blob: 57e54f0c725be2574eea9742e95b838de2a0a6fb [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2015 Google, Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at:
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include "adapter/bluetooth_test.h"
#include "service/hal/bluetooth_gatt_interface.h"
namespace bttest {
// This class represents the Bluetooth GATT testing framework and provides
// helpers and callbacks for GUnit to use for testing gatt.
class GattTest : public BluetoothTest,
public bluetooth::hal::BluetoothGattInterface::ClientObserver,
public bluetooth::hal::BluetoothGattInterface::ScannerObserver,
public bluetooth::hal::BluetoothGattInterface::ServerObserver {
GattTest() = default;
virtual ~GattTest() = default;
// Gets the gatt_scanner_interface
const btgatt_scanner_interface_t* gatt_scanner_interface();
// Gets the gatt_client_interface
const btgatt_client_interface_t* gatt_client_interface();
// Gets the gatt_server_interface
const btgatt_server_interface_t* gatt_server_interface();
// Getters for variables that track GATT-related state
int client_interface_id() const { return client_interface_id_; }
int server_interface_id() const { return server_interface_id_; }
int service_handle() const { return service_handle_; }
int characteristic_handle() const { return characteristic_handle_; }
int descriptor_handle() const { return descriptor_handle_; }
int status() const { return status_; }
// SetUp initializes the Bluetooth interfaces and the GATT Interface as well
// as registers the callbacks and initializes the semaphores before every test
virtual void SetUp();
// TearDown cleans up the Bluetooth and GATT interfaces and destroys the
// callback semaphores at the end of every test
virtual void TearDown();
// bluetooth::hal::BluetoothGattInterface::ClientObserver overrides
void RegisterClientCallback(
bluetooth::hal::BluetoothGattInterface* /* unused */,
int status, int clientIf, const bt_uuid_t& app_uuid) override;
void ScanResultCallback(
bluetooth::hal::BluetoothGattInterface* /* unused */,
const bt_bdaddr_t& bda, int rssi, vector<uint8_t> adv_data) override;
void ListenCallback(
bluetooth::hal::BluetoothGattInterface* /* unused */,
int status, int client_if) override;
// bluetooth::hal::BluetoothGattInterface::ServerObserver overrides
void RegisterServerCallback(
bluetooth::hal::BluetoothGattInterface* /* unused */,
int status, int server_if, const bt_uuid_t& uuid) override;
void ServiceAddedCallback(
bluetooth::hal::BluetoothGattInterface* /* unused */,
int status, int server_if, vector<btgatt_db_element_t> service) override;
void ServiceStoppedCallback(
bluetooth::hal::BluetoothGattInterface* /* unused */,
int status, int server_if, int srvc_handle) override;
void ServiceDeletedCallback(
bluetooth::hal::BluetoothGattInterface* /* unused */,
int status, int server_if, int srvc_handle) override;
// Semaphores used to wait for specific callback execution. Each callback
// has its own semaphore associated with it
semaphore_t* register_client_callback_sem_;
semaphore_t* scan_result_callback_sem_;
semaphore_t* listen_callback_sem_;
semaphore_t* register_server_callback_sem_;
semaphore_t* service_added_callback_sem_;
semaphore_t* characteristic_added_callback_sem_;
semaphore_t* descriptor_added_callback_sem_;
semaphore_t* service_started_callback_sem_;
semaphore_t* service_stopped_callback_sem_;
semaphore_t* service_deleted_callback_sem_;
// The btgatt_scanner_interface_t that all the tests use to interact with the HAL
const btgatt_scanner_interface_t* gatt_scanner_interface_;
// The gatt_client_interface that all the tests use to interact with the HAL
const btgatt_client_interface_t* gatt_client_interface_;
// The gatt_server_interface that all the tests use to interact with the HAL
const btgatt_server_interface_t* gatt_server_interface_;
// No mutex needed for these as the semaphores should ensure
// synchronous access
// An ID that is used as a handle for each gatt client.
int client_interface_id_;
// An ID that is used as a handle for each gatt server.
int server_interface_id_;
// A handle to the last used service.
int service_handle_;
// A handle to the last characteristic added.
int characteristic_handle_;
// A handle to the last descriptor added.
int descriptor_handle_;
// The status of the last callback. Is BT_STATUS_SUCCESS if no issues.
int status_;
} // bttest