blob: 1f86bd8b0a3ec5bfcd885b5ea7b0d0b0592ce144 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "shill/wpa_supplicant.h"
namespace shill {
namespace wpa_supplicant {
const char kBSSPropertyBSSID[] = "BSSID";
const char kBSSPropertyFrequency[] = "Frequency";
const char kBSSPropertyMode[] = "Mode";
const char kBSSPropertySSID[] = "SSID";
const char kBSSPropertySignal[] = "Signal";
// TODO(gauravsh): Make this path be a configurable option.
// Location of the system root CA certificates.
const char kCaPath[] = "/etc/ssl/certs";
const char kCurrentBSSNull[] = "/";
const char kDBusAddr[] = "fi.w1.wpa_supplicant1";
const char kDBusPath[] = "/fi/w1/wpa_supplicant1";
const char kDriverNL80211[] = "nl80211";
const char kErrorInterfaceExists[] = "fi.w1.wpa_supplicant1.InterfaceExists";
const char kInterfacePropertyCurrentBSS[] = "CurrentBSS";
const char kInterfacePropertyState[] = "State";
const char kInterfaceState4WayHandshake[] = "4way_handshake";
const char kInterfaceStateAssociated[] = "associated";
const char kInterfaceStateAssociating[] = "associating";
const char kInterfaceStateAuthenticating[] = "authenticating";
const char kInterfaceStateCompleted[] = "completed";
const char kInterfaceStateDisconnected[] = "disconnected";
const char kInterfaceStateGroupHandshake[] = "group_handshake";
const char kInterfaceStateInactive[] = "inactive";
const char kInterfaceStateScanning[] = "scanning";
const char kKeyManagementMethodSuffixEAP[] = "-eap";
const char kKeyManagementMethodSuffixPSK[] = "-psk";
const char kKeyModeNone[] = "NONE";
const char kNetworkBgscanMethodLearn[] = "learn";
const char kNetworkBgscanMethodSimple[] = "simple";
const char kNetworkModeInfrastructure[] = "infrastructure";
const char kNetworkModeAdHoc[] = "ad-hoc";
const char kNetworkModeAccessPoint[] = "ap";
const char kNetworkPropertyBgscan[] = "bgscan";
const char kNetworkPropertyCaPath[] = "ca_path";
const char kNetworkPropertyEapKeyManagement[] = "key_mgmt";
const char kNetworkPropertyEapIdentity[] = "identity";
const char kNetworkPropertyEapEap[] = "eap";
const char kNetworkPropertyEapInnerEap[] = "phase2";
const char kNetworkPropertyEapAnonymousIdentity[] = "anonymous_identity";
const char kNetworkPropertyEapClientCert[] = "client_cert";
const char kNetworkPropertyEapPrivateKey[] = "private_key";
const char kNetworkPropertyEapPrivateKeyPassword[] = "private_key_passwd";
const char kNetworkPropertyEapCaCert[] = "ca_cert";
const char kNetworkPropertyEapCaPassword[] = "password";
const char kNetworkPropertyEapCertId[] = "cert_id";
const char kNetworkPropertyEapKeyId[] = "key_id";
const char kNetworkPropertyEapCaCertId[] = "ca_cert_id";
const char kNetworkPropertyEapPin[] = "pin";
const char kNetworkPropertyMode[] = "mode";
const char kNetworkPropertyScanSSID[] = "scan_ssid";
const char kNetworkPropertySSID[] = "ssid";
const char kPropertyAuthAlg[] = "auth_alg";
const char kPropertyPreSharedKey[] = "psk";
const char kPropertyPrivacy[] = "Privacy";
const char kPropertyRSN[] = "RSN";
const char kPropertyScanSSIDs[] = "SSIDs";
const char kPropertyScanType[] = "Type";
const char kPropertySecurityProtocol[] = "proto";
const char kPropertyWEPKey[] = "wep_key";
const char kPropertyWEPTxKeyIndex[] = "wep_tx_keyidx";
const char kPropertyWPA[] = "WPA";
const char kScanTypeActive[] = "active";
const char kSecurityAuthAlg[] = "OPEN SHARED";
const char kSecurityMethodPropertyKeyManagement[] = "KeyMgmt";
const char kSecurityModeRSN[] = "RSN";
const char kSecurityModeWPA[] = "WPA";
const uint32_t kNetworkModeInfrastructureInt = 0;
const uint32_t kNetworkModeAdHocInt = 1;
const uint32_t kNetworkModeAccessPointInt = 2;
const uint32_t kScanMaxSSIDsPerScan = 4;
} // namespace shill