmBlePasskeyReply
* Description Send BLE SMP passkey reply.
* Parameters: bd_addr - BD address of the peer
* accept - passkey entry sucessful or declined.
* passkey - passkey value, must be a 6 digit number,
* can be lead by 0.
* Returns void
void BTA_DmBlePasskeyReply(const RawAddress& bd_addr, bool accept,
uint32_t passkey) {
do_in_main_thread(FROM_HERE, base::Bind(bta_dm_ble_passkey_reply, bd_addr,
accept, accept ? passkey : 0));
* Function BTA_DmBleConfirmReply
* Description Send BLE SMP SC user confirmation reply.
* Parameters: bd_addr - BD address of the peer
* accept - numbers to compare are the same or
* different.
* Returns void
void BTA_DmBleConfirmReply(const RawAddress& bd_addr, bool accept) {
base::Bind(bta_dm_ble_confirm_reply, bd_addr, accept));
* Function BTA_DmBleSecurityGrant
* Description Grant security request access.
* Parameters: bd_addr - BD address of the peer
* res - security grant status.
* Returns void
void BTA_DmBleSecurityGrant(const RawAddress& bd_addr,
do_in_main_thread(FROM_HERE, base::Bind(BTM_SecurityGrant, bd_addr, res));
* Function BTA_DmSetBlePrefConnParams
* Description This function is called to set the preferred connection
* parameters when default connection parameter is not desired.
* Parameters: bd_addr - BD address of the peripheral
* scan_interval - scan interval
* scan_window - scan window
* min_conn_int - minimum preferred connection interval
* max_conn_int - maximum preferred connection interval
* slave_latency - preferred slave latency
* supervision_tout - preferred supervision timeout
* Returns void
void BTA_DmSetBlePrefConnParams(const RawAddress& bd_addr,
uint16_t min_conn_int, uint16_t max_conn_int,
uint16_t slave_latency,
uint16_t supervision_tout) {
FROM_HERE, base::Bind(bta_dm_ble_set_conn_params, bd_addr, min_conn_int,
max_conn_int, slave_latency, supervision_tout));
* Function BTA_DmSetBleConnScanParams
* Description This function is called to set scan parameters used in
* BLE connection request
* Parameters: scan_interval - scan interval
* scan_window - scan window
* Returns void
void BTA_DmSetBleConnScanParams(uint32_t scan_interval, uint32_t scan_window) {
do_in_main_thread(FROM_HERE, base::Bind(bta_dm_ble_set_conn_scan_params,
scan_interval, scan_window));
/** Set BLE connectable mode to auto connect */
void BTA_DmBleStartAutoConn() {
do_in_main_thread(FROM_HERE, base::Bind(BTM_BleStartAutoConn));
* Function bta_dm_discover_send_msg
* Description This function send discover message to BTA task.
* Returns void
static void bta_dm_discover_send_msg(const RawAddress& bd_addr,
tBTA_SERVICE_MASK_EXT* p_services,
bool sdp_search,
tBTA_TRANSPORT transport) {
const size_t len =
? (sizeof(tBTA_DM_API_DISCOVER) + sizeof(Uuid) * p_services->num_uuid)
tBTA_DM_API_DISCOVER* p_msg = (tBTA_DM_API_DISCOVER*)osi_calloc(len);
p_msg->hdr.event = BTA_DM_API_DISCOVER_EVT;
p_msg->bd_addr = bd_addr;
p_msg->p_cback = p_cback;
p_msg->sdp_search = sdp_search;
p_msg->transport = transport;
if (p_services != NULL) {
p_msg->services = p_services->srvc_mask;
p_msg->num_uuid = p_services->num_uuid;
if (p_services->num_uuid != 0) {
p_msg->p_uuid = (Uuid*)(p_msg + 1);
memcpy(p_msg->p_uuid, p_services->p_uuid,
sizeof(Uuid) * p_services->num_uuid);
* Function BTA_DmDiscoverByTransport
* Description This function does service discovery on particular transport
* for services of a
* peer device. When services.num_uuid is 0, it indicates all
* GATT based services are to be searched; otherwise a list of
* UUID of interested services should be provided through
* p_services->p_uuid.
* Returns void
void BTA_DmDiscoverByTransport(const RawAddress& bd_addr,
tBTA_SERVICE_MASK_EXT* p_services,
tBTA_DM_SEARCH_CBACK* p_cback, bool sdp_search,
tBTA_TRANSPORT transport) {
bta_dm_discover_send_msg(bd_addr, p_services, p_cback, sdp_search, transport);
* Function BTA_DmDiscoverExt
* Description This function does service discovery for services of a
* peer device. When services.num_uuid is 0, it indicates all
* GATT based services are to be searched; other wise a list of
* UUID of interested services should be provided through
* p_services->p_uuid.
* Returns void
void BTA_DmDiscoverExt(const RawAddress& bd_addr,
tBTA_SERVICE_MASK_EXT* p_services,
tBTA_DM_SEARCH_CBACK* p_cback, bool sdp_search) {
bta_dm_discover_send_msg(bd_addr, p_services, p_cback, sdp_search,
* Function BTA_DmSearchExt
* Description This function searches for peer Bluetooth devices. It
* performs an inquiry and gets the remote name for devices.
* Service discovery is done if services is non zero
* Parameters p_dm_inq: inquiry conditions
* p_services: if service is not empty, service discovery will
* be done. For all GATT based service conditions,
* put num_uuid, and p_uuid is the pointer to the
* list of UUID values.
* p_cback: callback function when search is completed.
* Returns void
void BTA_DmSearchExt(tBTA_DM_INQ* p_dm_inq, tBTA_SERVICE_MASK_EXT* p_services,
tBTA_DM_SEARCH_CBACK* p_cback) {
const size_t len =
? (sizeof(tBTA_DM_API_SEARCH) + sizeof(Uuid) * p_services->num_uuid)
: sizeof(tBTA_DM_API_SEARCH);
tBTA_DM_API_SEARCH* p_msg = (tBTA_DM_API_SEARCH*)osi_calloc(len);
p_msg->hdr.event = BTA_DM_API_SEARCH_EVT;
memcpy(&p_msg->inq_params, p_dm_inq, sizeof(tBTA_DM_INQ));
p_msg->p_cback = p_cback;
p_msg->rs_res = BTA_DM_RS_NONE;
if (p_services != NULL) {
p_msg->services = p_services->srvc_mask;
p_msg->num_uuid = p_services->num_uuid;
if (p_services->num_uuid != 0) {
p_msg->p_uuid = (Uuid*)(p_msg + 1);
memcpy(p_msg->p_uuid, p_services->p_uuid,
sizeof(Uuid) * p_services->num_uuid);
} else {
p_msg->p_uuid = NULL;
* Function BTA_DmBleUpdateConnectionParam
* Description Update connection parameters, can only be used when
* connection is up.
* Parameters: bd_addr - BD address of the peer
* min_int - minimum connection interval,
* [0x0004 ~ 0x4000]
* max_int - maximum connection interval,
* [0x0004 ~ 0x4000]
* latency - slave latency [0 ~ 500]
* timeout - supervision timeout [0x000a ~ 0xc80]
* Returns void
void BTA_DmBleUpdateConnectionParams(const RawAddress& bd_addr,
uint16_t min_int, uint16_t max_int,
uint16_t latency, uint16_t timeout,
uint16_t min_ce_len, uint16_t max_ce_len) {
FROM_HERE, base::Bind(bta_dm_ble_update_conn_params, bd_addr, min_int,
max_int, latency, timeout, min_ce_len, max_ce_len));
* Function BTA_DmBleConfigLocalPrivacy
* Description Enable/disable privacy on the local device
* Parameters: privacy_enable - enable/disabe privacy on remote device.
* Returns void
void BTA_DmBleConfigLocalPrivacy(bool privacy_enable) {
FROM_HERE, base::Bind(bta_dm_ble_config_local_privacy, privacy_enable));
* Function BTA_DmBleGetEnergyInfo
* Description This function is called to obtain the energy info
* Parameters p_cmpl_cback - Command complete callback
* Returns void
void BTA_DmBleGetEnergyInfo(tBTA_BLE_ENERGY_INFO_CBACK* p_cmpl_cback) {
base::Bind(bta_dm_ble_get_energy_info, p_cmpl_cback));
/** This function is to set maximum LE data packet size */
void BTA_DmBleSetDataLength(const RawAddress& remote_device,
uint16_t tx_data_length) {
do_in_main_thread(FROM_HERE, base::Bind(bta_dm_ble_set_data_length,
remote_device, tx_data_length));
* Function BTA_DmSetEncryption
* Description This function is called to ensure that connection is
* encrypted. Should be called only on an open connection.
* Typically only needed for connections that first want to
* bring up unencrypted links, then later encrypt them.
* Parameters: bd_addr - Address of the peer device
* transport - transport of the link to be encruypted
* p_callback - Pointer to callback function to indicat the
* link encryption status
* sec_act - This is the security action to indicate
* what kind of BLE security level is required
* for the BLE link if BLE is supported.
* Note: This parameter is ignored for the
* BR/EDR or if BLE is not supported.
* Returns void
void BTA_DmSetEncryption(const RawAddress& bd_addr, tBTA_TRANSPORT transport,
tBTA_DM_ENCRYPT_CBACK* p_callback,
tBTA_DM_BLE_SEC_ACT sec_act) {
APPL_TRACE_API("%s", __func__);
do_in_main_thread(FROM_HERE, base::Bind(bta_dm_set_encryption, bd_addr,
transport, p_callback, sec_act));
* Function BTA_DmCloseACL
* Description This function force to close an ACL connection and remove
* the device from the security database list of known devices.
* Parameters: bd_addr - Address of the peer device
* remove_dev - remove device or not after link down
* Returns void
void BTA_DmCloseACL(const RawAddress& bd_addr, bool remove_dev,
tBTA_TRANSPORT transport) {
FROM_HERE, base::Bind(bta_dm_close_acl, bd_addr, remove_dev, transport));
* Function BTA_DmBleObserve
* Description This procedure keep the device listening for advertising
* events from a broadcast device.
* Parameters start: start or stop observe.
* Returns void
* Returns void.
extern void BTA_DmBleObserve(bool start, uint8_t duration,
tBTA_DM_SEARCH_CBACK* p_results_cb) {
APPL_TRACE_API("%s:start = %d ", __func__, start);
FROM_HERE, base::Bind(bta_dm_ble_observe, start, duration, p_results_cb));
* Function BTA_VendorInit
* Description This function initializes vendor specific
* Returns void
void BTA_VendorInit(void) { APPL_TRACE_API("BTA_VendorInit"); }
* Function BTA_VendorCleanup
* Description This function frees up Broadcom specific VS specific dynamic
* memory
* Returns void
void BTA_VendorCleanup(void) {
tBTM_BLE_VSC_CB cmn_ble_vsc_cb;
if (cmn_ble_vsc_cb.max_filter > 0) {
if (cmn_ble_vsc_cb.tot_scan_results_strg > 0) btm_ble_batchscan_cleanup();
if (cmn_ble_vsc_cb.adv_inst_max > 0) btm_ble_multi_adv_cleanup();