blob: 6fed5472fd7262dc295cf266f9df616cd81baf04 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "shill/modem_gsm_card_proxy.h"
using std::string;
namespace shill {
ModemGSMCardProxy::ModemGSMCardProxy(ModemGSMCardProxyListener *listener,
DBus::Connection *connection,
const string &path,
const string &service)
: proxy_(listener, connection, path, service) {}
ModemGSMCardProxy::~ModemGSMCardProxy() {}
string ModemGSMCardProxy::GetIMEI() {
return proxy_.GetImei();
string ModemGSMCardProxy::GetIMSI() {
return proxy_.GetImsi();
string ModemGSMCardProxy::GetSPN() {
return proxy_.GetSpn();
string ModemGSMCardProxy::GetMSISDN() {
return proxy_.GetMsIsdn();
void ModemGSMCardProxy::EnablePIN(const string &pin, bool enabled) {
proxy_.EnablePin(pin, enabled);
void ModemGSMCardProxy::SendPIN(const string &pin) {
void ModemGSMCardProxy::SendPUK(const string &puk, const string &pin) {
proxy_.SendPuk(puk, pin);
void ModemGSMCardProxy::ChangePIN(const string &old_pin,
const string &new_pin) {
proxy_.ChangePin(old_pin, new_pin);
ModemGSMCardProxy::Proxy::Proxy(ModemGSMCardProxyListener *listener,
DBus::Connection *connection,
const string &path,
const string &service)
: DBus::ObjectProxy(*connection, path, service.c_str()),
listener_(listener) {}
ModemGSMCardProxy::Proxy::~Proxy() {}
} // namespace shill