| // Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved. |
| // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be |
| // found in the LICENSE file. |
| |
| |
| #include <string> |
| #include <vector> |
| |
| #include <base/basictypes.h> |
| #include <base/callback.h> |
| #include <base/memory/scoped_ptr.h> |
| #include <base/memory/weak_ptr.h> |
| #include <base/gtest_prod_util.h> // for FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES |
| #include <gtest/gtest_prod.h> // for FRIEND_TEST |
| |
| #include "shill/cellular.h" |
| #include "shill/cellular_capability.h" |
| #include "shill/dbus_properties.h" |
| #include "shill/modem_proxy_interface.h" |
| #include "shill/modem_simple_proxy_interface.h" |
| |
| namespace shill { |
| |
| class Cellular; |
| class Error; |
| class EventDispatcher; |
| class ModemGobiProxyInterface; |
| class ProxyFactory; |
| |
| enum ModemClassicState { |
| kModemClassicStateUnknown = 0, |
| kModemClassicStateDisabled = 10, |
| kModemClassicStateDisabling = 20, |
| kModemClassicStateEnabling = 30, |
| kModemClassicStateEnabled = 40, |
| kModemClassicStateSearching = 50, |
| kModemClassicStateRegistered = 60, |
| kModemClassicStateDisconnecting = 70, |
| kModemClassicStateConnecting = 80, |
| kModemClassicStateConnected = 90, |
| }; |
| |
| // CellularCapabilityClassic handles modems using the |
| // org.chromium.ModemManager DBUS interface. |
| class CellularCapabilityClassic : public CellularCapability { |
| public: |
| static const char kConnectPropertyApn[]; |
| static const char kConnectPropertyApnUsername[]; |
| static const char kConnectPropertyApnPassword[]; |
| static const char kConnectPropertyHomeOnly[]; |
| static const char kConnectPropertyPhoneNumber[]; |
| static const char kModemPropertyEnabled[]; |
| static const int kTimeoutSetCarrierMilliseconds; |
| |
| // |cellular| is the parent Cellular device. |
| CellularCapabilityClassic(Cellular *cellular, |
| ProxyFactory *proxy_factory, |
| Metrics *metrics); |
| virtual ~CellularCapabilityClassic(); |
| |
| virtual void StopModem(Error *error, const ResultCallback &callback); |
| virtual void Connect(const DBusPropertiesMap &properties, Error *error, |
| const ResultCallback &callback); |
| virtual void Disconnect(Error *error, const ResultCallback &callback); |
| virtual void DisconnectCleanup(); |
| |
| virtual void Activate(const std::string &carrier, |
| Error *error, const ResultCallback &callback); |
| |
| // Network registration. |
| virtual void RegisterOnNetwork(const std::string &network_id, |
| Error *error, |
| const ResultCallback &callback); |
| |
| // PIN management. The default implementation fails by returning an error. |
| virtual void RequirePIN(const std::string &pin, bool require, |
| Error *error, const ResultCallback &callback); |
| virtual void EnterPIN(const std::string &pin, |
| Error *error, const ResultCallback &callback); |
| virtual void UnblockPIN(const std::string &unblock_code, |
| const std::string &pin, |
| Error *error, const ResultCallback &callback); |
| virtual void ChangePIN(const std::string &old_pin, |
| const std::string &new_pin, |
| Error *error, const ResultCallback &callback); |
| |
| virtual void SetCarrier(const std::string &carrier, |
| Error *error, const ResultCallback &callback); |
| |
| virtual void Scan(Error *error, const ResultCallback &callback); |
| |
| virtual void OnDBusPropertiesChanged( |
| const std::string &interface, |
| const DBusPropertiesMap &properties, |
| const std::vector<std::string> &invalidated_properties); |
| |
| protected: |
| typedef std::vector<base::Closure> CellularTaskList; |
| |
| virtual void GetRegistrationState() = 0; |
| |
| // The following five methods are only ever called as |
| // callbacks (from the main loop), which is why they |
| // don't take an Error * argument. |
| virtual void EnableModem(const ResultCallback &callback); |
| virtual void DisableModem(const ResultCallback &callback); |
| virtual void GetModemStatus(const ResultCallback &callback); |
| virtual void GetModemInfo(const ResultCallback &callback); |
| virtual void GetProperties(const ResultCallback &callback) = 0; |
| |
| void FinishEnable(const ResultCallback &callback); |
| void FinishDisable(const ResultCallback &callback); |
| virtual void InitProxies(); |
| virtual void ReleaseProxies(); |
| virtual void UpdateStatus(const DBusPropertiesMap &properties) = 0; |
| |
| static void OnUnsupportedOperation(const char *operation, Error *error); |
| |
| // Runs the next task in a list. |
| // Precondition: |tasks| is not empty. |
| void RunNextStep(CellularTaskList *tasks); |
| // StepCompletedCallback is called after a task completes. |
| // |callback| is the original callback that needs to be invoked when all of |
| // the tasks complete or if there is a failure. |ignore_error| will be set |
| // to true if the next task should be run regardless of the result of the |
| // just-completed task. |tasks| is the list of tasks remaining. |error| is |
| // the result of the just-completed task. |
| void StepCompletedCallback(const ResultCallback &callback, bool ignore_error, |
| CellularTaskList *tasks, const Error &error); |
| |
| // Properties |
| bool scanning_supported_; |
| std::string meid_; |
| std::string imsi_; |
| std::string imei_; |
| std::string esn_; |
| std::string mdn_; |
| std::string min_; |
| std::string model_id_; |
| std::string manufacturer_; |
| std::string firmware_revision_; |
| std::string hardware_revision_; |
| std::string carrier_; |
| |
| scoped_ptr<ModemSimpleProxyInterface> simple_proxy_; |
| |
| private: |
| friend class CellularTest; |
| friend class CellularCapabilityCDMATest; |
| friend class CellularCapabilityTest; |
| friend class CellularCapabilityGSMTest; |
| FRIEND_TEST(CellularCapabilityGSMTest, SetProxy); |
| FRIEND_TEST(CellularCapabilityGSMTest, SetStorageIdentifier); |
| FRIEND_TEST(CellularCapabilityGSMTest, UpdateStatus); |
| FRIEND_TEST(CellularCapabilityTest, AllowRoaming); |
| FRIEND_TEST(CellularCapabilityTest, EnableModemFail); |
| FRIEND_TEST(CellularCapabilityTest, EnableModemSucceed); |
| FRIEND_TEST(CellularCapabilityTest, FinishEnable); |
| FRIEND_TEST(CellularCapabilityTest, GetModemInfo); |
| FRIEND_TEST(CellularCapabilityTest, GetModemStatus); |
| FRIEND_TEST(CellularCapabilityTest, TryApns); |
| FRIEND_TEST(CellularServiceTest, FriendlyName); |
| FRIEND_TEST(CellularTest, StartCDMARegister); |
| FRIEND_TEST(CellularTest, StartConnected); |
| FRIEND_TEST(CellularTest, StartGSMRegister); |
| FRIEND_TEST(CellularTest, StartLinked); |
| FRIEND_TEST(CellularTest, Connect); |
| FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(CellularTest, ConnectAddsTerminationAction); |
| FRIEND_TEST(CellularTest, ConnectFailure); |
| FRIEND_TEST(CellularTest, ConnectFailureNoService); |
| FRIEND_TEST(CellularTest, Disconnect); |
| FRIEND_TEST(CellularTest, DisconnectFailure); |
| FRIEND_TEST(CellularTest, DisconnectWithCallback); |
| FRIEND_TEST(CellularTest, ModemStateChangeEnable); |
| FRIEND_TEST(CellularTest, ModemStateChangeDisable); |
| |
| void HelpRegisterDerivedBool( |
| const std::string &name, |
| bool(CellularCapability::*get)(Error *error), |
| void(CellularCapability::*set)(const bool &value, Error *error)); |
| |
| // Method reply and signal callbacks from Modem interface |
| void OnModemStateChangedSignal( |
| uint32 old_state, uint32 new_state, uint32 reason); |
| void OnGetModemInfoReply(const ResultCallback &callback, |
| const ModemHardwareInfo &info, |
| const Error &error); |
| |
| // Method reply callbacks from Modem.Simple interface |
| void OnGetModemStatusReply(const ResultCallback &callback, |
| const DBusPropertiesMap &props, |
| const Error &error); |
| |
| Cellular *cellular_; |
| base::WeakPtrFactory<CellularCapabilityClassic> weak_ptr_factory_; |
| |
| scoped_ptr<ModemProxyInterface> proxy_; |
| scoped_ptr<ModemGobiProxyInterface> gobi_proxy_; |
| |
| Strings supported_carriers_; |
| |
| DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(CellularCapabilityClassic); |
| }; |
| |
| } // namespace shill |
| |