blob: dbadcbc96f00ceb115d68a45f4d709dae46477f7 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "shill/vpn_provider.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <base/string_util.h>
#include <chromeos/dbus/service_constants.h>
#include "shill/error.h"
#include "shill/l2tp_ipsec_driver.h"
#include "shill/logging.h"
#include "shill/manager.h"
#include "shill/openvpn_driver.h"
#include "shill/profile.h"
#include "shill/store_interface.h"
#include "shill/vpn_service.h"
using std::set;
using std::string;
using std::vector;
namespace shill {
VPNProvider::VPNProvider(ControlInterface *control_interface,
EventDispatcher *dispatcher,
Metrics *metrics,
Manager *manager)
: control_interface_(control_interface),
manager_(manager) {}
VPNProvider::~VPNProvider() {}
void VPNProvider::Start() {}
void VPNProvider::Stop() {}
VPNServiceRefPtr VPNProvider::GetService(const KeyValueStore &args,
Error *error) {
SLOG(VPN, 2) << __func__;
string type = args.LookupString(flimflam::kProviderTypeProperty, "");
if (type.empty()) {
error, Error::kNotSupported, "Missing VPN type property.");
return NULL;
string storage_id = VPNService::CreateStorageIdentifier(args, error);
if (storage_id.empty()) {
return NULL;
// Find a service in the provider list which matches these parameters.
VPNServiceRefPtr service = FindService(type, storage_id);
if (service == NULL) {
// Create a service, using the name and type arguments passed in.
string name = args.LookupString(flimflam::kProviderNameProperty, "");
if (name.empty()) {
name = args.LookupString(flimflam::kNameProperty, "");
service = CreateService(type, name, storage_id, error);
return service;
bool VPNProvider::OnDeviceInfoAvailable(const string &link_name,
int interface_index) {
for (vector<VPNServiceRefPtr>::const_iterator it = services_.begin();
it != services_.end();
++it) {
if ((*it)->driver()->ClaimInterface(link_name, interface_index)) {
return true;
return false;
void VPNProvider::RemoveService(VPNServiceRefPtr service) {
vector<VPNServiceRefPtr>::iterator it;
it = std::find(services_.begin(), services_.end(), service);
if (it != services_.end()) {
void VPNProvider::CreateServicesFromProfile(ProfileRefPtr profile) {
SLOG(VPN, 2) << __func__;
const StoreInterface *storage = profile->GetConstStorage();
set<string> groups =
for (set<string>::iterator it = groups.begin(); it != groups.end(); ++it) {
if (!StartsWithASCII(*it, "vpn_", false)) {
string type;
if (!storage->GetString(*it, flimflam::kProviderTypeProperty, &type)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Group " << *it << " is missing the "
<< flimflam::kProviderTypeProperty << " property.";
string name;
if (!storage->GetString(*it, flimflam::kProviderNameProperty, &name) &&
!storage->GetString(*it, flimflam::kNameProperty, &name)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Group " << *it << " is missing the "
<< flimflam::kProviderNameProperty << " property.";
VPNServiceRefPtr service = FindService(type, *it);
if (service != NULL) {
// If the service already exists, it does not need to be configured,
// since PushProfile would have already called ConfigureService on it.
SLOG(VPN, 2) << "Service already exists " << *it;
Error error;
service = CreateService(type, name, *it, &error);
if (service == NULL) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Could not create service for " << *it;
if (!profile->ConfigureService(service)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Could not configure service for " << *it;
VPNServiceRefPtr VPNProvider::CreateService(const string &type,
const string &name,
const string &storage_id,
Error *error) {
SLOG(VPN, 2) << __func__ << " type " << type << " name " << name
<< " storage id " << storage_id;
#if defined(DISABLE_VPN)
Error::PopulateAndLog(error, Error::kNotSupported, "VPN is not supported.");
return NULL;
scoped_ptr<VPNDriver> driver;
if (type == flimflam::kProviderOpenVpn) {
driver.reset(new OpenVPNDriver(
control_interface_, dispatcher_, metrics_, manager_,
manager_->device_info(), manager_->glib()));
} else if (type == flimflam::kProviderL2tpIpsec) {
driver.reset(new L2TPIPSecDriver(
control_interface_, dispatcher_, metrics_, manager_,
manager_->device_info(), manager_->glib()));
} else {
error, Error::kNotSupported, "Unsupported VPN type: " + type);
return NULL;
VPNServiceRefPtr service = new VPNService(
control_interface_, dispatcher_, metrics_, manager_, driver.release());
if (!name.empty()) {
return service;
#endif // DISABLE_VPN
VPNServiceRefPtr VPNProvider::FindService(const std::string &type,
const std::string &storage_id) {
for (vector<VPNServiceRefPtr>::const_iterator it = services_.begin();
it != services_.end();
++it) {
if (type == (*it)->driver()->GetProviderType() &&
storage_id == (*it)->GetStorageIdentifier()) {
return *it;
return NULL;
bool VPNProvider::HasActiveService() const {
for (vector<VPNServiceRefPtr>::const_iterator it = services_.begin();
it != services_.end(); ++it) {
if ((*it)->IsConnecting() || (*it)->IsConnected()) {
return true;
return false;
} // namespace shill