blob: 248b5c0fec44feb48e99511c34ee61dca1673202 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string>
#include <base/file_path.h>
#include <base/memory/scoped_ptr.h>
#include <gtest/gtest_prod.h> // for FRIEND_TEST
#include "shill/key_file_store.h"
namespace shill {
class GLib;
class StoreInterface;
// ActivatingIccidStore stores the network activation status for a
// particular SIM. Once an online payment for the activation of a 3GPP
// network is successful, the associated SIM is regarded as pending
// activation and stored in the persistent profile. Once shill knows that
// the activation associated with a particular SIM is successful, it is removed
// from the profile and the cellular service is marked as activated.
class ActivatingIccidStore {
enum State {
// This state indicates that information for a articular SIM was never
// stored in this database.
// This state indicates that an online payment has been made but the modem
// has not yet been able to register with the network.
// This state indicates that the modem has registered with the network but
// the network has not yet confirmed that the service has been activated.
// Currently, shill knows that activation has gone through, when a non-zero
// MDN has been received OTA.
// Constructor performs no initialization.
virtual ~ActivatingIccidStore();
// Tries to open the underlying store interface from the given file path.
// Returns false if it fails to open the file.
// If called more than once on the same instance, the file that was already
// open will allways be flushed and closed, however it is not guaranteed that
// the file will always be successfully reopened (technically it should, but
// it is not guaranteed).
virtual bool InitStorage(GLib *glib, const base::FilePath &storage_path);
// Returns the activation state for a SIM with the given ICCID. A return value
// of kStateUnknown indicates that the given ICCID was not found.
virtual State GetActivationState(const std::string &iccid) const;
// Sets the activation state for the given ICCID. If an entry for this iccid
// was not found, a new entry will be created. Returns true on success.
virtual bool SetActivationState(const std::string &iccid, State state);
// Removes the entry for the given ICCID from the database. Returns true if
// the operation was successful. If the iccid did not exist in the database,
// still returns true.
virtual bool RemoveEntry(const std::string &iccid);
friend class ActivatingIccidStoreTest;
friend class CellularCapabilityUniversalTest;
FRIEND_TEST(ActivatingIccidStoreTest, FileInteractions);
FRIEND_TEST(ActivatingIccidStoreTest, GetActivationState);
FRIEND_TEST(ActivatingIccidStoreTest, RemoveEntry);
FRIEND_TEST(ActivatingIccidStoreTest, SetActivationState);
static const char kGroupId[];
static const char kStorageFileName[];
scoped_ptr<StoreInterface> storage_;
} // namespace shill