blob: 22ace95f42dc8ad0750f45c7b6e2afdb0093d20d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <queue>
#include <base/basictypes.h>
#include <base/callback.h>
#include <base/memory/scoped_ptr.h>
#include <base/memory/scoped_vector.h>
#include <base/memory/weak_ptr.h>
#include <gtest/gtest_prod.h>
#include "shill/refptr_types.h"
#include "shill/sockets.h"
#include "shill/socket_info.h"
namespace shill {
class AsyncConnection;
class DNSClient;
class Error;
class EventDispatcher;
class IPAddress;
class SocketInfoReader;
// The ConnectionHealthChecker class implements the facilities to test
// connectivity status on some connection asynchronously.
// In particular, the class can distinguish between three states of the
// connection:
// -(1)- No connectivity (TCP connection can not be established)
// -(2)- Partial connectivity (TCP connection can be established, but no data
// transfer)
// -(3)- Connectivity OK (TCP connection established, is healthy)
class ConnectionHealthChecker {
typedef std::queue<IPAddress> IPAddressQueue;
// TODO(pprabhu): Rename kResultElongatedTimeWait to kResultTearDownFailure.
enum Result {
// There was some problem in the setup of ConnctionHealthChecker.
// Could not attempt a tcp connection.
// New health check request made successfully. The result of the health
// check is returned asynchronously.
// Failed to create TCP connection. Condition -(1)-.
// Failed to destroy TCP connection. Condition -(2)-.
// Failed to send data on TCP connection. Condition -(2)-.
// Condition -(3)-.
ConnectionHealthChecker(ConnectionRefPtr connection,
EventDispatcher *dispatcher,
const base::Callback<void(Result)> &result_callback);
virtual ~ConnectionHealthChecker();
// A new ConnectionHealthChecker is created with a default URL to attempt the
// TCP connection with. Add a URL to try.
virtual void AddRemoteURL(const std::string &url_string);
// Name resolution can fail in conditions -(1)- and -(2)-. Add an IP address
// to attempt the TCP connection with.
virtual void AddRemoteIP(IPAddress ip);
// Start a connection health check. The health check involves one or more
// attempts at establishing and using a TCP connection. |result_callback_| is
// called with the final result of the check. |result_callback_| will always
// be called after a call to Start() unless Stop() is called in the meantime.
// |result_callback_| may be called before Start() completes.
// Calling Start() while a health check is in progress is a no-op.
virtual void Start();
// Stop the current health check. No callback is called as a side effect of
// this function.
// Calling Stop() on a Stop()ed health check is a no-op.
virtual void Stop();
static const char *ResultToString(Result result);
// Accessors.
const IPAddressQueue &remote_ips() { return remote_ips_; }
void set_run_data_test(bool val) { run_data_test_ = val; }
virtual bool health_check_in_progress() const {
return health_check_in_progress_;
friend class ConnectionHealthCheckerTest;
FRIEND_TEST(ConnectionHealthCheckerTest, GetSocketInfo);
FRIEND_TEST(ConnectionHealthCheckerTest, SendData);
FRIEND_TEST(ConnectionHealthCheckerTest, ShutDown);
// Time to wait for DNS server.
static const int kDNSTimeoutSeconds;
// Number of connection attempts before failure per health check request.
static const int kMaxConnectionAttempts;
static const uint16 kRemotePort;
// Start a new AsyncConnection with callback set to OnConnectionComplete().
void SetupTcpConnection();
// Callback for AsyncConnection.
// Observe the setup connection to test health state
void OnConnectionComplete(bool success, int sock_fd);
// Callback for DnsClient
void GetDNSResult(const Error &error, const IPAddress &ip);
void TryNextIP();
Result SendData(int sock_fd);
Result ShutDown(int sock_fd);
bool GetSocketInfo(int sock_fd, SocketInfo *sock_info);
ConnectionRefPtr connection_;
EventDispatcher *dispatcher_;
base::Callback<void(Result)> result_callback_;
IPAddressQueue remote_ips_;
scoped_ptr<SocketInfoReader> socket_info_reader_;
scoped_ptr<Sockets> socket_;
base::WeakPtrFactory<ConnectionHealthChecker> weak_ptr_factory_;
const base::Callback<void(bool, int)> connection_complete_callback_;
const base::Callback<void(const Error&, const IPAddress&)>
scoped_ptr<AsyncConnection> tcp_connection_;
scoped_ptr<DNSClient> dns_client_;
// If true, HealthChecker attempts to send a small amount of data over
// the network during the test. Otherwise, the inference is based on
// the connection open/close behaviour.
// Default: true
bool run_data_test_;
bool health_check_in_progress_;
short num_connection_attempts_;
} // namespace shill