blob: 5b7a7a55a9d832115e3b1f1309f5cb699944929a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "shill/modem.h"
#include <mm/ModemManager-enums.h>
#include <mm/ModemManager-names.h>
#include "shill/cellular.h"
using std::string;
namespace shill {
Modem1::Modem1(const string &owner,
const string &path,
ControlInterface *control_interface,
EventDispatcher *dispatcher,
Metrics *metrics,
Manager *manager,
mobile_provider_db *provider_db)
: Modem(owner, path, control_interface, dispatcher, metrics, manager,
provider_db) {
Modem1::~Modem1() {}
Cellular::ModemState Modem1::ConvertMmToCellularModemState(uint32 input) const {
switch (input) {
case MM_MODEM_STATE_UNKNOWN: return Cellular::kModemStateUnknown;
case MM_MODEM_STATE_INITIALIZING: return Cellular::kModemStateInitializing;
case MM_MODEM_STATE_LOCKED: return Cellular::kModemStateLocked;
case MM_MODEM_STATE_DISABLED: return Cellular::kModemStateDisabled;
case MM_MODEM_STATE_DISABLING: return Cellular::kModemStateDisabling;
case MM_MODEM_STATE_ENABLING: return Cellular::kModemStateEnabling;
case MM_MODEM_STATE_ENABLED: return Cellular::kModemStateEnabled;
case MM_MODEM_STATE_SEARCHING: return Cellular::kModemStateSearching;
case MM_MODEM_STATE_REGISTERED: return Cellular::kModemStateRegistered;
return Cellular::kModemStateDisconnecting;
case MM_MODEM_STATE_CONNECTING: return Cellular::kModemStateConnecting;
case MM_MODEM_STATE_CONNECTED: return Cellular::kModemStateConnected;
DCHECK(false) << "Unknown cellular state: " << input;
return Cellular::kModemStateUnknown;
bool Modem1::GetLinkName(const DBusPropertiesMap & /* modem_props */,
string *name) const {
// TODO(rochberg): use the device path to find the link name in
// sysfs.
*name = "usb0";
return true;
void Modem1::CreateDeviceMM1(const DBusInterfaceToProperties &i_to_p) {
DBusInterfaceToProperties::const_iterator modem_properties =
if (modem_properties == i_to_p.end()) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Cellular device with no modem properties";
// We cannot check the IP method to make sure it's not PPP. The IP
// method will be checked later when the bearer object is fetched.
} // namespace shill