blob: a1a7320e70f515809f1feb1272b17ede076746f0 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "shill/cellular_operator_info.h"
#include <base/string_number_conversions.h>
#include <base/string_split.h>
#include <base/string_util.h>
#include "shill/file_reader.h"
#include "shill/logging.h"
using std::map;
using std::string;
using std::vector;
namespace shill {
namespace {
const char kKeyOLPURL[] = "OLP.URL";
const char kKeyOLPMethod[] = "OLP.Method";
const char kKeyOLPPostData[] = "OLP.PostData";
} // namespace
: is_primary_(false),
requires_roaming_(false) {}
CellularOperatorInfo::CellularOperator::~CellularOperator() {}
CellularOperatorInfo::MobileAPN::MobileAPN() {}
CellularOperatorInfo::MobileAPN::~MobileAPN() {}
CellularOperatorInfo::CellularOperatorInfo() {}
CellularOperatorInfo::~CellularOperatorInfo() {}
const ScopedVector<CellularOperatorInfo::CellularOperator> &
CellularOperatorInfo::operators() const {
return operators_;
// static
string CellularOperatorInfo::FormattedMCCMNC(const string &mccmnc) {
return "[MCCMNC=" + mccmnc + "]";
// static
string CellularOperatorInfo::FormattedSID(const string &sid) {
return "[SID=" + sid + "]";
const CellularOperatorInfo::CellularOperator *
CellularOperatorInfo::GetCellularOperatorByMCCMNC(const string &mccmnc) {
SLOG(Cellular, 2) << __func__ << "(" << FormattedMCCMNC(mccmnc) << ")";
map<string, CellularOperator *>::const_iterator it =
if (it == mccmnc_to_operator_.end()) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Operator with " << FormattedMCCMNC(mccmnc)
<< " not found.";
return NULL;
return it->second;
const CellularOperatorInfo::CellularOperator *
CellularOperatorInfo::GetCellularOperatorBySID(const string &sid) {
SLOG(Cellular, 2) << __func__ << "(" << FormattedSID(sid) << ")";
map<string, CellularOperator *>::const_iterator it =
if (it == sid_to_operator_.end()) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Operator with " << FormattedSID(sid) << " not found.";
return NULL;
return it->second;
const vector<const CellularOperatorInfo::CellularOperator *> *
CellularOperatorInfo::GetCellularOperatorsByName(const string &name) {
SLOG(Cellular, 2) << __func__ << "(" << name << ")";
map<string, vector<const CellularOperator *> >::const_iterator it =
if (it == name_to_operators_.end()) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Given name \"" << name << "\" did not match any operators.";
return NULL;
return &it->second;
const CellularService::OLP *
CellularOperatorInfo::GetOLPByMCCMNC(const string &mccmnc) {
SLOG(Cellular, 2) << __func__ << "(" << FormattedMCCMNC(mccmnc) << ")";
const CellularOperator *provider = GetCellularOperatorByMCCMNC(mccmnc);
if (!provider)
return NULL;
map<string, uint32>::const_iterator it =
if (it == provider->mccmnc_to_olp_idx_.end())
return NULL;
uint32 index = it->second;
if (index >= provider->olp_list_.size()) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Invalid OLP index found for "
<< FormattedMCCMNC(mccmnc) << ".";
return NULL;
return provider->olp_list_[index];
const CellularService::OLP *
CellularOperatorInfo::GetOLPBySID(const string &sid) {
SLOG(Cellular, 2) << __func__ << "(" << FormattedSID(sid) << ")";
const CellularOperator *provider = GetCellularOperatorBySID(sid);
if (!provider)
return NULL;
map<string, uint32>::const_iterator it =
if (it == provider->sid_to_olp_idx_.end())
return NULL;
uint32 index = it->second;
if (index >= provider->olp_list_.size()) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Invalid OLP index found for " << FormattedSID(sid) << ".";
return NULL;
return provider->olp_list_[index];
void CellularOperatorInfo::ClearOperators() {
// static
bool CellularOperatorInfo::ParseKeyValue(const string &line,
char key_value_delimiter,
std::string *key,
std::string *value) {
size_t length = line.length();
for (size_t i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
if (line[i] == key_value_delimiter) {
key->assign(line, 0, i);
value->assign(line, i + 1, length-i);
return true;
return false;
bool CellularOperatorInfo::Load(const FilePath &info_file_path) {
SLOG(Cellular, 2) << __func__ << "(" << info_file_path.value() << ")";
// Clear any previus operators.
FileReader file_reader;
if (!file_reader.Open(info_file_path)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Could not open operator info file.";
return false;
// See data/cellular_operator_info for the format of file contents.
ParserState state;
typedef bool (CellularOperatorInfo::*KeyHandlerFunc)
(ParserState *, const string &);
map<string, KeyHandlerFunc> key_handler_map;
key_handler_map["provider"] = &CellularOperatorInfo::HandleProvider;
key_handler_map["mccmnc"] = &CellularOperatorInfo::HandleMCCMNC;
key_handler_map["name"] = &CellularOperatorInfo::HandleNameKey;
key_handler_map["apn"] = &CellularOperatorInfo::HandleAPN;
key_handler_map["sid"] = &CellularOperatorInfo::HandleSID;
key_handler_map["olp"] = &CellularOperatorInfo::HandleOLP;
key_handler_map["identifier"] = &CellularOperatorInfo::HandleIdentifier;
key_handler_map["country"] = &CellularOperatorInfo::HandleCountry;
string line;
bool firstline = true;
while (file_reader.ReadLine(&line)) {
// Skip line comments.
TrimWhitespaceASCII(line, TRIM_ALL, &line);
if (line[0] == '#' || line.empty())
// If line consists of a single null character, skip
if (line.length() == 1 && line[0] == '\0')
string key, value;
if (!ParseKeyValue(line, ':', &key, &value)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Badly formed line: " << line;
return false;
if (firstline) {
if (key != "serviceproviders") {
LOG(ERROR) << "File does not begin with \"serviceproviders\" "
<< "entry.";
return false;
if (value != "3.0") {
LOG(ERROR) << "Unrecognized serviceproviders format.";
return false;
firstline = false;
} else {
map<string, KeyHandlerFunc>::iterator it = key_handler_map.find(key);
if (it == key_handler_map.end()) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Invalid key \"" << key << "\".";
return false;
KeyHandlerFunc func = it->second;
if (!(this->*func)(&state, value)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to parse \"" << key << "\" entry.";
return false;
return true;
bool CellularOperatorInfo::HandleCountry(ParserState *state,
const string &value) {
state->country = value;
return true;
bool CellularOperatorInfo::HandleNameKey(ParserState *state,
const string &value) {
if (state->parsing_apn)
return HandleAPNName(state, value);
return HandleName(state, value);
bool CellularOperatorInfo::HandleProvider(ParserState *state,
const string &value) {
state->parsing_apn = false;
vector<string> fields;
base::SplitString(value, ',', &fields);
if (fields.size() != 4) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Badly formed \"provider\" entry.";
return false;
int is_primary = 0;
if (!base::StringToInt(fields[2], &is_primary)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Badly formed value for \"is_primary\": " << fields[2];
return false;
int requires_roaming = 0;
if (!base::StringToInt(fields[3], &requires_roaming)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Badly formed value for \"requires_roaming\": "
<< fields[3];
return false;
state->provider = new CellularOperator();
state->provider->is_primary_ = is_primary != 0;
state->provider->requires_roaming_ = requires_roaming != 0;
state->provider->country_ = state->country;
return true;
bool CellularOperatorInfo::HandleMCCMNC(ParserState *state,
const string &value) {
if (value.empty()) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Empty \"mccmnc\" value.";
return false;
if (!state->provider) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Found \"mccmnc\" entry without \"provider\".";
return false;
vector<string> mccmnc_list;
base::SplitString(value, ',', &mccmnc_list);
if ((mccmnc_list.size() % 2) != 0) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Badly formatted \"mccmnc\" entry. "
<< "Expected even number of elements.";
return false;
for (size_t i = 0; i < mccmnc_list.size(); i += 2) {
const string &mccmnc = mccmnc_list[i];
if (!mccmnc.empty()) {
mccmnc_to_operator_[mccmnc] = state->provider;
int index = -1;
if (base::StringToInt(mccmnc_list[i + 1], &index))
state->provider->mccmnc_to_olp_idx_[mccmnc] = index;
return true;
bool CellularOperatorInfo::HandleIdentifier(ParserState *state,
const string &value) {
if (!state->provider) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Found \"identifier\" entry without \"provider\".";
return false;
state->provider->identifier_ = value;
return true;
bool CellularOperatorInfo::HandleAPN(ParserState *state,
const string &value) {
if (!state->provider) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Found \"apn\" entry without \"provider\".";
return false;
vector<string> fields;
base::SplitString(value, ',', &fields);
if (fields.size() != 4) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Badly formed \"apn\" entry.";
return false;
state->apn = new MobileAPN();
state->apn->apn_ = fields[1];
state->apn->username_ = fields[2];
state->apn->password_ = fields[3];
state->parsing_apn = true;
return true;
bool CellularOperatorInfo::HandleAPNName(ParserState *state,
const string &value) {
if (!(state->parsing_apn && state->apn)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "APN not being parsed.";
return false;
LocalizedName name;
if (!ParseNameLine(value, &name))
return false;
return true;
bool CellularOperatorInfo::HandleName(ParserState *state,
const string &value) {
if (!state->provider) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Found \"name\" entry without \"provider\".";
return false;
LocalizedName name;
if (!ParseNameLine(value, &name))
return false;
if (state->provider->name_list_.size() == 0) {
vector<const CellularOperator *> &matching_operators =
return true;
bool CellularOperatorInfo::ParseNameLine(const string &value,
LocalizedName *name) {
vector<string> fields;
base::SplitString(value, ',', &fields);
if (fields.size() != 2) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Badly formed \"name\" entry.";
return false;
name->language = fields[0];
name->name = fields[1];
return true;
bool CellularOperatorInfo::HandleSID(ParserState *state,
const string &value) {
if (value.empty()) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Empty \"sid\" value.";
return false;
if (!state->provider) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Found \"sid\" entry without \"provider\".";
return false;
vector<string> sid_list;
base::SplitString(value, ',', &sid_list);
if ((sid_list.size() % 2) != 0) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Badly formatted \"sid\" entry. "
<< "Expected even number of elements. ";
return false;
for (size_t i = 0; i < sid_list.size(); i += 2) {
const string &sid = sid_list[i];
if (!sid.empty()) {
sid_to_operator_[sid] = state->provider;
int index = -1;
if (base::StringToInt(sid_list[i + 1], &index))
state->provider->sid_to_olp_idx_[sid] = index;
return true;
bool CellularOperatorInfo::HandleOLP(ParserState *state,
const string &value) {
if (!state->provider) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Found \"olp\" entry without \"provider\"";
return false;
vector<string> fields;
base::SplitString(value, ',', &fields);
if (fields.size() != 3) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Badly formed \"apn\" entry.";
return false;
CellularService::OLP *olp = new CellularService::OLP();
return true;
} // namespace shill