blob: c0f35bca0e4d45a1fa23d5e4bb17bb9853e2bb5d [file] [log] [blame]
#include <optional>
namespace bluetooth {
namespace packet {
namespace parser {
// Checks for Initialize(), AddByte(), and GetChecksum().
// T and TRET are the checksum class Type and the checksum return type
// C and CRET are the substituted types for T and TRET
template <typename T, typename TRET>
class ChecksumTypeChecker {
template <class C, void (*)(C&)>
struct InitializeChecker {};
template <class C, void (*)(C&, uint8_t byte)>
struct AddByteChecker {};
template <class C, typename CRET, CRET (*)(const C&)>
struct GetChecksumChecker {};
// If all the methods are defined, this one matches
template <class C, typename CRET>
static int Test(InitializeChecker<C, &C::Initialize>*, AddByteChecker<C, &C::AddByte>*,
GetChecksumChecker<C, CRET, &C::GetChecksum>*);
// This one matches everything else
template <class C, typename CRET>
static char Test(...);
// This checks which template was matched
static constexpr bool value = (sizeof(Test<T, TRET>(0, 0, 0)) == sizeof(int));
} // namespace parser
} // namespace packet
} // namespace bluetooth