blob: 8e9c0fd50c07b0982be731f868bd000b3def4c1a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <map>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <base/basictypes.h>
#include <base/file_path.h>
#include <base/memory/scoped_vector.h>
#include <gtest/gtest_prod.h> // for FRIEND_TEST
#include "shill/cellular_service.h"
#include "shill/file_reader.h"
#include "shill/key_file_store.h"
namespace shill {
class CellularOperatorInfo {
virtual ~CellularOperatorInfo();
struct LocalizedName {
std::string name;
std::string language;
class MobileAPN {
const std::string &apn() const { return apn_; }
const std::vector<LocalizedName> &name_list() const { return name_list_; }
const std::string &username() const { return username_; }
const std::string &password() const { return password_; }
friend class CellularOperatorInfo;
std::string apn_;
std::vector<LocalizedName> name_list_;
std::string username_;
std::string password_;
class CellularOperator {
virtual ~CellularOperator();
const std::string &country() const { return country_; }
const std::vector<std::string> &mccmnc_list() const {
return mccmnc_list_;
const std::vector<std::string> &sid_list() const { return sid_list_; }
const std::vector<LocalizedName> &name_list() const { return name_list_; }
const ScopedVector<MobileAPN> &apn_list() const { return apn_list_; }
const ScopedVector<CellularService::OLP> &olp_list() const {
return olp_list_;
bool is_primary() const { return is_primary_; }
bool requires_roaming() const { return requires_roaming_; }
friend class CellularOperatorInfo;
friend class CellularOperatorInfoTest;
FRIEND_TEST(CellularOperatorInfoTest, HandleMCCMNC);
FRIEND_TEST(CellularOperatorInfoTest, HandleSID);
std::string country_;
std::vector<std::string> mccmnc_list_;
std::vector<std::string> sid_list_;
std::vector<LocalizedName> name_list_;
ScopedVector<MobileAPN> apn_list_;
ScopedVector<CellularService::OLP> olp_list_;
std::map<std::string, uint32> mccmnc_to_olp_idx_;
std::map<std::string, uint32> sid_to_olp_idx_;
bool is_primary_;
bool requires_roaming_;
// Loads the operator info from |info_file_path|. Returns true on success.
virtual bool Load(const FilePath &info_file_path);
// Gets the cellular operator info of the operator with MCCMNC |mccmnc|.
// If found, returns a pointer to the matching operator.
virtual const CellularOperator *
GetCellularOperatorByMCCMNC(const std::string &mccmnc);
// Gets the cellular operator info of the operator with SID |sid|.
// If found, returns a pointer to the matching operator.
virtual const CellularOperator *
GetCellularOperatorBySID(const std::string &sid);
// Gets the cellular operator info of the operators that match the name
// |name|, such that each element contains information about the operator
// in different countries. The given name must be the first enumerated name
// for the operator in the operator database.
// If found, returns a pointer to a vector containing the matching operators.
virtual const std::vector<const CellularOperator *> *
GetCellularOperatorsByName(const std::string &name);
// Gets the online payment portal info of the operator with MCCMNC |mccmnc|.
// If found, returns a pointer to the matching OLP.
virtual const CellularService::OLP *GetOLPByMCCMNC(const std::string &mccmnc);
// Gets the online payment portal info of the operator with SID |sid|.
// If found, returns a pointer to the matching OLP.
virtual const CellularService::OLP *GetOLPBySID(const std::string &sid);
// Returns a list of all operators.
virtual const ScopedVector<CellularOperator> &operators() const;
friend class CellularOperatorInfoTest;
FRIEND_TEST(CellularOperatorInfoTest, HandleAPN);
FRIEND_TEST(CellularOperatorInfoTest, HandleAPNName);
FRIEND_TEST(CellularOperatorInfoTest, HandleMCCMNC);
FRIEND_TEST(CellularOperatorInfoTest, HandleName);
FRIEND_TEST(CellularOperatorInfoTest, HandleOLP);
FRIEND_TEST(CellularOperatorInfoTest, HandleProvider);
FRIEND_TEST(CellularOperatorInfoTest, HandleSID);
FRIEND_TEST(CellularOperatorInfoTest, ParseKeyValue);
FRIEND_TEST(CellularOperatorInfoTest, ParseNameLine);
FRIEND_TEST(CellularOperatorInfoTest, ParseSuccess);
struct ParserState {
ParserState() : provider(NULL),
parsing_apn(false) {}
std::string country;
CellularOperator *provider;
MobileAPN *apn;
bool parsing_apn;
bool HandleProvider(ParserState *state,
const std::string &value);
bool HandleMCCMNC(ParserState *state,
const std::string &value);
bool HandleNameKey(ParserState *state,
const std::string &value);
bool HandleName(ParserState *state,
const std::string &value);
bool HandleAPN(ParserState *state,
const std::string &value);
bool HandleAPNName(ParserState *state,
const std::string &value);
bool HandleSID(ParserState *state,
const std::string &value);
bool HandleOLP(ParserState *state,
const std::string &value);
bool HandleCountry(ParserState *state,
const std::string &value);
bool ParseNameLine(const std::string &value,
LocalizedName *name);
void ClearOperators();
// Functions that return specially formatted strings for logging
// MCCMNC and SID to help with scrubbing.
static std::string FormattedMCCMNC(const std::string &mccmnc);
static std::string FormattedSID(const std::string &sid);
// Splits |line| into two strings, separated with the |key_value_delimiter|.
// Returns |false| if line does not contain |key_value_delimiter|, otherwise
// returns the first substring in |key| and the second substring in |value|,
// and returns true.
static bool ParseKeyValue(const std::string &line,
char key_value_delimiter,
std::string *key,
std::string *value);
ScopedVector<CellularOperator> operators_;
std::map<std::string, CellularOperator *> mccmnc_to_operator_;
std::map<std::string, CellularOperator *> sid_to_operator_;
std::vector<const CellularOperator *> > name_to_operators_;
} // namespace shill