blob: dad9ffa4c8f2fa40624d8060fc900eb4e371cb23 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "shill/refptr_types.h"
namespace shill {
class Error;
class KeyValueStore;
// This is an object that creates and manages service objects. It provides
// default implementations for each provider method so sublcasses do not
// need to implement boilerplate unimplemented methods.
class Provider {
virtual ~Provider() {}
// Creates services from the entries within |profile|.
virtual void CreateServicesFromProfile(const ProfileRefPtr &profile);
// Find a Service with similar properties to |args|. The criteria
// used are specific to the provider subclass. Returns a reference
// to a matching service if one exists. Otherwise it returns a NULL
// reference and populates |error|.
virtual ServiceRefPtr FindSimilarService(
const KeyValueStore &args, Error *error) const;
// Retrieves (see FindSimilarService) or creates a service with the
// unique attributes in |args|. The remaining attributes will be
// populated (by Manager) via a later call to Service::Configure().
// Returns a NULL reference and populates |error| on failure.
virtual ServiceRefPtr GetService(const KeyValueStore &args, Error *error);
// Create a temporary service with the identifying properties populated
// from |args|. Callers outside of the Provider must never register
// this service with the Manager or connect it since it was never added
// to the provider's service list.
virtual ServiceRefPtr CreateTemporaryService(
const KeyValueStore &args, Error *error);
// Start the provider.
virtual void Start();
// Stop the provider (will de-register all services).
virtual void Stop();
friend class ProviderTest;
} // namespace shill