blob: 5452881f41d72a7df1267f3e389fe3fa3d307ee9 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2016 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at:
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <base/bind.h>
#include <vector>
#include "btm_ble_api.h"
using MultiAdvCb = base::Callback<void(uint8_t /* status */)>;
using ParametersCb =
base::Callback<void(uint8_t /* status */, int8_t /* tx_power */)>;
// methods we must have defined
void btm_ble_update_dmt_flag_bits(uint8_t* flag_value,
const uint16_t connect_mode,
const uint16_t disc_mode);
void btm_acl_update_conn_addr(uint8_t conn_handle, const RawAddress& address);
// methods we expose to c code:
void btm_ble_multi_adv_cleanup(void);
void btm_ble_multi_adv_init();
typedef struct {
uint16_t advertising_event_properties;
uint32_t adv_int_min;
uint32_t adv_int_max;
tBTM_BLE_ADV_CHNL_MAP channel_map;
tBTM_BLE_AFP adv_filter_policy;
int8_t tx_power;
uint8_t primary_advertising_phy;
uint8_t secondary_advertising_phy;
uint8_t scan_request_notification_enable;
typedef struct {
uint8_t enable;
uint16_t min_interval;
uint16_t max_interval;
uint16_t periodic_advertising_properties;
class BleAdvertiserHciInterface;
class BleAdvertisingManager {
virtual ~BleAdvertisingManager() = default;
static const uint16_t advertising_prop_legacy_connectable = 0x0011;
static const uint16_t advertising_prop_legacy_non_connectable = 0x0010;
static void Initialize(BleAdvertiserHciInterface* interface);
static void CleanUp();
static bool IsInitialized();
static BleAdvertisingManager* Get();
/* Register an advertising instance, status will be returned in |cb|
* callback, with assigned id, if operation succeeds. Instance is freed when
* advertising is disabled by calling |BTM_BleDisableAdvInstance|, or when any
* of the operations fails.
* The instance will have data set to |advertise_data|, scan response set to
* |scan_response_data|, and will be enabled.
virtual void StartAdvertising(uint8_t advertiser_id, MultiAdvCb cb,
std::vector<uint8_t> advertise_data,
std::vector<uint8_t> scan_response_data,
int duration, MultiAdvCb timeout_cb) = 0;
/* Register an advertising instance, status will be returned in |cb|
* callback, with assigned id, if operation succeeds. Instance is freed when
* advertising is disabled by calling |BTM_BleDisableAdvInstance|, or when any
* of the operations fails.
* The instance will have data set to |advertise_data|, scan response set to
* |scan_response_data|, periodic data set to |periodic_data| and will be
* enabled.
virtual void StartAdvertisingSet(
base::Callback<void(uint8_t /* inst_id */, int8_t /* tx_power */,
uint8_t /* status */)>
tBTM_BLE_ADV_PARAMS* params, std::vector<uint8_t> advertise_data,
std::vector<uint8_t> scan_response_data,
tBLE_PERIODIC_ADV_PARAMS* periodic_params,
std::vector<uint8_t> periodic_data, uint16_t duration,
uint8_t maxExtAdvEvents,
base::Callback<void(uint8_t /* inst_id */, uint8_t /* status */)>
timeout_cb) = 0;
/* Register an advertising instance, status will be returned in |cb|
* callback, with assigned id, if operation succeeds. Instance is freed when
* advertising is disabled by calling |BTM_BleDisableAdvInstance|, or when any
* of the operations fails. */
virtual void RegisterAdvertiser(
base::Callback<void(uint8_t /* inst_id */, uint8_t /* status */)>) = 0;
/* This function enables/disables an advertising instance. Operation status is
* returned in |cb| */
virtual void Enable(uint8_t inst_id, bool enable, MultiAdvCb cb,
uint16_t duration, uint8_t maxExtAdvEvents,
MultiAdvCb timeout_cb) = 0;
/* This function update a Multi-ADV instance with the specififed adv
* parameters. */
virtual void SetParameters(uint8_t inst_id, tBTM_BLE_ADV_PARAMS* p_params,
ParametersCb cb) = 0;
/* This function configure a Multi-ADV instance with the specified adv data or
* scan response data.*/
virtual void SetData(uint8_t inst_id, bool is_scan_rsp,
std::vector<uint8_t> data, MultiAdvCb cb) = 0;
/* This function configure instance with the specified periodic parameters */
virtual void SetPeriodicAdvertisingParameters(
uint8_t inst_id, tBLE_PERIODIC_ADV_PARAMS* params, MultiAdvCb cb) = 0;
/* This function configure instance with the specified periodic data */
virtual void SetPeriodicAdvertisingData(uint8_t inst_id,
std::vector<uint8_t> data,
MultiAdvCb cb) = 0;
/* This function enables/disables periodic advertising on selected instance */
virtual void SetPeriodicAdvertisingEnable(uint8_t inst_id, uint8_t enable,
MultiAdvCb cb) = 0;
/* This function disable a Multi-ADV instance */
virtual void Unregister(uint8_t inst_id) = 0;
/* This method is a member of BleAdvertiserHciInterface, and is exposed here
* just for tests. It should never be called from upper layers*/
virtual void OnAdvertisingSetTerminated(
uint8_t status, uint8_t advertising_handle, uint16_t connection_handle,
uint8_t num_completed_extended_adv_events) = 0;
using GetAddressCallback =
base::Callback<void(uint8_t /* address_type*/, RawAddress /*address*/)>;
virtual void GetOwnAddress(uint8_t inst_id, GetAddressCallback cb) = 0;