blob: 7f4ce6276a3d8ee2bb29022efe835f156cf47db2 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <glib.h>
#include <string>
#include "shill/shill_event.h"
#include "shill/dbus_control.h"
#include "shill/dbus_control_int.h"
namespace shill {
#define SHILL_INTERFACE "org.chromium.shill."
#define SHILL_PATH "/org/chromium/shill/"
const char ManagerDBusAdaptor::kInterfaceName[] = SHILL_INTERFACE "Manager";
const char ManagerDBusAdaptor::kPath[] = SHILL_PATH "Manager";
const char ServiceDBusAdaptor::kInterfaceName[] = SHILL_INTERFACE "Service";
const char ServiceDBusAdaptor::kPath[] = SHILL_PATH "Service";
const char DeviceDBusAdaptor::kInterfaceName[] = SHILL_INTERFACE "Device";
const char DeviceDBusAdaptor::kPath[] = SHILL_PATH "Device";
void DBusAdaptor::SetProperty(const string& /* key */,
const string& /* val */) {
// Update property hash table, and output DBus signals, if requested
const string *DBusAdaptor::GetProperty(const string & /* key */) {
// FIXME(pstew): Should be doing a hash table lookup
return new string("value");
void DBusAdaptor::ClearProperty(const string & /* key */) {
// Remove entry from hash table
ManagerDBusAdaptor::ManagerDBusAdaptor(Manager *manager)
: interface_(kInterfaceName),
manager_(manager) {}
void ManagerDBusAdaptor::UpdateRunning() {}
ServiceDBusAdaptor::ServiceDBusAdaptor(Service *service)
: interface_(kInterfaceName),
service_(service) {}
void ServiceDBusAdaptor::UpdateConnected() {}
DeviceDBusAdaptor::DeviceDBusAdaptor(Device *device)
: interface_(kInterfaceName),
device_(device) {}
void DeviceDBusAdaptor::UpdateEnabled() {}
ManagerAdaptorInterface *DBusControl::CreateManagerAdaptor(Manager *manager) {
return new ManagerDBusAdaptor(manager);
ServiceAdaptorInterface *DBusControl::CreateServiceAdaptor(Service *service) {
return new ServiceDBusAdaptor(service);
DeviceAdaptorInterface *DBusControl::CreateDeviceAdaptor(Device *device) {
return new DeviceDBusAdaptor(device);
} // namespace shill