blob: 44ebe09ab725a7a8908c2d7b60c0b992f354b214 [file] [log] [blame]
#include <base/logging.h>
#include "osi/include/allocator.h"
#include "osi/include/list.h"
#include "osi/include/osi.h"
struct list_node_t {
struct list_node_t* next;
void* data;
typedef struct list_t {
list_node_t* head;
list_node_t* tail;
size_t length;
list_free_cb free_cb;
const allocator_t* allocator;
} list_t;
static list_node_t* list_free_node_(list_t* list, list_node_t* node);
// Hidden constructor, only to be used by the hash map for the allocation
// tracker.
// Behaves the same as |list_new|, except you get to specify the allocator.
list_t* list_new_internal(list_free_cb callback,
const allocator_t* zeroed_allocator) {
list_t* list = (list_t*)zeroed_allocator->alloc(sizeof(list_t));
if (!list) return NULL;
list->free_cb = callback;
list->allocator = zeroed_allocator;
return list;
list_t* list_new(list_free_cb callback) {
return list_new_internal(callback, &allocator_calloc);
void list_free(list_t* list) {
if (!list) return;
bool list_is_empty(const list_t* list) {
CHECK(list != NULL);
return (list->length == 0);
bool list_contains(const list_t* list, const void* data) {
CHECK(list != NULL);
CHECK(data != NULL);
for (const list_node_t* node = list_begin(list); node != list_end(list);
node = list_next(node)) {
if (list_node(node) == data) return true;
return false;
size_t list_length(const list_t* list) {
CHECK(list != NULL);
return list->length;
void* list_front(const list_t* list) {
CHECK(list != NULL);
return list->head->data;
void* list_back(const list_t* list) {
CHECK(list != NULL);
return list->tail->data;
list_node_t* list_back_node(const list_t* list) {
CHECK(list != NULL);
return list->tail;
bool list_insert_after(list_t* list, list_node_t* prev_node, void* data) {
CHECK(list != NULL);
CHECK(prev_node != NULL);
CHECK(data != NULL);
list_node_t* node = (list_node_t*)list->allocator->alloc(sizeof(list_node_t));
if (!node) return false;
node->next = prev_node->next;
node->data = data;
prev_node->next = node;
if (list->tail == prev_node) list->tail = node;
return true;
bool list_prepend(list_t* list, void* data) {
CHECK(list != NULL);
CHECK(data != NULL);
list_node_t* node = (list_node_t*)list->allocator->alloc(sizeof(list_node_t));
if (!node) return false;
node->next = list->head;
node->data = data;
list->head = node;
if (list->tail == NULL) list->tail = list->head;
return true;
bool list_append(list_t* list, void* data) {
CHECK(list != NULL);
CHECK(data != NULL);
list_node_t* node = (list_node_t*)list->allocator->alloc(sizeof(list_node_t));
if (!node) return false;
node->next = NULL;
node->data = data;
if (list->tail == NULL) {
list->head = node;
list->tail = node;
} else {
list->tail->next = node;
list->tail = node;
return true;
bool list_remove(list_t* list, void* data) {
CHECK(list != NULL);
CHECK(data != NULL);
if (list_is_empty(list)) return false;
if (list->head->data == data) {
list_node_t* next = list_free_node_(list, list->head);
if (list->tail == list->head) list->tail = next;
list->head = next;
return true;
for (list_node_t *prev = list->head, *node = list->head->next; node;
prev = node, node = node->next)
if (node->data == data) {
prev->next = list_free_node_(list, node);
if (list->tail == node) list->tail = prev;
return true;
return false;
void list_clear(list_t* list) {
CHECK(list != NULL);
for (list_node_t* node = list->head; node;)
node = list_free_node_(list, node);
list->head = NULL;
list->tail = NULL;
list->length = 0;
list_node_t* list_foreach(const list_t* list, list_iter_cb callback,
void* context) {
CHECK(list != NULL);
CHECK(callback != NULL);
for (list_node_t* node = list->head; node;) {
list_node_t* next = node->next;
if (!callback(node->data, context)) return node;
node = next;
return NULL;
list_node_t* list_begin(const list_t* list) {
CHECK(list != NULL);
return list->head;
list_node_t* list_end(UNUSED_ATTR const list_t* list) {
CHECK(list != NULL);
return NULL;
list_node_t* list_next(const list_node_t* node) {
CHECK(node != NULL);
return node->next;
void* list_node(const list_node_t* node) {
CHECK(node != NULL);
return node->data;
static list_node_t* list_free_node_(list_t* list, list_node_t* node) {
CHECK(list != NULL);
CHECK(node != NULL);
list_node_t* next = node->next;
if (list->free_cb) list->free_cb(node->data);
return next;