blob: 9186d22ae53a3e778edbe4160d82d3d36baec41a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "shill/dbus_properties.h"
#include <limits>
#include <gtest/gtest.h>
using std::map;
using std::numeric_limits;
using std::string;
using std::vector;
using testing::Test;
namespace shill {
class DBusPropertiesTest : public Test {};
TEST_F(DBusPropertiesTest, ConvertPathsToRpcIdentifiers) {
static const char kOldTestPath[] = "/org/chromium/Something/Old";
static const char kTestPath0[] = "/org/chromium/Something";
static const char kTestPath1[] = "/org/chromium/Else";
RpcIdentifiers ids(1, kOldTestPath);
vector<DBus::Path> paths;
DBusProperties::ConvertPathsToRpcIdentifiers(paths, &ids);
ASSERT_EQ(2, ids.size());
EXPECT_EQ(kTestPath0, ids[0]);
EXPECT_EQ(kTestPath1, ids[1]);
TEST_F(DBusPropertiesTest, ConvertKeyValueStoreToMap) {
static const char kStringKey[] = "StringKey";
static const char kStringValue[] = "StringValue";
static const char kStringmapKey[] = "StringmapKey";
const map<string, string> kStringmapValue = { { "key", "value" } };
static const char kStringsKey[] = "StringsKey";
const vector<string> kStringsValue = {"StringsValue1", "StringsValue2"};
static const char kBoolKey[] = "BoolKey";
const bool kBoolValue = true;
static const char kInt32Key[] = "Int32Key";
const int32_t kInt32Value = 123;
static const char kUint32Key[] = "Uint32Key";
const uint32_t kUint32Value = 654;
KeyValueStore store;
store.SetString(kStringKey, kStringValue);
store.SetStringmap(kStringmapKey, kStringmapValue);
store.SetStrings(kStringsKey, kStringsValue);
store.SetBool(kBoolKey, kBoolValue);
store.SetInt(kInt32Key, kInt32Value);
store.SetUint(kUint32Key, kUint32Value);
DBusPropertiesMap props;
DBusProperties::ConvertKeyValueStoreToMap(store, &props);
EXPECT_EQ(6, props.size());
string string_value;
EXPECT_TRUE(DBusProperties::GetString(props, kStringKey, &string_value));
EXPECT_EQ(kStringValue, string_value);
map<string, string> stringmap_value;
DBusProperties::GetStringmap(props, kStringmapKey, &stringmap_value));
EXPECT_EQ(kStringmapValue, stringmap_value);
vector<string> strings_value;
EXPECT_TRUE(DBusProperties::GetStrings(props, kStringsKey, &strings_value));
EXPECT_EQ(kStringsValue, strings_value);
bool bool_value = !kBoolValue;
EXPECT_TRUE(DBusProperties::GetBool(props, kBoolKey, &bool_value));
EXPECT_EQ(kBoolValue, bool_value);
int32_t int32_value = ~kInt32Value;
EXPECT_TRUE(DBusProperties::GetInt32(props, kInt32Key, &int32_value));
EXPECT_EQ(kInt32Value, int32_value);
uint32_t uint32_value = ~kUint32Value;
EXPECT_TRUE(DBusProperties::GetUint32(props, kUint32Key, &uint32_value));
EXPECT_EQ(kUint32Value, uint32_value);
template <typename T> class DBusPropertiesGetterTest : public Test {};
template <typename DerivedT, typename ValueT, typename DBusT = ValueT>
struct TestTraits {
typedef ValueT ValueType;
typedef DBusT DBusType;
typedef bool (*GetterType)(const DBusPropertiesMap& properties,
const string& key,
ValueType* value);
static DBusType GetTestValue() { return DerivedT::GetNewValue(); }
static void CheckValueEqual(const ValueType& expected,
const ValueType& actual) {
EXPECT_EQ(expected, actual);
struct BoolTestTraits : public TestTraits<BoolTestTraits, bool> {
static bool GetOldValue() { return false; }
static bool GetNewValue() { return true; }
static constexpr GetterType kMethodUnderTest = &DBusProperties::GetBool;
template <typename DerivedT, typename ValueT>
struct IntTestTraits : public TestTraits<DerivedT, ValueT> {
static ValueT GetOldValue() { return numeric_limits<ValueT>::min(); }
static ValueT GetNewValue() { return numeric_limits<ValueT>::max(); }
struct Int16TestTraits : public IntTestTraits<Int16TestTraits, int16_t> {
static constexpr GetterType kMethodUnderTest = &DBusProperties::GetInt16;
struct Int32TestTraits : public IntTestTraits<Int32TestTraits, int32_t> {
static constexpr GetterType kMethodUnderTest = &DBusProperties::GetInt32;
struct Int64TestTraits : public IntTestTraits<Int64TestTraits, int64_t> {
static constexpr GetterType kMethodUnderTest = &DBusProperties::GetInt64;
struct Uint8TestTraits : public IntTestTraits<Uint8TestTraits, uint8_t> {
static constexpr GetterType kMethodUnderTest = &DBusProperties::GetUint8;
struct Uint16TestTraits : public IntTestTraits<Uint16TestTraits, uint16_t> {
static constexpr GetterType kMethodUnderTest = &DBusProperties::GetUint16;
struct Uint32TestTraits : public IntTestTraits<Uint32TestTraits, uint32_t> {
static constexpr GetterType kMethodUnderTest = &DBusProperties::GetUint32;
struct Uint64TestTraits : public IntTestTraits<Uint64TestTraits, uint64_t> {
static constexpr GetterType kMethodUnderTest = &DBusProperties::GetUint64;
struct DoubleTestTraits : public TestTraits<DoubleTestTraits, double> {
static double GetOldValue() { return -1.1; }
static double GetNewValue() { return 3.14; }
static constexpr GetterType kMethodUnderTest = &DBusProperties::GetDouble;
struct StringTestTraits : public TestTraits<StringTestTraits, string> {
static string GetOldValue() { return "old"; }
static string GetNewValue() { return "new"; }
static constexpr GetterType kMethodUnderTest = &DBusProperties::GetString;
struct StringmapTestTraits
: public TestTraits<StringmapTestTraits, map<string, string>> {
static map<string, string> GetOldValue() {
return { { "oldKey", "oldValue" } };
static map<string, string> GetNewValue() {
return { { "newKey", "newValue" } };
static constexpr GetterType kMethodUnderTest = &DBusProperties::GetStringmap;
struct StringsTestTraits
: public TestTraits<StringsTestTraits, vector<string>> {
static vector<string> GetOldValue() { return {"1", "2", "3"}; }
static vector<string> GetNewValue() { return {"a", "b"}; }
static constexpr GetterType kMethodUnderTest = &DBusProperties::GetStrings;
struct ObjectPathTestTraits
: public TestTraits<ObjectPathTestTraits, DBus::Path> {
static DBus::Path GetOldValue() { return "/old/path"; }
static DBus::Path GetNewValue() { return "/new/path"; }
static constexpr GetterType kMethodUnderTest = &DBusProperties::GetObjectPath;
struct RpcIdentifiersTestTraits : public TestTraits<RpcIdentifiersTestTraits,
vector<DBus::Path>> {
static RpcIdentifiers GetOldValue() { return {"/device/1", "/service/2"}; }
static RpcIdentifiers GetNewValue() { return {"/obj/3", "/obj/4", "/obj/5"}; }
static vector<DBus::Path> GetTestValue() {
return {"/obj/3", "/obj/4", "/obj/5"};
static constexpr GetterType kMethodUnderTest =
struct DBusPropertiesMapTestTraits
: public TestTraits<DBusPropertiesMapTestTraits, DBusPropertiesMap> {
static DBusPropertiesMap GetOldValue() {
DBusPropertiesMap value;
return value;
static DBusPropertiesMap GetNewValue() {
DBusPropertiesMap value;
return value;
template <typename T>
static void CheckDBusVariantEqual(const string& key,
const DBus::Variant& expected,
const DBus::Variant& actual) {
T expected_value = expected.operator T();
T actual_value = actual.operator T();
EXPECT_EQ(expected_value, actual_value) << "Value mismatch - key: " << key;
static void CheckValueEqual(const DBusPropertiesMap& expected,
const DBusPropertiesMap& actual) {
ASSERT_EQ(expected.size(), actual.size()) << "Map size mismatch";
for (const auto& key_value_pair : expected) {
const string& key = key_value_pair.first;
const auto& actual_it = actual.find(key);
ASSERT_TRUE(actual_it != actual.end()) << "Key '" << key << "' not found";
const DBus::Variant& actual_value = actual_it->second;
const DBus::Variant& expected_value = key_value_pair.second;
string actual_signature = actual_value.signature();
string expected_signature = expected_value.signature();
ASSERT_EQ(expected_signature, actual_signature)
<< "Value type mismatch - key: " << key;
if (expected_signature == DBus::type<bool>::sig()) {
CheckDBusVariantEqual<bool>(key, expected_value, actual_value);
} else if (expected_signature == DBus::type<int16_t>::sig()) {
CheckDBusVariantEqual<int16_t>(key, expected_value, actual_value);
} else if (expected_signature == DBus::type<int32_t>::sig()) {
CheckDBusVariantEqual<int32_t>(key, expected_value, actual_value);
} else if (expected_signature == DBus::type<int64_t>::sig()) {
CheckDBusVariantEqual<int64_t>(key, expected_value, actual_value);
} else if (expected_signature == DBus::type<uint8_t>::sig()) {
CheckDBusVariantEqual<uint8_t>(key, expected_value, actual_value);
} else if (expected_signature == DBus::type<uint16_t>::sig()) {
CheckDBusVariantEqual<uint16_t>(key, expected_value, actual_value);
} else if (expected_signature == DBus::type<uint32_t>::sig()) {
CheckDBusVariantEqual<uint32_t>(key, expected_value, actual_value);
} else if (expected_signature == DBus::type<uint64_t>::sig()) {
CheckDBusVariantEqual<uint64_t>(key, expected_value, actual_value);
} else if (expected_signature == DBus::type<double>::sig()) {
CheckDBusVariantEqual<double>(key, expected_value, actual_value);
} else if (expected_signature == DBus::type<string>::sig()) {
CheckDBusVariantEqual<string>(key, expected_value, actual_value);
} else if (expected_signature == DBus::type<DBus::Path>::sig()) {
CheckDBusVariantEqual<DBus::Path>(key, expected_value, actual_value);
} else {
// TODO(benchan): Comparison of other types is not yet implemented.
FAIL() << "Value type '" << expected_signature << "' not implemented.";
static constexpr GetterType kMethodUnderTest =
typedef testing::Types<BoolTestTraits,
DBusPropertiesMapTestTraits> DBusPropertyValueTypes;
TYPED_TEST_CASE(DBusPropertiesGetterTest, DBusPropertyValueTypes);
TYPED_TEST(DBusPropertiesGetterTest, GetValue) {
static const char kTestProperty[] = "TestProperty";
const typename TypeParam::ValueType kOldValue = TypeParam::GetOldValue();
const typename TypeParam::ValueType kNewValue = TypeParam::GetNewValue();
const typename TypeParam::DBusType kTestValue = TypeParam::GetTestValue();
typename TypeParam::ValueType value = kOldValue;
DBusPropertiesMap properties;
// Property key is not found. |value| should remain the initial value.
EXPECT_FALSE(TypeParam::kMethodUnderTest(properties, kTestProperty, &value));
TypeParam::CheckValueEqual(kOldValue, value);
// Property value type mismatch. |value| should remain the initial value.
EXPECT_FALSE(TypeParam::kMethodUnderTest(properties, kTestProperty, &value));
TypeParam::CheckValueEqual(kOldValue, value);
// Property key is found. |value| should be set to the test value.
DBus::MessageIter writer = properties[kTestProperty].writer();
writer << kTestValue;
EXPECT_TRUE(TypeParam::kMethodUnderTest(properties, kTestProperty, &value));
TypeParam::CheckValueEqual(kNewValue, value);
} // namespace shill