blob: 60a405744ce95cf2d4b93d6bda9ace2930ff4775 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <time.h>
#include <base/callback.h>
#include <base/cancelable_callback.h>
#include <base/memory/scoped_ptr.h>
#include "shill/byte_string.h"
#include "shill/refptr_types.h"
namespace shill {
class ArpClient;
class DeviceInfo;
class EventDispatcher;
class IOHandler;
class Metrics;
class Time;
// LinkMonitor tracks the status of a connection by sending ARP
// messages to the default gateway for a connection. It keeps
// track of response times which can be an indicator of link
// quality. It signals to caller that the link has failed if
// too many requests go unanswered.
class LinkMonitor {
typedef base::Closure FailureCallback;
// When the sum of consecutive unicast and broadcast failures
// equals this value, the failure callback is called, the counters
// are reset, and the link monitoring quiesces. Needed by Metrics.
static const unsigned int kFailureThreshold;
// The number of milliseconds between ARP requests. Needed by Metrics.
static const unsigned int kTestPeriodMilliseconds;
LinkMonitor(const ConnectionRefPtr &connection,
EventDispatcher *dispatcher,
Metrics *metrics,
DeviceInfo *device_info,
const FailureCallback &failure_callback);
virtual ~LinkMonitor();
// Starts link-monitoring on the selected connection. Returns
// true if successful, false otherwise.
virtual bool Start();
virtual void Stop();
// Return modified cumulative average of the gateway ARP response
// time. Returns zero if no samples are available. For each
// missed ARP response, the sample is assumed to be the full
// test period.
virtual unsigned int GetResponseTimeMilliseconds();
friend class LinkMonitorForTest;
friend class LinkMonitorTest;
// The number of samples to compute a "strict" average over. When
// more samples than this number arrive, this determines how "slow"
// our simple low-pass filter works.
static const unsigned int kMaxResponseSampleFilterDepth;
// Add a response time sample to the buffer.
void AddResponseTimeSample(unsigned int response_time_milliseconds);
// Create an ArpClient instance so we can receive and transmit ARP
// packets. This method is virtual so it can be overridden in
// unit tests.
virtual bool CreateClient();
// Convert a hardware address byte-string to a colon-separated string.
static std::string HardwareAddressToString(const ByteString &address);
// Denote a missed response. Returns true if this loss has caused us
// to exceed the failure threshold.
bool AddMissedResponse();
// This I/O callback is triggered whenever the ARP reception socket
// has data available to be received.
void ReceiveResponse(int fd);
// Send the next ARP request. Returns true if successful, false
// otherwise.
bool SendRequest();
// Timer callback which calls SendRequest().
void SendRequestTask();
ConnectionRefPtr connection_;
EventDispatcher *dispatcher_;
Metrics *metrics_;
DeviceInfo *device_info_;
FailureCallback failure_callback_;
ByteString local_mac_address_;
ByteString gateway_mac_address_;
scoped_ptr<ArpClient> arp_client_;
// The number of consecutive times we have failed in receiving
// responses to broadcast ARP requests.
unsigned int broadcast_failure_count_;
// The number of consecutive times we have failed in receiving
// responses to unicast ARP requests.
unsigned int unicast_failure_count_;
// Whether this iteration of the test was a unicast request
// to the gateway instead of broadcast. The link monitor
// alternates between unicast and broadcast requests so that
// both types of network traffic is monitored.
bool is_unicast_;
// Maintain a pseudo-average of response time.
unsigned int response_sample_count_;
unsigned int response_sample_bucket_;
scoped_ptr<IOHandler> receive_response_handler_;
// Callback method used for periodic transmission of ARP requests.
// When the timer expires this will call SendRequest() through the
// void callback function SendRequestTask().
base::CancelableClosure send_request_callback_;
// The time at which the link monitor started.
struct timeval started_monitoring_at_;
// The time at which the last ARP request was sent.
struct timeval sent_request_at_;
Time *time_;
} // namespace shill