blob: ae8dbb68b426e61e952a9385af88281ea50cfc4c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <base/macros.h>
#include <base/memory/ref_counted.h>
#include <base/memory/weak_ptr.h>
#include <gtest/gtest_prod.h> // for FRIEND_TEST
#include "shill/adaptor_interfaces.h"
#include "shill/callbacks.h"
#include "shill/connection_tester.h"
#include "shill/connectivity_trial.h"
#include "shill/dns_server_tester.h"
#include "shill/event_dispatcher.h"
#include "shill/ipconfig.h"
#include "shill/net/ip_address.h"
#include "shill/net/shill_time.h"
#include "shill/portal_detector.h"
#include "shill/property_store.h"
#include "shill/refptr_types.h"
#include "shill/service.h"
#include "shill/technology.h"
namespace shill {
class ControlInterface;
class DHCPProvider;
class DeviceAdaptorInterface;
class Endpoint;
class Error;
class EventDispatcher;
class GeolocationInfo;
class LinkMonitor;
class Manager;
class Metrics;
class RTNLHandler;
class TrafficMonitor;
// Device superclass. Individual network interfaces types will inherit from
// this class.
class Device : public base::RefCounted<Device> {
// Progressively scanning for access points (APs) is done with multiple scans,
// each containing a group of channels. The scans are performed in order of
// decreasing likelihood of connecting on one of the channels in a group
// (the number of channels in a group is a matter for system tuning). Fully
// scanning for APs does a complete scan of all the channels in a single scan.
// Progressive scanning is supported for wifi devices; technologies that
// support scan but don't support progressive scan will always perform a full
// scan, regardless of the requested scan type.
enum ScanType { kProgressiveScan, kFullScan };
// A constructor for the Device object
Device(ControlInterface *control_interface,
EventDispatcher *dispatcher,
Metrics *metrics,
Manager *manager,
const std::string &link_name,
const std::string &address,
int interface_index,
Technology::Identifier technology);
// Enable or disable the device. This is a convenience method for
// cases where we want to SetEnabledNonPersistent, but don't care
// about the results.
virtual void SetEnabled(bool enable);
// Enable or disable the device. Unlike SetEnabledPersistent, it does not
// save the setting in the profile.
// TODO(quiche): Replace both of the next two methods with calls to
// SetEnabledChecked.
virtual void SetEnabledNonPersistent(bool enable,
Error *error,
const ResultCallback &callback);
// Enable or disable the device, and save the setting in the profile.
// The setting is persisted before the enable or disable operation
// starts, so that even if it fails, the user's intent is still recorded
// for the next time shill restarts.
virtual void SetEnabledPersistent(bool enable,
Error *error,
const ResultCallback &callback);
// Enable or disable the Device, depending on |enable|.
// Save the new setting to the profile, if |persist| is true.
// Report synchronous errors using |error|, and asynchronous completion
// with |callback|.
virtual void SetEnabledChecked(bool enable,
bool persist,
Error *error,
const ResultCallback &callback);
// Similar to SetEnabledChecked, but without sanity checking, and
// without saving the new value of |enable| to the profile. If you
// are sane (i.e. not Cellular), you should use
// SetEnabledChecked instead.
virtual void SetEnabledUnchecked(bool enable,
Error *error,
const ResultCallback &callback);
// Returns true if the underlying device reports that it is already enabled.
// Used when the device is registered with the Manager, so that shill can
// sync its state/ with the true state of the device. The default is to
// report false.
virtual bool IsUnderlyingDeviceEnabled() const;
virtual void LinkEvent(unsigned flags, unsigned change);
// The default implementation sets |error| to kNotSupported.
virtual void Scan(ScanType scan_type, Error *error,
const std::string &reason);
virtual void RegisterOnNetwork(const std::string &network_id, Error *error,
const ResultCallback &callback);
virtual void RequirePIN(const std::string &pin, bool require,
Error *error, const ResultCallback &callback);
virtual void EnterPIN(const std::string &pin,
Error *error, const ResultCallback &callback);
virtual void UnblockPIN(const std::string &unblock_code,
const std::string &pin,
Error *error, const ResultCallback &callback);
virtual void ChangePIN(const std::string &old_pin,
const std::string &new_pin,
Error *error, const ResultCallback &callback);
virtual void Reset(Error *error, const ResultCallback &callback);
virtual void SetCarrier(const std::string &carrier,
Error *error, const ResultCallback &callback);
// Returns true if IPv6 is allowed and should be enabled when the device
// tries to acquire an IP configuration. The default implementation allows
// IPv6, which can be overridden by a derived class.
virtual bool IsIPv6Allowed() const;
virtual void DisableIPv6();
virtual void EnableIPv6();
virtual void EnableIPv6Privacy();
// Request the removal of reverse-path filtering for this interface.
// This will allow packets destined for this interface to be accepted,
// even if this is not the default route for such a packet to arrive.
virtual void DisableReversePathFilter();
// Request reverse-path filtering for this interface.
virtual void EnableReversePathFilter();
// Returns true if the selected service on the device (if any) is connected.
// Returns false if there is no selected service, or if the selected service
// is not connected.
bool IsConnected() const;
// Called by Device so that subclasses can run hooks on the selected service
// getting an IP. Subclasses should call up to the parent first.
virtual void OnConnected();
// Called by the Connection so that the Device can update the service sorting
// after one connection is bound to another.
virtual void OnConnectionUpdated();
// Returns true if the selected service on the device (if any) is connected
// and matches the passed-in argument |service|. Returns false if there is
// no connected service, or if it does not match |service|.
virtual bool IsConnectedToService(const ServiceRefPtr &service) const;
// Returns true if the DHCP parameters provided indicate that we are tethered
// to a mobile device.
virtual bool IsConnectedViaTether() const;
// Restart the portal detection process on a connected device. This is
// useful if the properties on the connected service have changed in a
// way that may affect the decision to run portal detection at all.
// Returns true if portal detection was started.
virtual bool RestartPortalDetection();
// Called by the manager to start a single connectivity test. This is used to
// log connection state triggered by a user feedback log request.
virtual bool StartConnectivityTest();
// Get receive and transmit byte counters.
virtual uint64_t GetReceiveByteCount();
virtual uint64_t GetTransmitByteCount();
// Perform a TDLS |operation| on the underlying device, with respect
// to a given |peer|. The string returned is empty for any operation
// other than kTDLSOperationStatus, which returns the state of the
// TDLS link with |peer|. This method is only valid for WiFi devices,
// but needs to be declared here since it is part of the Device RPC
// API.
virtual std::string PerformTDLSOperation(const std::string &operation,
const std::string &peer,
Error *error);
// Reset the persisted byte counters associated with the device.
void ResetByteCounters();
// Requests that portal detection be done, if this device has the default
// connection. Returns true if portal detection was started.
virtual bool RequestPortalDetection();
std::string GetRpcIdentifier() const;
std::string GetStorageIdentifier() const;
// Returns a list of Geolocation objects. Each object is multiple
// key-value pairs representing one entity that can be used for
// Geolocation.
virtual std::vector<GeolocationInfo> GetGeolocationObjects() const;
const std::string &address() const { return hardware_address_; }
const std::string &link_name() const { return link_name_; }
int interface_index() const { return interface_index_; }
const ConnectionRefPtr &connection() const { return connection_; }
bool enabled() const { return enabled_; }
bool enabled_persistent() const { return enabled_persistent_; }
virtual Technology::Identifier technology() const { return technology_; }
std::string GetTechnologyString(Error *error);
virtual const IPConfigRefPtr &ipconfig() const { return ipconfig_; }
void set_ipconfig(const IPConfigRefPtr &config) { ipconfig_ = config; }
const std::string &FriendlyName() const;
// Returns a string that is guaranteed to uniquely identify this Device
// instance.
const std::string &UniqueName() const;
PropertyStore *mutable_store() { return &store_; }
const PropertyStore &store() const { return store_; }
RTNLHandler *rtnl_handler() { return rtnl_handler_; }
bool running() const { return running_; }
EventDispatcher *dispatcher() const { return dispatcher_; }
// Load configuration for the device from |storage|. This may include
// instantiating non-visible services for which configuration has been
// stored.
virtual bool Load(StoreInterface *storage);
// Save configuration for the device to |storage|.
virtual bool Save(StoreInterface *storage);
void set_dhcp_provider(DHCPProvider *provider) { dhcp_provider_ = provider; }
DeviceAdaptorInterface *adaptor() const { return adaptor_.get(); }
// Suspend event handler. Called by Manager before the system
// suspends. This handler, along with any other suspend handlers,
// will have Manager::kTerminationActionsTimeoutMilliseconds to
// execute before the system enters the suspend state. |callback|
// must be invoked after all synchronous and/or asynchronous actions
// this function performs complete.
// Code that needs to run on exit, as well as on suspend, should use
// Manager::AddTerminationAction, rather than OnBeforeSuspend.
virtual void OnBeforeSuspend(const ResultCallback &callback);
// Resume event handler. Called by Manager as the system resumes.
// The base class implementation takes care of renewing a DHCP lease
// (if necessary). Derived classes may implement any technology
// specific requirements by overriding, but should include a call to
// the base class implementation.
virtual void OnAfterResume();
// This method is invoked when the system resumes from suspend temporarily in
// the "dark resume" state. The system will reenter suspend in
// Manager::kTerminationActionsTimeoutMilliseconds. |callback| must be invoked
// after all synchronous and/or asynchronous actions this function performs
// and/or posts complete.
virtual void OnDarkResume(const ResultCallback &callback);
// Destroy the lease, if any, with this |name|.
// Called by the service during Unload() as part of the cleanup sequence.
virtual void DestroyIPConfigLease(const std::string &name);
// Called by DeviceInfo when the kernel adds or removes a globally-scoped
// IPv6 address from this interface.
virtual void OnIPv6AddressChanged();
// Called by DeviceInfo when the kernel receives a update for IPv6 DNS server
// addresses from this interface.
virtual void OnIPv6DnsServerAddressesChanged();
// Called when link becomes unreliable (multiple link monitor failures
// detected in short period of time).
virtual void OnUnreliableLink();
// Program a rule into the NIC to wake the system from suspend upon receiving
// packets from |ip_endpoint|. |error| indicates the result of the
// operation.
virtual void AddWakeOnPacketConnection(const std::string &ip_endpoint,
Error *error);
// Removes a rule previously programmed into the NIC to wake the system from
// suspend upon receiving packets from |ip_endpoint|. |error| indicates the
// result of the operation.
virtual void RemoveWakeOnPacketConnection(const std::string &ip_endpoint,
Error *error);
// Removes all wake-on-packet rules programmed into the NIC. |error| indicates
// the result of the operation.
virtual void RemoveAllWakeOnPacketConnections(Error *error);
friend class base::RefCounted<Device>;
friend class DeviceHealthCheckerTest;
FRIEND_TEST(CellularServiceTest, IsAutoConnectable);
FRIEND_TEST(CellularTest, EnableTrafficMonitor);
FRIEND_TEST(CellularTest, ModemStateChangeDisable);
FRIEND_TEST(CellularTest, UseNoArpGateway);
FRIEND_TEST(ConnectionTest, OnRouteQueryResponse);
FRIEND_TEST(DeviceHealthCheckerTest, HealthCheckerPersistsAcrossDeviceReset);
FRIEND_TEST(DeviceHealthCheckerTest, RequestConnectionHealthCheck);
FRIEND_TEST(DeviceHealthCheckerTest, SetupHealthChecker);
FRIEND_TEST(DevicePortalDetectionTest, RequestStartConnectivityTest);
FRIEND_TEST(DeviceTest, AcquireIPConfig);
FRIEND_TEST(DeviceTest, AvailableIPConfigs);
FRIEND_TEST(DeviceTest, DestroyIPConfig);
FRIEND_TEST(DeviceTest, DestroyIPConfigNULL);
FRIEND_TEST(DeviceTest, EnableIPv6);
FRIEND_TEST(DeviceTest, GetProperties);
FRIEND_TEST(DeviceTest, IPConfigUpdatedFailureWithIPv6Config);
FRIEND_TEST(DeviceTest, IsConnectedViaTether);
FRIEND_TEST(DeviceTest, LinkMonitorFailure);
FRIEND_TEST(DeviceTest, Load);
FRIEND_TEST(DeviceTest, OnIPv6AddressChanged);
FRIEND_TEST(DeviceTest, OnIPv6ConfigurationCompleted);
FRIEND_TEST(DeviceTest, OnIPv6DnsServerAddressesChanged);
FRIEND_TEST(DeviceTest, Save);
FRIEND_TEST(DeviceTest, SelectedService);
FRIEND_TEST(DeviceTest, SetEnabledNonPersistent);
FRIEND_TEST(DeviceTest, SetEnabledPersistent);
FRIEND_TEST(DeviceTest, SetServiceConnectedState);
FRIEND_TEST(DeviceTest, ShouldUseArpGateway);
FRIEND_TEST(DeviceTest, Start);
FRIEND_TEST(DeviceTest, StartTrafficMonitor);
FRIEND_TEST(DeviceTest, Stop);
FRIEND_TEST(DeviceTest, StopTrafficMonitor);
FRIEND_TEST(ManagerTest, DeviceRegistrationAndStart);
FRIEND_TEST(ManagerTest, ConnectedTechnologies);
FRIEND_TEST(ManagerTest, DefaultTechnology);
FRIEND_TEST(ManagerTest, SetEnabledStateForTechnology);
FRIEND_TEST(PPPDeviceTest, UpdateIPConfigFromPPP);
FRIEND_TEST(WiFiMainTest, Connect);
FRIEND_TEST(WiFiMainTest, UseArpGateway);
FRIEND_TEST(WiMaxTest, ConnectTimeout);
FRIEND_TEST(WiMaxTest, UseNoArpGateway);
virtual ~Device();
// Each device must implement this method to do the work needed to
// enable the device to operate for establishing network connections.
// The |error| argument, if not nullptr,
// will refer to an Error that starts out with the value
// Error::kOperationInitiated. This reflects the assumption that
// enable (and disable) operations will usually be non-blocking,
// and their completion will be indicated by means of an asynchronous
// reply sometime later. There are two circumstances in which a
// device's Start() method may overwrite |error|:
// 1. If an early failure is detected, such that the non-blocking
// part of the operation never takes place, then |error| should
// be set to the appropriate value corresponding to the type
// of failure. This is the "immediate failure" case.
// 2. If the device is enabled without performing any non-blocking
// steps, then |error| should be Reset, i.e., its value set
// to Error::kSuccess. This is the "immediate success" case.
// In these two cases, because completion is immediate, |callback|
// is not used. If neither of these two conditions holds, then |error|
// should not be modified, and |callback| should be passed to the
// method that will initiate the non-blocking operation.
virtual void Start(Error *error,
const EnabledStateChangedCallback &callback) = 0;
// Each device must implement this method to do the work needed to
// disable the device, i.e., clear any running state, and make the
// device no longer capable of establishing network connections.
// The discussion for Start() regarding the use of |error| and
// |callback| apply to Stop() as well.
virtual void Stop(Error *error,
const EnabledStateChangedCallback &callback) = 0;
// The EnabledStateChangedCallback that gets passed to the device's
// Start() and Stop() methods is bound to this method. |callback|
// is the callback that was passed to SetEnabled().
void OnEnabledStateChanged(const ResultCallback &callback,
const Error &error);
// Drops the currently selected service along with its IP configuration and
// connection, if any.
virtual void DropConnection();
// If there's an IP configuration in |ipconfig_|, releases the IP address and
// destroys the configuration instance.
void DestroyIPConfig();
// Creates a new DHCP IP configuration instance, stores it in |ipconfig_| and
// requests a new IP configuration. Saves the DHCP lease to the generic
// lease filename based on the interface name. Registers a callback to
// IPConfigUpdatedCallback on IP configuration changes. Returns true if the IP
// request was successfully sent.
bool AcquireIPConfig();
// Creates a new DHCP IP configuration instance, stores it in |ipconfig_| and
// requests a new IP configuration. Saves the DHCP lease to a filename
// based on the passed-in |lease_name|. Registers a callback to
// IPConfigUpdatedCallback on IP configuration changes. Returns true if the IP
// request was successfully sent.
bool AcquireIPConfigWithLeaseName(const std::string &lease_name);
// Assigns the IP configuration |properties| to |ipconfig_|.
void AssignIPConfig(const IPConfig::Properties &properties);
// Callback invoked on successful IP configuration updates.
void OnIPConfigUpdated(const IPConfigRefPtr &ipconfig);
// Callback invoked on IP configuration failures.
void OnIPConfigFailed(const IPConfigRefPtr &ipconfig);
// Callback invoked when "Refresh" is invoked on an IPConfig. This usually
// signals a change in static IP parameters.
void OnIPConfigRefreshed(const IPConfigRefPtr &ipconfig);
// Callback invoked when an IPConfig restarts due to lease expiry. This
// is advisory, since an "Updated" or "Failed" signal is guaranteed to
// follow.
void OnIPConfigExpired(const IPConfigRefPtr &ipconfig);
// Called by Device so that subclasses can run hooks on the selected service
// failing to get an IP. The default implementation disconnects the selected
// service with Service::kFailureDHCP.
virtual void OnIPConfigFailure();
// Maintain connection state (Routes, IP Addresses and DNS) in the OS.
void CreateConnection();
// Remove connection state
void DestroyConnection();
// Selects a service to be "current" -- i.e. link-state or configuration
// events that happen to the device are attributed to this service.
void SelectService(const ServiceRefPtr &service);
// Set the state of the |selected_service_|.
virtual void SetServiceState(Service::ConnectState state);
// Set the failure of the selected service (implicitly sets the state to
// "failure").
virtual void SetServiceFailure(Service::ConnectFailure failure_state);
// Records the failure mode and time of the selected service, and
// sets the Service state of the selected service to "Idle".
// Avoids showing a failure mole in the UI.
virtual void SetServiceFailureSilent(Service::ConnectFailure failure_state);
// Called by the Portal Detector whenever a trial completes. Device
// subclasses that choose unique mappings from portal results to connected
// states can override this method in order to do so.
virtual void PortalDetectorCallback(const PortalDetector::Result &result);
// Initiate portal detection, if enabled for this device type.
bool StartPortalDetection();
// Stop portal detection if it is running.
void StopPortalDetection();
// Stop connectivity tester if it exists.
void StopConnectivityTest();
// Initiate link monitoring, if enabled for this device type.
bool StartLinkMonitor();
// Stop link monitoring if it is running.
void StopLinkMonitor();
// Respond to a LinkMonitor failure in a Device-specific manner.
virtual void OnLinkMonitorFailure();
// Respond to a LinkMonitor gateway's MAC address found/change event.
virtual void OnLinkMonitorGatewayChange();
// Returns true if traffic monitor is enabled on this device. The default
// implementation will return false, which can be overridden by a derived
// class.
virtual bool IsTrafficMonitorEnabled() const;
// Initiates traffic monitoring on the device if traffic monitor is enabled.
void StartTrafficMonitor();
// Stops traffic monitoring on the device if traffic monitor is enabled.
void StopTrafficMonitor();
// Start DNS test for the given servers. When retry_until_success is set,
// callback will only be invoke when the test succeed or the test failed to
// start (internal error). This function will return false if there is a test
// that's already running, and true otherwise.
virtual bool StartDNSTest(
const std::vector<std::string> &dns_servers,
const bool retry_until_success,
const base::Callback<void(const DNSServerTester::Status)> &callback);
// Stop DNS test if one is running.
virtual void StopDNSTest();
// Timer function for monitoring IPv6 DNS server's lifetime.
void StartIPv6DNSServerTimer(uint32 lifetime_seconds);
void StopIPv6DNSServerTimer();
// Stop all monitoring/testing activities on this device. Called when tearing
// down or changing network connection on the device.
void StopAllActivities();
// Called by the Traffic Monitor when it detects a network problem. Device
// subclasses that want to roam to a different network when encountering
// network problems can override this method in order to do so. The parent
// implementation handles the metric reporting of the network problem.
virtual void OnEncounterNetworkProblem(int reason);
// Set the state of the selected service, with checks to make sure
// the service is already in a connected state before doing so.
void SetServiceConnectedState(Service::ConnectState state);
// Specifies whether an ARP gateway should be used for the
// device technology.
virtual bool ShouldUseArpGateway() const;
// Indicates if the selected service is configured with a static IP address.
bool IsUsingStaticIP() const;
const ServiceRefPtr &selected_service() const { return selected_service_; }
void HelpRegisterConstDerivedString(
const std::string &name,
std::string(Device::*get)(Error *));
void HelpRegisterConstDerivedRpcIdentifiers(
const std::string &name,
RpcIdentifiers(Device::*get)(Error *));
void HelpRegisterConstDerivedUint64(
const std::string &name,
uint64_t(Device::*get)(Error *));
// Called by the ConnectionTester whenever a connectivity test completes.
virtual void ConnectionTesterCallback();
// Property getters reserved for subclasses
ControlInterface *control_interface() const { return control_interface_; }
Metrics *metrics() const { return metrics_; }
Manager *manager() const { return manager_; }
const LinkMonitor *link_monitor() const { return link_monitor_.get(); }
void set_link_monitor(LinkMonitor *link_monitor);
// Use for unit test.
void set_traffic_monitor(TrafficMonitor *traffic_monitor);
friend class CellularCapabilityTest;
friend class CellularTest;
friend class DeviceAdaptorInterface;
friend class DeviceByteCountTest;
friend class DevicePortalDetectionTest;
friend class DeviceTest;
friend class EthernetTest;
friend class OpenVPNDriverTest;
friend class TestDevice;
friend class VirtualDeviceTest;
friend class WiFiObjectTest;
static const char kIPFlagTemplate[];
static const char kIPFlagVersion4[];
static const char kIPFlagVersion6[];
static const char kIPFlagDisableIPv6[];
static const char kIPFlagUseTempAddr[];
static const char kIPFlagUseTempAddrUsedAndDefault[];
static const char kIPFlagReversePathFilter[];
static const char kIPFlagReversePathFilterEnabled[];
static const char kIPFlagReversePathFilterLooseMode[];
static const char kStoragePowered[];
static const char kStorageReceiveByteCount[];
static const char kStorageTransmitByteCount[];
static const char kFallbackDnsTestHostname[];
static const char* kFallbackDnsServers[];
static const int kDNSTimeoutMilliseconds;
// Maximum seconds between two link monitor failures to declare this link
// (network) as unreliable.
static const int kLinkMonitorFailureUnreliableThresholdSeconds;
// Configure static IP address parameters if the service provides them.
void ConfigureStaticIPTask();
// Right now, Devices reference IPConfigs directly when persisted to disk
// It's not clear that this makes sense long-term, but that's how it is now.
// This call generates a string in the right format for this persisting.
// |suffix| is injected into the storage identifier used for the configs.
std::string SerializeIPConfigs(const std::string &suffix);
// Set an IP configuration flag on the device. |family| should be "ipv6" or
// "ipv4". |flag| should be the name of the flag to be set and |value| is
// what this flag should be set to. Overridden by unit tests to pretend
// writing to procfs.
virtual bool SetIPFlag(IPAddress::Family family,
const std::string &flag,
const std::string &value);
std::vector<std::string> AvailableIPConfigs(Error *error);
std::string GetRpcConnectionIdentifier();
// Get the LinkMonitor's average response time.
uint64_t GetLinkMonitorResponseTime(Error *error);
// Get receive and transmit byte counters. These methods simply wrap
// GetReceiveByteCount and GetTransmitByteCount in order to be used by
// HelpRegisterConstDerivedUint64.
uint64_t GetReceiveByteCountProperty(Error *error);
uint64_t GetTransmitByteCountProperty(Error *error);
// Emit a property change signal for the "IPConfigs" property of this device.
void UpdateIPConfigsProperty();
// Called by DNS server tester when the fallback DNS servers test completes.
void FallbackDNSResultCallback(const DNSServerTester::Status status);
// Called by DNS server tester when the configured DNS servers test completes.
void ConfigDNSResultCallback(const DNSServerTester::Status status);
// Update DNS setting with the given DNS servers for the current connection.
void SwitchDNSServers(const std::vector<std::string> &dns_servers);
// Called when the lifetime for IPv6 DNS server expires.
void IPv6DNSServerExpired();
// Return true if given IP configuration contain both IP address and DNS
// servers. Hence, ready to be used for network connection.
bool IPConfigCompleted(const IPConfigRefPtr &ipconfig);
// Setup network connection with given IP configuration, and start portal
// detection on that connection.
void SetupConnection(const IPConfigRefPtr &ipconfig);
// Called when IPv6 configuration changes.
void OnIPv6ConfigUpdated();
// |enabled_persistent_| is the value of the Powered property, as
// read from the profile. If it is not found in the profile, it
// defaults to true. |enabled_| reflects the real-time state of
// the device, i.e., enabled or disabled. |enabled_pending_| reflects
// the target state of the device while an enable or disable operation
// is occurring.
// Some typical sequences for these state variables are shown below.
// Shill starts up, profile has been read:
// |enabled_persistent_|=true |enabled_|=false |enabled_pending_|=false
// Shill acts on the value of |enabled_persistent_|, calls SetEnabled(true):
// |enabled_persistent_|=true |enabled_|=false |enabled_pending_|=true
// SetEnabled completes successfully, device is enabled:
// |enabled_persistent_|=true |enabled_|=true |enabled_pending_|=true
// User presses "Disable" button, SetEnabled(false) is called:
// |enabled_persistent_|=false |enabled_|=true |enabled_pending_|=false
// SetEnabled completes successfully, device is disabled:
// |enabled_persistent_|=false |enabled_|=false |enabled_pending_|=false
bool enabled_;
bool enabled_persistent_;
bool enabled_pending_;
// Other properties
bool reconnect_;
const std::string hardware_address_;
PropertyStore store_;
const int interface_index_;
bool running_; // indicates whether the device is actually in operation
const std::string link_name_;
const std::string unique_id_;
ControlInterface *control_interface_;
EventDispatcher *dispatcher_;
Metrics *metrics_;
Manager *manager_;
IPConfigRefPtr ipconfig_;
IPConfigRefPtr ip6config_;
ConnectionRefPtr connection_;
base::WeakPtrFactory<Device> weak_ptr_factory_;
std::unique_ptr<DeviceAdaptorInterface> adaptor_;
std::unique_ptr<PortalDetector> portal_detector_;
std::unique_ptr<LinkMonitor> link_monitor_;
// Used for verifying whether DNS server is functional.
std::unique_ptr<DNSServerTester> dns_server_tester_;
base::Callback<void(const PortalDetector::Result &)>
// Callback to invoke when IPv6 DNS servers lifetime expired.
base::CancelableClosure ipv6_dns_server_expired_callback_;
std::unique_ptr<TrafficMonitor> traffic_monitor_;
// DNS servers obtained from ipconfig (either from DHCP or static config)
// that are not working.
std::vector<std::string> config_dns_servers_;
Technology::Identifier technology_;
// The number of portal detection attempts from Connected to Online state.
// This includes all failure/timeout attempts and the final successful
// attempt.
int portal_attempts_to_online_;
// Keep track of the offset between the interface-reported byte counters
// and our persisted value.
uint64_t receive_byte_offset_;
uint64_t transmit_byte_offset_;
// Maintain a reference to the connected / connecting service
ServiceRefPtr selected_service_;
// Cache singleton pointers for performance and test purposes.
DHCPProvider *dhcp_provider_;
RTNLHandler *rtnl_handler_;
// Time when link monitor last failed.
Time *time_;
time_t last_link_monitor_failed_time_;
std::unique_ptr<ConnectionTester> connection_tester_;
base::Callback<void()> connection_tester_callback_;
} // namespace shill
#endif // SHILL_DEVICE_H_