blob: cdede2c72228f2c2d23a2fe15f37f9fd958254b6 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "shill/shill_ares.h"
namespace shill {
static base::LazyInstance<Ares> g_ares(base::LINKER_INITIALIZED);
Ares::Ares() { }
Ares::~Ares() { }
Ares* Ares::GetInstance() {
return g_ares.Pointer();
void Ares::Destroy(ares_channel channel) {
void Ares::GetHostByName(ares_channel channel,
const char *hostname,
int family,
ares_host_callback callback,
void *arg) {
ares_gethostbyname(channel, hostname, family, callback, arg);
int Ares::GetSock(ares_channel channel,
ares_socket_t *socks,
int numsocks) {
return ares_getsock(channel, socks, numsocks);
int Ares::InitOptions(ares_channel *channelptr,
struct ares_options *options,
int optmask) {
return ares_init_options(channelptr, options, optmask);
void Ares::ProcessFd(ares_channel channel,
ares_socket_t read_fd,
ares_socket_t write_fd) {
return ares_process_fd(channel, read_fd, write_fd);
void Ares::SetLocalDev(ares_channel channel, const char *local_dev_name) {
ares_set_local_dev(channel, local_dev_name);
struct timeval *Ares::Timeout(ares_channel channel,
struct timeval *maxtv,
struct timeval *tv) {
return ares_timeout(channel, maxtv, tv);
} // namespace shill